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Releases: open-webui/open-webui


02 Jun 05:03
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Release Note


📢 We are thrilled to announce that our project has been selected as one of the 11 projects shaping open-source AI by the GitHub Accelerator program! 🎉

This incredible milestone would not have been possible without the relentless support and contributions from our amazing community. Each bug report, feature suggestion, code contribution, and word of encouragement has played a vital role in our journey.

We are honored and revitalized by this recognition and are more committed than ever to pushing the boundaries of what open-source AI can achieve.

We can't wait to see what the future holds and continue this journey together. Thank you all for believing in and supporting us!

🚀 Onwards and upwards!

Open WebUI Team

[0.2.0] - 2024-06-01


  • 🔧 Pipelines Support: Open WebUI now includes a plugin framework for enhanced customization and functionality ( Easily add custom logic and integrate Python libraries, from AI agents to home automation APIs.
  • 🔗 Function Calling via Pipelines: Integrate function calling seamlessly through Pipelines.
  • ⚖️ User Rate Limiting via Pipelines: Implement user-specific rate limits to manage API usage efficiently.
  • 📊 Usage Monitoring with Langfuse: Track and analyze usage statistics with Langfuse integration through Pipelines.
  • 🕒 Conversation Turn Limits: Set limits on conversation turns to manage interactions better through Pipelines.
  • 🛡️ Toxic Message Filtering: Automatically filter out toxic messages to maintain a safe environment using Pipelines.
  • 🔍 Web Search Support: Introducing built-in web search capabilities via RAG API, allowing users to search using SearXNG, Google Programmatic Search Engine, Brave Search, serpstack, and serper. Activate it effortlessly by adding necessary variables from Document settings > Web Params.
  • 🗂️ Models Workspace: Create and manage model presets for both Ollama/OpenAI API. Note: The old Modelfiles workspace is deprecated.
  • 🛠️ Model Builder Feature: Build and edit all models with persistent builder mode.
  • 🏷️ Model Tagging Support: Organize models with tagging features in the models workspace.
  • 📋 Model Ordering Support: Effortlessly organize models by dragging and dropping them into the desired positions within the models workspace.
  • 📈 OpenAI Generation Stats: Access detailed generation statistics for OpenAI models.
  • 📅 System Prompt Variables: New variables added: '{{CURRENT_DATE}}' and '{{USER_NAME}}' for dynamic prompts.
  • 📢 Global Banner Support: Manage global banners from admin settings > banners.
  • 🗃️ Enhanced Archived Chats Modal: Search and export archived chats easily.
  • 📂 Archive All Button: Quickly archive all chats from settings > chats.
  • 🌐 Improved Translations: Added and improved translations for French, Croatian, Cebuano, and Vietnamese.


  • 🔍 Archived Chats Visibility: Resolved issue with archived chats not showing in the admin panel.
  • 💬 Message Styling: Fixed styling issues affecting message appearance.
  • 🔗 Shared Chat Responses: Corrected the issue where shared chat response messages were not readonly.
  • 🖥️ UI Enhancement: Fixed the scrollbar overlapping issue with the message box in the user interface.


  • 💾 User Settings Storage: User settings are now saved on the backend, ensuring consistency across all devices.
  • 📡 Unified API Requests: The API request for getting models is now unified to '/api/models' for easier usage.
  • 🔄 Versioning Update: Our versioning will now follow the format 0.x for major updates and 0.x.y for patches.
  • 📦 Export All Chats (All Users): Moved this functionality to the Admin Panel settings for better organization and accessibility.


  • 🚫 Bundled LiteLLM Support Deprecated: Migrate your LiteLLM config.yaml to a self-hosted LiteLLM instance. LiteLLM can still be added via OpenAI Connections. Download the LiteLLM config.yaml from admin settings > database > export LiteLLM config.yaml.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@jasinliu, @sime2408, @cheahjs, @KodeurKubik, @que-nguyen, @aguvener, @silentoplayz, @arkohut, @reiebrole30, @not-nullptr

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@github, @lukepiette, @roosi-gmbh, @rfernandez760, @kroonen, @GenieDev101, @Lance1101, @awaliuddin


