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ROS Indigo + Blender + OpenCog

Docker files for Hanson Robotics robots and heads. The most sophisticated of the bunch is Eva, an animated female head, capable of seeing you (via a webcam), talking to you (via a chatbot), and engaging you (and your guests) in social interaction. She will make eye contact, and express her pleasure with smiles and looks of surprise and happiness.

Eva Splash 1 Eva Splash 2 Eva Splash 3

Hierarchy and dependents

The docker image hierarchy is slightly more complex than it could be. It has been driven into this state in order to accomodate the conflicting needs of ROS+Docker. The root cause is discussed further down below. In short, ROS and Docker have conflicting ideas about how networking should work; this forces us to install everything into one giant Docker container. This is not ideal, but it works. See the design discussion below.

  • ros-base contains a docker image defining only the basic ROS indigo nodes shared by all robots, and nothing more.

  • ros-opencog contains a docker image for ROS and OpenCog. Depends on ros-base, above. It does not provide anything beyond a configured ROS+OpenCog environment.

  • ros-blender contains a docker image for ROS and blender. Depends on ros-base, above. It does not provide anything beyond a configured ROS+blender environment.

  • ros-incog-blender contains a docker image for ROS, opencog and blender. Depends on ros-opencog, above. It does not provide anything beyond a configured ROS+opencog+blender environment.

  • eva-ros contains the basic Hanson Robotics Eva blender rig, together with the ROS nodes needed for vision processing. Upon startup, it will automatically run the blender rig and the vision subsystem. However, it is missing the chatbot and the behavior subsystem; Eva will stare blankly into space and breath, but do nothing more.

  • eva-owyl is a a stand-alone demo of the basic Hanson Robotics Eva blender rig, showing the full range of emotional facial expressions, ranging from happiness to frustration, excitement to boredom, as well as gestures such as shakes, nods, blinks and a keep-alive breathing cycle. It includes basic vision processing and basic human-face awareness behavior, but without a chatbot or any OpenCog processing software. This is a stand-alone demo, without any other dependencies. It is representative of the state of development of the Hanson Robotics Eva blender rig, as of May 2015.

  • eva-silent contains the Eva blender rig, ROS, and OpenCog, but not the chatbot. Behaviors are executed using an OpenCog-based behavior tree, very similar to the owyl tree. She can see you, and reacts to your presence by making eye contact, smiling, and showing general interest. She reacts to absence by being bored and falling asleep.

  • eva-opencog contains the Eva blender rig, ROS, OpenCog, chatbot. This is the whole kit-n-kaboodle. Under development. Sometimes works, sometimes broken.

Miscellaneous packages

  • dev, derived from base, contains a docker image for a ROS indigo development environment.

  • einstein container for the Hanson Robotics' small Einstein head. This container was demoed at ROS Kong 2014 by David Hanson.

  • zenorsm ... Zeno ?? with Einstein head ??

Unmaintained images

The arthur-animation and arthur-dev packages are deprecated. They implement an older animation system that was difficult to work with. Most importantly, eye-tracking and emotion gestures were not blended and integrated in an easy-to-use fashion.

  • arthur-animation contains a demo for the Hanson Robotics Arthur head, showing how ROS messages can be used to control facial animations. That is, the blender rig is encapsulated in a ROS node; the rig reacts to ROS messages.

  • arthur-dev contains the full end-to-end development environment for the Hanson Robotics Arthur head. This includes a half-dozen ROS nodes for camera and vision processing, scripted behavior trees, motor controllers, and a web-based user interface.


Most subdirectories contain a script for building the particular docker image.

Use to build the Eva docker image and it's dependents. This may take an hour or more.


Most subdirectories contain a pair of scripts: and These will run and stop the containers defined in that directory.

ROS+Docker Container Design

Building a well-designed system using Docker and ROS is impossible at this point in time (as of spring 2016). This is because the way that Docker does networking is in direct conflict with how ROS does networking. The primary issue is that ROS messages contain port numbers in them, whereas Docker networking uses proxies to remap ports between containers. This means that the port numbers in the ROS messages do not match the actual port numbers being used in the Docker container. This can be hacked around in various ways, but none of the hacks solve all of the problems.

The way that Docker does networking is changing (for Swarm), while ROS will also change, with a completely different messaging system for ROS2. It will be a while before the dust settles and there's a coherent networking policy.

In the meantime, there are three reasonable design choices:

  • Put OpenCog and ROS in the same Docker container. This is ugly and unpleasant, and not a reasonable design choice at all, but it's the one we take, because nothing else works.

