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Reda Toumi adelREDA00
As a full-stack web developer with experience in Django, Node.js, REST API, React.js, JavaScript, and TypeScript, I bring a versatile set of skills to the table


Jimako Jimmi08

JM Support s.r.o. Slovakia

Raza Ur Rehman razatechofficial
Full Stack Developer


Anas Qiblawi AnasQiblawi
Life is what you make of it . . .
Kars Kars1996
🎆Web Developer. 💪Working on creating the next big thing Contact me on discord Kars1996

@ResyncedDesign London/Dubai

OnlineTech otgonlinetech
Self tought coding enthusiasts


RI Suvo risuvoo
Hello! I am a Software Engineer🇧🇩. I am always keen on some or other challenges, learning new things and involving some unique terms has been my passion

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Marika Bertelli MarikaBBB
Museum Professional transitioning to Developer. Currently studying as part of @FAC29A with @foundersandcoders

London, UK

Safayet Ahmed SafayetAhme
Profound in HTML5, CSS3, and React, prioritizing responsive design and seamless collaboration through Git. Experienced in Express.js, MongoDB, and Node.js


GuiJiangHeng guijiangheng
Done is bettwer than perfect.


Hassan Robinson hassanrobinson
Tell us a little about yourself

The Hustle Advantage Rochester, NY

Ammar Haddadi AmmarHaddadi
student at 1337 MED


Muhammad Awais awais-9

Punjab, Pakistan

Nusser Studios nusserstudios
Designerd... I love vectors, code, fonts and cheese pizza.

Nusser Studios Wichita, KS

Juhan Ahamed Juhan-Ahamed
Front End Developer @PIMJO

@PIMJO Jashore Khulna Bangladesh

Shafiq Hammad shafiqhammad5
Frontend Developer @PIMJO

@PIMJO Sunamganj Bangladesh

Naimur Rahman NaimurRahman5
Website Front-end Developer & Product Designer @PimjoLabs

PimjoLabs Bangladesh

Musharof Chowdhury Musharofchy
💜 Love to build stuff doe the web

Pimjo Bangladesh