19 May 20:16
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[0.1.125] - 2024-05-19


  • 🔄 Updated UI: Chat interface revamped with chat bubbles. Easily switch back to the old style via settings > interface > chat bubble UI.
  • 📂 Enhanced Sidebar UI: Model files, documents, prompts, and playground merged into Workspace for streamlined access.
  • 🚀 Improved Many Model Interaction: All responses now displayed simultaneously for a smoother experience.
  • 🐍 Python Code Execution: Execute Python code locally in the browser with libraries like 'requests', 'beautifulsoup4', 'numpy', 'pandas', 'seaborn', 'matplotlib', 'scikit-learn', 'scipy', 'regex'.
  • 🧠 Experimental Memory Feature: Manually input personal information you want LLMs to remember via settings > personalization > memory.
  • 💾 Persistent Settings: Settings now saved as config.json for convenience.
  • 🩺 Health Check Endpoint: Added for Docker deployment.
  • ↕️ RTL Support: Toggle chat direction via settings > interface > chat direction.
  • 🖥️ PowerPoint Support: RAG pipeline now supports PowerPoint documents.
  • 🌐 Language Updates: Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, Serbian, Vietnamese updated; Punjabi added.


  • 👤 Shared Chat Update: Shared chat now includes creator user information.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@ChasLui, @tcztzy, @simonaszilinskas, @joecryptotoo, @sime2408, @justinh-rahb, @derek-palmer, @liorkesos, @cheahjs, @bo3bdo, @maxdyy, @not-a-ethan, @iits-jonathan-rohde, @idomamia, @que-nguyen, @silentoplayz, @xraysight, @kostich, @Yanyutin753, @arsaboo, @aguvener, @akx

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@roosi-gmbh, @rfernandez760, @GenieDev101, @kroonen


08 May 18:05
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[0.1.124] - 2024-05-08


  • 🖼️ Improved Chat Sidebar: Now conveniently displays time ranges and organizes chats by today, yesterday, and more.
  • 📜 Citations in RAG Feature: Easily track the context fed to the LLM with added citations in the RAG feature.
  • 🔒 Auth Disable Option: Introducing the ability to disable authentication. Set 'WEBUI_AUTH' to False to disable authentication. Note: Only applicable for fresh installations without existing users.
  • 📹 Enhanced YouTube RAG Pipeline: Now supports non-English videos for an enriched experience.
  • 🔊 Specify OpenAI TTS Models: Customize your TTS experience by specifying OpenAI TTS models.
  • 🔧 Additional Environment Variables: Discover more environment variables in our comprehensive documentation at Open WebUI Documentation (
  • 🌐 Language Support: Arabic, Finnish, and Hindi added; Improved support for German, Vietnamese, and Chinese.


  • 🛠️ Model Selector Styling: Addressed styling issues for improved user experience.
  • ⚠️ Warning Messages: Resolved backend warning messages.


👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@AnkurSachdeva22, @Yanyutin753, @ihavecoke, @cheahjs, @bo3bdo, @aguvener, @0xThresh, @jannikstdl, @akx

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@MorrisLu-Taipei, @roosi-gmbh, @rfernandez760, @GenieDev101, @kroonen


02 May 20:10
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[0.1.123] - 2024-05-02


  • 🎨 New Landing Page Design: Refreshed design for a more modern look and optimized use of screen space.
  • 📹 Youtube RAG Pipeline: Introduces dedicated RAG pipeline for Youtube videos, enabling interaction with video transcriptions directly.
  • 🔧 Enhanced Admin Panel: Streamlined user management with options to add users directly or in bulk via CSV import.
  • 👥 '@' Model Integration: Easily switch to specific models during conversations; old collaborative chat feature phased out.
  • 🌐 Language Enhancements: Swedish translation added, plus improvements to German, Spanish, and the addition of Doge translation.


  • 🗑️ Delete Chat Shortcut: Addressed issue where shortcut wasn't functioning.
  • 🖼️ Modal Closing Bug: Resolved unexpected closure of modal when dragging from within.
  • ✏️ Edit Button Styling: Fixed styling inconsistency with edit buttons.
  • 🌐 Image Generation Compatibility Issue: Rectified image generation compatibility issue with third-party APIs.
  • 📱 iOS PWA Icon Fix: Corrected iOS PWA home screen icon shape.
  • 🔍 Scroll Gesture Bug: Adjusted gesture sensitivity to prevent accidental activation when scrolling through code on mobile; now requires scrolling from the leftmost side to open the sidebar.


