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blyedev blyedev
Information Systems @ TUM


Mark KnotzerIO
Fullstack Developer


Wei GENG ViGeng

Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany

Al-Hitawi Mohammed Mohammed20201991
Master Student at Eötvös Loránd University


Makar Wuckert makarwu
coffee lover

München, Germany

Navid Mirnouri navid72m
Fullstack developer interested in machine learning


Alireza Kamalidehghan ARKamaliD

BMW Group Munich, Germany

Cem Gunes MCemGunes
Doctoral Candidate || Researcher @ TUM Professorship of Structural Design - Computational Designer

Mustafa Cem Gunes Munich

Robert Jandow robertjndw
CS student @ TU Munich


Jakob Liebig JakobLiebig
Berlin based ML enthusiast
Simon Bohnen simonbohnen
Studying CS at TU Munich, part of CDTM | prev. UC Berkeley, @Quantco, @OroraTech


Rishab Garg RisGar
CS student

Munich, Germany

Jöl Joel-dev-IMP

Munich, Germany

Shinsuke Nakashima Qualot
Robotics researcher

Service Robotics Laboratory, UTokyo, MIMED, TUM munich, Germany

manni. schmaenjael

Technical University Munich Vorarlberg [AT] & Munich [DE]

M.Sc. Informatics Student @ TUM

Munich, Germany

Sámuel Fekete Tschonti
I'm a Computer Science Engineering student from Hungary.


Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Sobol Eduard Edward1an
Flutter developer


Sagar Uprety sagar-uprety
MSc. at TU Munich | DevOps & Cloud Engineer | GitHub Campus Expert | Hackathon Coach @MLH

@campus-experts Munich, Germany

Carsten Oertel CarstenOtl
Aerospace Student @ TUM
Ruoshi Li ruoshi93
Nelson nehaase
TUM BSc Aerospace

TUM Garching Forschungszentrum, München

Frank Elsinga CommanderStorm
CS-Student at the Technical University of Munich.

@TUM-Dev, @tum Munich