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Sergio Severino do Nascimento SSNascimento
Studying for Web Developer and with knowledge in Artificial Intelligence.
Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Maxson Ferovante maxsonferovante
Backend Developer | Python | Flask | FastAPI | Django
Nayara dos Santos NayaraTI
Desenvolvedora BackEnd Python/Sql


Felipe Colen felipecolen
Backend Python Engineer

Tribunal de Justiça de Rondônia Porto Velho/RO

Pamella Bezerra pamella
Senior Software Engineer at @vintasoftware. Bachelor of Computer Science from CIn/UFPE.

@vintasoftware Brasil

Léo Biscassi leobiscassi

Jungle Scout São Paulo, Brazil

Prof. Claudio Bonel, M.Sc. claudiobonel
Professor de graduação e pós-graduação, em disciplinas relacionadas a Análise de Dados. Mestre e Doutorando em Educação - Universidade Católica de Petrópolis

Quali-quanti Rio de Janeiro

Léo Moraes leohmoraes
Developer Fullstack/Backend: Php (+20y)/Laravel (+5y) Now: Flutter, API (python/node) Florianopolis, SC

Augusto Herrmann augusto-herrmann
Creator of, co-founder of, data engineer and contributor to open data and free software projects.

Brasília, DF, Brazil

Alex - Gamadev gamadev3
Dev Backend #Python #Django


Radamés Sapiosonic
Web Developer | Pythonista | Rubyist | React + React Native | D3.js lover | Datavis | Data Science enthusiast | GIS |

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Leandro Meili lmeilibr
Starting as a Naval Engineer, I soon found problem-solving and software development far more engaging—and without the confines of inscrutable ship interiors.

BCR.CX Sao Paulo - Brazil

Francieli Vianna Fsilva1993-dev
Estudante de ADS Software Enginering Python | Java | Analytics

Ernst & Young Assessoria

Gabriel Mizuno GMizuno
Statistician, Data Engineer and Data Scientist

Maio Marketing Niteroi

Bruno jclmntn
Cientista de dados. Atualmente no GPA. Ex-LI, Ex-CADE (DEE). Mestre em economia aplicada pelo PPEA-UFOP.

GPA São Paulo, Brazil

Diego Ascanio Santos DiegoAscanio
Professor no CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis. Engenheiro de Computação e mestre em Modelagem Matemática Computacional.

CEFET-MG Divinópolis

Giovanni Freitas GiovanniCRFreitas

Rede de Ensino APOGEU Juiz de Fora

Emanuel Betcel eBetcel
Data Engineer | Analytics Engineer

Localiza & CO Natal, Brazil

Jhonata Medeiros jhonatacaiob
Desenvolvedor web

@activesoft-consultoria Natal, RN, Brasil

Ítalo Epifânio itepifanio
Machine Learning Engineer at Shape Digital

Shape Digital Brazil, Natal, RN

Gesiel Rios Lopes gesielrios

São Carlos - São Paulo

Natália Granato nataliagranato
Kubernetes Contributor | CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Native | DevOps | Site Reliability Engineer | DevSecOps | Observability | Infra as Code | Plataform Engineer

Magalu Cloud Belo Horizonte, MG

Bruno Rigueti Brandão rigueti-bruno
Cientista de Dados Júnior apaixonado por usar dados para resolver problemas.


Maicon Domingues DominguesM
Data Scientist working to change justice in Brazil. @softplan


Guh Cygnus guhcygnus
Learning to program at 27. I have a high school degree in Programming, but I didn't pursue the area. After years I decided it would be the right time to learn.

Belo Horizonte

João Lucas Chagas joaolucaschagas
Computer engineering student. Python student. I love "new"
Carolina Soares MariaCarolinass
Software Developer

Natal - RN, Brazil

Baesse (Pedro) pbaesse
Desativado. Ativo no GitLab:

Natal - Brasil

Matheus Moura matheusmouraa
Front-End Developer | BTI - UFRN | 21y

Hoobox Natal/RN

Rodolfo Oliveira roliveira

@Equinor Bergen, Norway

Leonardo Uieda leouieda
Professor of Geophysics • I study the Earth using tiny disturbances in its gravity and magnetic fields, from global 🌎 to microscopic 🔬 scale

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil

André "decko" de Brito decko Brasilia - DF Brazil

Guilherme de S. Vieira Beira guibeira

Lurelin village, Hyrule kingdom.

Gabriel (Gabu) Bellon gabubellon
Hello, I’m Gabriel aka Gabu. I’m work with Data (Engineer | Scientist | Analyst) Living in Joinville, SC,Brazil.

@phData Americana, SP, Brazil

Patrick Mazulo mazulo
Software Engineer at Carta. Co-founder and Software Engineer at D7. Having fun with Python, games and animes/TV shows.

@carta Rio de Janeiro, BR

César Calafrioli cesarcalafrioli
Python Developer.

Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife

Vitor Santanna vitorsantanna2
Cadet at 42rio

TupiNymQuim Rio de Janeiro

Moisés Tedeschi (MOA) MoisesTedeschi
Carioca, bacharel em Sistema de Informação, Ciência da Computação e Freelancer. Atuação na área de TI há mais de 20 anos e no setor público há uns 10 anos.

Application Development Analyst in Accenture Brazil Rio de Janeiro