  • 🔄 Unlimited Context Length: Advanced settings now allow unlimited max context length (previously limited to 16000).
  • 👑 Super Admin Assignment: The first signup is automatically assigned a super admin role, unchangeable by other admins.
  • 🛡️ Admin User Restrictions: User action buttons from the admin panel are now disabled for users with admin roles.
  • 🔝 Default Model Selector: Set as default model option now exclusively available on the landing page.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@silentoplayz, @7a6ac0, @Joakim-T, @Yanyutin753, @domsleee, @Maximilian-Pichler, @cheahjs, @buroa, @insoutt, @justinh-rahb

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@MorrisLu-Taipei, @rfernandez760, @GenieDev101


28 Apr 01:29
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[0.1.122] - 2024-04-27


  • 🌟 Enhanced RAG Pipeline: Now with hybrid searching via 'BM25', reranking powered by 'CrossEncoder', and configurable relevance score thresholds.
  • 🛢️ External Database Support: Seamlessly connect to custom SQLite or Postgres databases using the 'DATABASE_URL' environment variable.
  • 🌐 Remote ChromaDB Support: Introducing the capability to connect to remote ChromaDB servers.
  • 👨‍💼 Improved Admin Panel: Admins can now conveniently check users' chat lists and last active status directly from the admin panel.
  • 🎨 Splash Screen: Introducing a loading splash screen for a smoother user experience.
  • 🌍 Language Support Expansion: Added support for Bangla (bn-BD), along with enhancements to Chinese, Spanish, and Ukrainian translations.
  • 💻 Improved LaTeX Rendering Performance: Enjoy faster rendering times for LaTeX equations.
  • 🔧 More Environment Variables: Explore additional environment variables in our documentation (, including the 'ENABLE_LITELLM' option to manage memory usage.


  • 🔧 Ollama Compatibility: Resolved errors occurring when Ollama server version isn't an integer, such as SHA builds or RCs.
  • 🐛 Various OpenAI API Issues: Addressed several issues related to the OpenAI API.
  • 🛑 Stop Sequence Issue: Fixed the problem where the stop sequence with a backslash '' was not functioning.
  • 🔤 Font Fallback: Corrected font fallback issue.


  • ⌨️ Prompt Input Behavior on Mobile: Enter key prompt submission disabled on mobile devices for improved user experience.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@buroa, @djismgaming, @silentoplayz, @srizon, @cheahjs, @karaketir16, @Yanyutin753, @darlanalves, @Entaigner, @domsleee, @Menghuan1918, @aguvener, @velaton618, @insoutt, @dannyl1u

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@MorrisLu-Taipei, @rfernandez760, @GenieDev101


24 Apr 19:31
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[0.1.121] - 2024-04-24


  • 🔧 Translation Issues: Addressed various translation discrepancies.
  • 🔒 LiteLLM Security Fix: Updated LiteLLM version to resolve a security vulnerability.
  • 🖥️ HTML Tag Display: Rectified the issue where the '< br >' tag wasn't displaying correctly.
  • 🔗 WebSocket Connection: Resolved the failure of WebSocket connection under HTTPS security for ComfyUI server.
  • 📜 FileReader Optimization: Implemented FileReader initialization per image in multi-file drag & drop to ensure reusability.
  • 🏷️ Tag Display: Corrected tag display inconsistencies.
  • 📦 Archived Chat Styling: Fixed styling issues in archived chat.
  • 🔖 Safari Copy Button Bug: Addressed the bug where the copy button failed to copy links in Safari.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@Axodouble, @cheahjs, @dannyl1u, @velaton618, @buroa, @dyamagishi, @Entaigner

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@MorrisLu-Taipei, @rfernandez760, @GenieDev101


21 Apr 00:41
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[0.1.120] - 2024-04-20


  • 📦 Archive Chat Feature: Easily archive chats with a new sidebar button, and access archived chats via the profile button > archived chats.
  • 🔊 Configurable Text-to-Speech Endpoint: Customize your Text-to-Speech experience with configurable OpenAI endpoints.
  • 🛠️ Improved Error Handling: Enhanced error message handling for connection failures.
  • ⌨️ Enhanced Shortcut: When editing messages, use ctrl/cmd+enter to save and submit, and esc to close.
  • 🌐 Language Support: Added support for Georgian and enhanced translations for Portuguese and Vietnamese.


