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s Day ScuDays
A freshman in Sichuan University

Sichuan University Sichuan,China

Li Feng maplestarplayl
A Chinese CS freshman at NJUPT
Sennary Ma-27

CQUPT Chongqing

Junyong Liang Smart-SangGe

Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Haoyu Li wmlhy2324
A student from cqupt

Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nan'an District, Chongqing,China

电子笨蛋 electronic-pig

Sichuan University Sichuan, China

Churnie HXCN excniesNIED
Seize the day, never lose the time.

excnies Friendly-Shandong, China

Xin 0Xin0
I'm a freshman, who like paly game and sports.
YuTing ShengErWeiYu
A novice in programming. I need precipitate myself. (A Chinese terrier LOL)
Go Hellman Xlight5
student of Guangzhou University,@gzhu

Guangzhou University Guangzhou University

Jie Yuan PilatusYuan
a normal CS student

Chongqing University Chongqing

Huayang Tang estarhp

Chongqing University Of Posts And Telecommunications Sichuan

lance lance-e
walking slowly will be fast
RunningLiLi RunningLiLi

蓝山工作室 重庆邮电大学