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Delcio godelcio
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Dad | 💻 Tech Enthusiast | 📚 Lifelong Learner | 🌟 Passionate about Inclusion | Opinions are mine.

Views are my own, not associated to any company or organisation Citizen of the World

Nico Domino ndom91

GitButler Berlin

Max Jahn maxjahn

Vienna, Austria

blazr trailblazr
just tinkering with python, C/C++, bash, linux, obj-c, swift, iOS, tvOS and macOS.

Bremen, Germany

Jonas Tranberg naueramant
MSc in Computer Science / DevOps / Team Lead

UNIwise Aarhus, Denmark

Marcos Moura thomaslnx
Software Engineer JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, NextJS, NestJS and Go Lang Jedi Apprentice

FullStack Software Engineer

born to do reverse engineering financially forced to do websec.
Luis compressionsavant
gan tutorial enjoyer

Berlin, Germany

Giorgos Margaritis gmargari

Beta CAE Systems Thessaloniki, Greece

Filipe Ferreira topogibra
Gateway middleware engineer @bosch

Bosch Porto, Portugal

PigsyAK PigsyAK
Alex dhondta
I'm a security professional with a passion for cybersecurity and programming (especially Python).
Fab Ian Fuerste johlton

University Library - Berlin Institute Of Technology Berlin

Miguel Duarte miguelpduarte
Software Developer + Pentester and Infosec enthusiast | MSc in Informatics and Computation Engineering @FEUP


Yusuf Talha ARABACI yusufarbc
SOC Analyst

İstanbul, Türkiye

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

vhash LucasVanHaaren
n00by h4xx0r


Lucas Nicodemus hakusaro
I maintain TShock; I am particles!

株式会社素粒子 東京

Irsath Ahamed Irsathz
Hacker | Developer | Security Researcher

Tamil Nadu

Emmanuel emmanuelepp
Backend Software Engineer - C#, C++, Rust

United States - Universe C-137

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Lucas Cavalini lucascavalini
Computer Engineer

UFPel São Paulo - SP

Caio Oliveira caiossoliveira
Masters in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics. Computer Eng. interested in cyber-physical systems, embedded systems and Maker culture.

ICMC - USP São Carlos - SP

Cipherat cipherat
a cipher rat. obviously.
Fake Face Fake-Face

Somewhere in the galaxy...

Andres Hdz andreshdz1
not a developer YET


Prateek nerdishhomosapein
Software Engineer Golang || Kafka || Distributed Systems || C

New Delhi