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Lidan Lidan0241

NLP / TAL student Paris, France

Student school 42 Paris


Simon extrymes
Hi, I'm Simon 👋

Student at @42School Paris, France

Hugalito Hug-alito
Salut ! Je suis passionné par le développement web et les technologies. Bienvenue sur mon profil GitHub !


./SL s3mPr1linux
CEO at @FreeCodeSoftware Connecting people through the best technologies.

@FreeCodeSoftware Brazil

Obada Outabachi 0bada1
Software Developer Student at 42 Abu Dhabi working on specializing in AI, Deep and Machine learning
ayoub elmouafik mfk-ayoub

42- 1337 Network Morocco - sidi bennour

Minju whyNot077

42Seoul Everywhere

qvan-der qvdp
Freelance full-stack web developer. Interested in Node.js environment & devops.

Ecole des mines & Ecole 42 Lyon, France

Lucas Cordenod lcordenod
Full-Stack Developer - Previously Digital PM / PO

42School Paris

Valentine Fleith valentinefleith

M1 PluriTAL - 42 School Paris

Hakan Çelik hakancelik
Hello! I'm Hakan, an aspiring data scientist with a keen interest in data science and machine learning. Thank you for visiting my profile on Github.