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3119369616 3119369616
Amateur computer enthusiast. Learning front-end development technologies and the Rust programming language. 业余计算机爱好者。正在学习前端开发技术和 Rust 编程语言。

Student 学生 China 中国大陆

Semen Komissarov semensanyok
Software developer.


Ali Eivazzade Ali-Eivazzade
Electrical engineering student at Sahand university of technology

Iran , Tabriz

Ruslan ruzyqwerty

Russian Federation

Zichen Yi hdjdnfh
student of Liaoning Normal University @liaoning Normal University

Liaoning Normal University Dalian, Liaoning, China

Rodolfo Correia do Nascimento RodolfoCorreiaNascimento
Sou estudante de e Unity, Tenho conhecimentos em C, C++, POO, Python, HTML5, CSS, C#.NET. Embu - Sp

Fábio Pichler fabiopichler
C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Java, C#, Lua, Ruby, HTML, CSS. Frameworks: Qt, Laravel, React, React Native, Vue.js, Bootstrap, wxWidgets, SDL2 e mais...

Hulha Negra / RS / Brazil

Christian redday1122
Programmer (C / C++)

Holl & Partner Software GmbH Germany

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Dhruv Solanki dhruv-solanki
Software Engineer


Sadra Georgi ImTheSadra
desktop game/app developer :octocat:

Iran / Georgia

devromariops devromariops
Graduado em Tecnologia em Análize e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas no IFRN (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte)
Tino Gómez Nova6K0
I love technology and science. Also compose music, and write. Although, like everything else, we are learning little by little...


Kobi Kadosh wildcard
Code Artisan, Web 2.0 solutionist & CTO Getin, Web3 novice

Getin Vancouver, BC, Canada

Zans Kaiox
C, Cpp, C#, Java, JavaScript, .net, VB . . . Local & WebPackets reverse enginer

Evolution Germany

Shreyas Viswanathan SXV357
Purdue CS '27. Data-Driven Web Applications and Autonomous Systems enthusiast. Aspiring Computer Vision Engineer.

@ML-Purdue West Lafayette, Indiana

Salvador Ortiz sal-ortiz
has been known to like stuff.

Chicago, IL

Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing. Also port old Software to newer standards, EVIL!


Carson git-hub-tig
Mathman, logician, coder. For the mysterious.


David Carroll axesilo
Software Engineer

BibleProject Portland, OR

Laert Jansen laertjansen
Virtual worlds, interactions, and tangible prototypes primarily with Unreal Engine, 3D software, TouchDesigner, Arduino boards, and electronic components.