  • Put Eva blender and vision in one Docker container, (or maybe two containers, one for blender, and one for vision) and OpenCog in a third container. This is an ideal design, but cannot be made to work due to conflicting networking models.

  • Put every ROS node into its own container. This would result in a half-dozen to a dozen or more containers, and becomes a manageability issue: too many containers to correctly build, set up, monitor, and run. Might work for some super-admin with superman-cloud-fu, but is way too complicated for us AI scientists. Also, at this time, it also won't work, due to design limitations/flaws with Docker+ROS networking.

Below is a discussion and notes about the issues that block the second and third design points.

Main issue: a ROS publisher inside a Docker container cannot be subscribed to outside of a Docker container. There are several ways to set this up and try to hack around it.

Version A: Default Docker networking.

Start the ROS container in directory base using the ./ command. Make yourself a tmux session as follows (this is for convenience only):

byobu new-session -d -n 'aa' '$SHELL'
tmux new-window -n 'bb' '$SHELL'
tmux new-window -n 'cc' '$SHELL'
tmux new-window -n 'dd' '$SHELL'
echo "tmux_left=\"session\"" > $HOME/.byobu/status
echo "tmux_right=\"load_average disk_io date time\"" >> $HOME/.byobu/status
tmux attach

Start roscore by hand in one terminal. In another terminal, publish something:

rostopic pub -r 5 /foo std_msgs/String '{data: hallooooo}'

In a third terminal, subscribe:

rostopic echo /foo

Yayy! This works! Can we subscribe to this topic outside of this container? No, we cannot. Here's how to check. Inside a terminal, say ifconfig and get the IP address of the container. Its will probably be Alternately, you can get this number from the outside, with

docker inspect opencog-eva-ros | grep IPAdress

We can now attempt to contact ROS from the outside world. First, set


Now, ROS will almost work. But not quite. This works:

rostopic list
rostopic info /foo

This fails (it hangs):

rostopic echo /foo

The reason that this is broken is because ROS messages themselves contain tcpip port numbers, and Docker uses a form of port proxying and firewalling (iptables) that remaps ports. Thus, port numbers inside the container do not match the port number contained in the message, when that message is coming from outside the container. This mis-match is at the root of the hang.

Curiously, the reversed process works: if you publish on the outside, then you can subscribe on the inside, just fine.

This issue prevents the natural separation between OpenCog and Eva-ROS. The Eva-ROS container is publishing /camera/face_locations and OpenCog subscribes to that to find out about the location of human faces visible to Eva. Since the messages never arrive, Eva is blind, and sees nothing.

Version B: New Docker networking.

Starting with Docker version 1.9 (the current version in Ubuntu 14.04 trusty LTS), docker introduces a networking overlay. This seems like it is almost enough to get ROS working in Docker, and there are even some 'famous' highly visible tutorials for this:

However, these tutorials are misleading: Some stuff works, but other, different stuff breaks, and the original problem remains unsolved. This can be reproduced as described below. Their success depends on using Docker networks, and being very very careful -- diligently careful -- about setting ROS environment variables. This makes the whole process very fragile, and subject to lots of confusion. YMMV.

First, create a Docker network:

docker network create boingo

Start three ROS containers. One, called the master, will contain roscore. The other two will publish and subscribe to each-other. There are several ways to start these, including the setting of ROS environment variables during startup. This won't be done for this example, since it clouds the issue: it confuses what is really happening. The environment variables can be set by hand, after startup. Start the containers as follows:

docker run --net=boingo --name=master -p 11311:11311 -it opencog/ros-indigo-base
docker run --net=boingo --name=aaa -p 11311:11311 -it opencog/ros-indigo-base
docker run --net=boingo --name=bbb -p 11311:11311 -it opencog/ros-indigo-base

Note the --net=boingo parameter. This causes Docker to use a different set of network addresses. It also alters how Docker does port proxying. Although the proxying is different, the core issue of re-labelling port numbers remains: the ROS messages still have port numbers in them that fail to match up with the actual port assignments. Let's plow onwards.

