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Pedro Euzebio pedroeuzebiojs
Desenvolvedor Full Stack | JavaScript | React | Next.js | TypeScript | Tailwind CSS | Node.js | Fastify | Prisma ORM | Docker | NestJS

Baturité, Ceará, Brasil

Thiago Magno thgmagno
Desenvolvedor React, React Native e Next.js, estilização com Tailwind CSS, database usando Prisma e PostgreSQL. Domínio das linguagens HTML, CSS e JavaScript.

Brazil - Santa Catarina - Palhoça

Felipe Moreira FellpsDev
💻 NOC II com foco em Desenvolvimento Full Stack.

@LinkSpeed Betim

锂碘 TenviLi
DevOps / React / Manga Creator / Synthsizer

@bilibili [object GeoData]

Ruan Carvalho Ruansmc
Fiz transição de carreira tem alguns meses, me apaixonei por programação, atuei no primeiro projeto CBMBA como front-end. Front-end in course.

Frontend Salvador,Ba

Ezequiel Brilhante ezequielbrilhantedev
Software Developer. #JavaScript #React #VueJS #TypeScript #Angular #Python #Django

Accenture Brasil Brasil

The Coder 🧑🏼‍💻 the-coder-o
Hi there, I'm a fullstack javascript who simply loves building things. In addition to coding, I also make YouTube videos, where I focus on tech, creative vloggi

GlobalMove Uzbekistan

Igor Fernandes Igor097

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Soli Tsaagane soli-rsa
Content Creator, Web Developer & Audio Technician

@eland-io Ekurhuleni, South Africa

Henrique Stocco HenriqueStocco
I know nothing

@cesta-basica-brasil-cbb Brazil

Wilkson P. WilksonPedro
Personality: ENTP-T Geek Endomorfo


António Solipa solipa365
Olá,👋 Eu sou o António Solipa um desenvolvedor de 19 anos, apaixonado por programação estudo na @escolaprofissionalfundao.

@artlifeinnovation365 Fundão, Castelo Branco, Portugal

Sidney Pimentel sidneyspe
Senior QA Engineer | SDET | JavaScript | Python | C# | Cypress | Robot Framework | SpecFlow | 🏳️‍🌈

Campina Grande - PB, Brasil

Victor Morramidy Victor5g
Um amante da tecnologia que aprecia um bom desafio!

New York - NYC

Victor Badaró victorbadaro
Full Stack developer (Frontend focused) and new technologies lover. The following technologies are part of my day to day usage (in different levels): Node JS, J

Brasil, Lins-SP - 16403-493

Douglas doulgs
👋 Hi there! I'm Douglas, a passionate React Native developer with 2 years of experience. I specialize in creating intuitive and high-performance mobile apps.

DevCoffye Maringa-PR

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Wilovy09 Wilovy09
Self-taught programmer, fullstack lover and interested in the blockchain world.


Samuel Oliveira SamuelOliveiraa
Web Development Student | HTML | CSS | JS🎯💻

São Paulo, Sao Paulo

Wesley Silva wesley-silv
Computer scientist and Front-end developer

Gerenciamento e Controle de Trânsito Araxá-MG / Brasil


Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

Harlley Rebouças harlleyreboucas
Frontend Developer working with Jamstack Technologies in the Digital Marketing field: React, GatsbyJS, NextJS, Strapi, Firebase, Vercel, Netlify

Porto Velho, Rondônia - Brazil

Natan Amorim S. G. de Moraes NatanAmorim
I love .NET Core and Flutter

Brazil, Andradina - SP

devsam samuelwsouza
"I am a fullstack developer always leveling up."

São Paulo

Caio Alberto caioalbert
Programador Front-end & Back-end.

Rocket app tec Fortaleza

Gustavo Falcão gustavofalcao1
Computer Engineer and Systems Manager

@GeekInfinity Portugal

Rick Neves rickneves15
Full Stack Developer
Rodivânio Alberto Da Costa ronydevdesgn
I'm a front end programmer and interface designer. I use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript technologies and the ReactJs framework, among others.

NexusTech and @marta-devs Angola, Luanda

Matheus Felipe Neves Campos Cardoso Ndrake337
Computer Engineer, Back-end Developer and Multimedia Technician. Seeking programming challenges everywhere Current Position: Data Analyst at @itau

@itau São Paulo

Ana Beatriz Biahdev
Desenvolvedora Back-end | Java | MySQL | "Só existe evolução porque existem fraquezas" - BK Belo Horizonte - Brazil

Pedro Peter94157
Dev Junior | Assistente Administrativo | Power BI | Estágio em Tecnologia | VBA EXCEL | JAVA |Python | HTML5 | CSS3 | Ciências da computação

Magazine Luiza Osasco

Gustavo Prado gpradotech
Graduado em Design Gráfico; Pós graduado em UX Design, Usabilidade e Arquitetura da Informação.

VX Comunicação Duque de Caxias (RJ)