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Fabián C. Tommasini ftommasini
Professor at UTN FRC, Argentina Researcher at CINTRA, CONICET, UTN FRC, Argentina

UTN FRC / CONICET Córdoba, Argentina

Pablo González Troyano gonzaleztroyano
Estudiante de Informática con muchas (quizá demasiadas) inquietudes. Intentando aprender cada día una cosita nueva 🙃.
redbull0425 redbull0425
Keep learnning.

wuda-mislab Taiwan, Chiayi Country

Vanderlei Haás haastecnologia

Haás Tecnologia em Informática Imbituva - Pr - Brasil

Obivas (Lucas Madeira) ObivasMadeira
DevOps Engineer :) viciado em tecnologia.
CTO Odandb cto-odandb

@odandb Limoges

Savino Basanisi faraoman

EL.Com S.r.l. Brescia - Italy

Anonymous AnnymousID

Anonymous Anonymous

CKA、RHCA、RHCE @ _ @ 兴趣是干饭,喜欢吃饱了晒太阳。分享技术干货,CSDN、51CTO 博客专家,InfoQ 、Alibaba Cloud 社区签约作者、Tencent Cloud 开发者内容共创官,Huawei Cloud 云享专家


Thomas Karlson thomaskarlson

Instinct Aarhus, Denmark

Delphine COILLE dcoille

@Combodo Grenoble, France

Natália Granato nataliagranato
Aprendendo sobre Cloud Native, Kubernetes e Observability.

Tech Preta Belo Horizonte, MG

Alexander Leisentritt Alex9779

ALITECS Roßtal, Germany

Michael kaku Michael-kaku
Hi, I'm Michael! I'm a web developer with experience I create websites that help organizations address business challenges and meet their needs.

The glow company Elubo

Martin Ndirangu hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

Eliezer Rodrigues eliezerdlr

ELR-Sistemas de Informatica e Internet. Portugal