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fhrk_ fhrk-78

Tokyo, Japan

Arjun Ghosh arjunghosh
Non-Linear Thinker, Futurist, Coach & Speaker, Demystify #Digital & #Tech. Interested in #Food, News & Def, Learning Personal #Fin. #Entrepreneur & Angel #Inves

EY India

Jerry Zhu Xpost2000
Independent game development!

New York, United States

yunyx Vi014
Software engineering student and all-around tech enthusiast. Experienced in backend and desktop app development, especially in C#. Arch Linux user (btw).

Belgrade, Serbia

jose 0joseDark
lover of science, biology and robotics, and programming is fun

Barreiro, Portugal

Ghost Anon23261
I love working on new projects, coming up with new ideas, and collaborating. Certified Software Engineer/Cyber-security enthusiast/Programmer. The Discord is up

Ghost Sec USA

16yo frustrated with GNU and the state of modern computing.


Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Keith Meyer daelious

Humana Inc. Louisville, KY

A. Darius L. abrahamdsl
dabbling between Bioinformatics/Software Engineering in general. Mostly into C-lineaged languages esp. Perl. Correo electronico: llave [at] consultant <.>com

Confidential.PH City of Manila, Philippines

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Adam Mateusz Jan Fuks aammff
I compress, therefore I think.
OftenGuy OftenUser
Just a boring black and white "thing" who's here often.

Nunya Biznis

Vladimiro Bellini vlasvlasvlas
@vlasvlasvlas AI & Data Engineer Consultant @EL-BID, ex@UN-ECLAC, ex@SistemasMapache .EX-Sec.Energía. EX-GCBA. EX-INDEC.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

sparky4 sparky4
i am finished with school. lets program!


Edson Junior Acordi edson-acordi
Knowledge is still the one thing no one can steal from you!

Instituto Federal do Paraná Brazil

Cristian Delgado cjdg

Nehenemi Labs Mexico

Lucas Gallindo lgallindo

Pernambuco Federal University Recife - PE, Brazil

yarb00 yarb00
c++ ❤️ rust ❤️


Rasit Evduzen RasitEvduzen
Machine Learning✤Control Theory✤Reinforcement Learning✤Robotic✤Optimization✤Navigation✤SensorFusion

Ankara / Türkiye

Jackson Jacobson jjacobsonn
B.S. Computer Science Student @ UVU
Ali Almasi AliAlmasi
Computer networking student & Junior web developer @parchlinux

@parchlinux Tehran, Iran

Krzysztof Krystian Jankowski w84death
Indie Game Developer, Digital Artist and an overall computer hacker.

P1X Poland

Mert Gör 🇹🇷 hwpplayer1
@procyberian PSD Core Team Leader together we are free , together we stand "ubuntu" ⭐️❤️ Software , Hardware, and Science 🇹🇷

@masscollabs İstanbul , Türkiye

Zhao YuPeng zhaoyupenggit
GitHub Launch!!!
@isaacs/github 🪦⚰️ @rejuvenate @CellularPrivacy @TPS0
João Norberto de Souza Junior jnsjunior
Senior Full Stack Engineer

Curitiba, PR - Brazil

Chris Goes GhostofGoes
Open-source advocate and Python fanatic. New Mexico is🏡, Idaho is ❤️

New Mexico, USA

Dani Martinez d4n1b
🔍 Open To Work

London - England

Andreu asllop
I work on data engineering projects and systems/low-level stuff.

@newrelic Catalonia

Daniel Slåttnes slaattnes

Daniel Slåttnes Norway