  • 🔧 Model Selector: Resolved issue where default model selection was not saving.
  • 🔗 Share Link Copy Button: Fixed bug where the copy button wasn't copying links in Safari.
  • 🎨 Light Theme Styling: Addressed styling issue with the light theme.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@cheahjs, @Entaigner, @que-nguyen, @giga-t, @Fusseldieb

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@MorrisLu-Taipei, @rfernandez760, @tbendien, @GenieDev101


16 Apr 22:13
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[0.1.119] - 2024-04-16


  • 🌟 Enhanced RAG Embedding Support: Ollama, and OpenAI models can now be used for RAG embedding model.
  • 🔄 Seamless Integration: Copy 'ollama run ' directly from Ollama page to easily select and pull models.
  • 🏷️ Tagging Feature: Add tags to chats directly via the sidebar chat menu.
  • 📱 Mobile Accessibility: Swipe left and right on mobile to effortlessly open and close the sidebar.
  • 🔍 Improved Navigation: Admin panel now supports pagination for user list.
  • 🌍 Additional Language Support: Added Polish language support.


  • 🌍 Language Enhancements: Vietnamese and Spanish translations have been improved.
  • 🔧 Helm Fixes: Resolved issues with Helm trailing slash and manifest.json.


  • 🐳 Docker Optimization: Updated docker image build process to utilize 'uv' for significantly faster builds compared to 'pip3'.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@pkrolkgp, @djismgaming, @cheahjs, @JanSolo1, @lainedfles, @dariothornhill, @que-nguyen, @justinh-rahb, @7a6ac0, @Fusseldieb

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@MorrisLu-Taipei, @rfernandez760, @tbendien, @GenieDev101


10 Apr 22:50
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[0.1.118] - 2024-04-10


  • 🦙 Ollama and CUDA Images: Added support for ':ollama' and ':cuda' tagged images.
  • 👍 Enhanced Response Rating: Now you can annotate your ratings for better feedback.
  • 👤 User Initials Profile Photo: User initials are now the default profile photo.
  • 🔍 Update RAG Embedding Model: Customize RAG embedding model directly in document settings.
  • 🌍 Additional Language Support: Added Turkish language support.


  • 🔒 Share Chat Permission: Resolved issue with chat sharing permissions.
  • 🛠 Modal Close: Modals can now be closed using the Esc key.


  • 🎨 Admin Panel Styling: Refreshed styling for the admin panel.
  • 🐳 Docker Image Build: Updated docker image build process for improved efficiency.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@aguvener, @joequant, @buroa, @jannikstdl, @cheahjs, @dannyl1u, @sammcj, @shivaraj-bh, @lainedfles, @justinh-rahb, @aguvener, @yousecjoe

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@MorrisLu-Taipei, @rfernandez760, @tbendien, @GenieDev101, @tusing


04 Apr 04:43
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[0.1.117] - 2024-04-03


  • 🗨️ Local Chat Sharing: Share chat links seamlessly between users.
  • 🔑 API Key Generation Support: Generate secret keys to leverage Open WebUI with OpenAI libraries.
  • 📄 Chat Download as PDF: Easily download chats in PDF format.
  • 📝 Improved Logging: Enhancements to logging functionality.
  • 📧 Trusted Email Authentication: Authenticate using a trusted email header.


  • 🌷 Enhanced Dutch Translation: Improved translation for Dutch users.
  • White Theme Styling: Resolved styling issue with the white theme.
  • 📜 LaTeX Chat Screen Overflow: Fixed screen overflow issue with LaTeX rendering.
  • 🔒 Security Patches: Applied necessary security patches.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible:
@Axodouble, @theasp, @jannikstdl, @Mmx233, @cheahjs, @helmanofer, @vaayne

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!):
@MorrisLu-Taipei, @rfernandez760, @tbendien, @GenieDev101, @tusing