Start roscore inside container master. Next, inside aaa, do this:

export ROS_HOSTNAME=aaa
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://master:11311
rostopic pub -r 5 /bar std_msgs/String '{data: olaaa}'

while inside bbb, do this:

export ROS_HOSTNAME=bbb
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://master:11311
rostopic echo /bar

Yayyy! This works! They can hear each other! This is the sum-total of the widely-publicized, easy-to-find ROS+Docker tutorials all over the net. That all is not right heaven is easy to see. Outside of the containers, rostopic list and rostopic info /bar works just as before, and rostopic echo /bar still fails, as before. Unlike before, however, there is now a new failure: go to container aaa, and, in a new tmux terminal, try rostopic echo /bar -- it doesn't work!!! This is a new failure: subscribers can no longer hear publishers living inside the same container! Be careful to export the ROS_HOSTNAME correctly in the new tmux terminal; failing to do this adds to the confusion. You may experiment at this point: you won't get lucky, though, even though it seems like you might, with just one more try.

This new failure mode forces one to a new design point that might seem reasonable, but is ultimately untenable: one ROS node per container. This might almost work, although its terribly fragile. Debugging is hard, because if you're outside a container, you cannot hear what they are passing around to each-other. Altering the network structure becomes difficult. Using tools like rviz to visualize the ROS network becomes difficult, because you now have to put rviz in it's own Docker container, and then punch a hole through it to get the graphs to display on your screen. It devolves from there, and by the time you get to OpenCog, you've got the cogserver launching one python thread for ROS messaging, while other threads send scheme over other sockets, while yet more threads are handling tcpip sockets to IRC, and messages are flying every-which way. It appears that the Docker philosophy of "one process per container" is untenable, in any practical sense. Its too hard to manage, too hard to configure and control. Perhaps Docker Swarm might one day help with this, but perhaps not: Swarm seems to push the problem around; it doesn't solve the core issue: ROS messages contain port numbers, and Docker proxying re-assigns ports. That is the core issue.

Version B.1: Newer version of Docker??

It has been reported that perhaps version 1.10 of docker does not have these problems. I have not yet tried.

Version C: Desperation.

There are several stunts that one might think could work, but they don't. A brief report here.

Remap all the ports

That is, start the Docker container with something like this: -p 32768-65536:32768-65536. DO NOT EVEN TRY THIS -- you'll be sorry if you do. If you do, it will take Docker five minutes to remap about 2K of these ports, at which point you will wonder what's going on. What its doing is creating a process docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 60374 -container-ip -container-port 60374 -- one for each port. So ps ax |grep docker |wc will tell you how many its done so far. Problem: you can't stop the container. You can kill -9 it, but the proxying keeps going on. We're in a bad state now, so you can try service docker stop which won't work, so you can kill -9 it. Which works. However service docker start leaves vast quantities of crap in iptables, which you can clean with iptables -t nat -F. However, service docker start merely recreates these bogus filters. So you have to iptables while Docker is running. Which hoses Docker, so you have to stop and restart again. Anyway, the unclean docker shutdown also left crap in aufs -- some dead docker containers that cannot be docker rm'ed. If you are brave, you can now go into /var/lib/docker/aufs and clean up by hand. Or you can reboot ... Ugh.

Speaking of iptables...

Several stack-exchange questions deal with using iptables to remap ports between docker containers and the host. If you're naive, you might hope that that will solve the problem. It won't. The core issue is that ROS messages contain port numbers in them, and Docker remaps ports. The only way that masquerading could be don't would be just like masquerading for FTP: you have to inspect the packets themselves, find the port number in them, and then re-write the port number. Since some ROS messages are strings, this can be challenging. Checksums and gzip add to the mess.

Use the host network

Start all of the containers with --net=host. This will cause Docker to not use its own private networks, but instead, use the IP address of the host for all networking. From the Docker point of view, its really not ideal, its a kind-of-a-hack. From the ROS point of view, you might expect that everything will now start working, since, after all, there are no more networking barriers anywhere. Right? Almost!

With this network setting, you can now publish, with rostopic pub inside the container, and subscribe, with rostopic echo on the outside, and this now works. The toy example works! At last! Woot!

Unfortunately, that's all that works. The real-life ROS nodes inside the ros-eva container are publishing messages that still cannot be heard outside of the container: specifically, rostopic echo /camera/face_locations fails. You might think that it should work. It doesn't. I don't understand why it doesn't, when the toy examples do work. Clearly, there's yet more to ROS networking, and the Docker --net=host is not enough to make things transparent.

Version D: Hard reality

The misery documented above points us in only one direction. Its not a pretty one... its not docker compose and its conceptually icky and not a good software design. However, its the only solution that works: Stick all of OpenCog (specifically, the CogServer) into the same Docker container with ROS. That will be one giant bloated container. But that's what the school of hard knocks teaches you.