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Contribute as a developer

Are you interested in giving a hand? We can't be more excited about it. Thanks in advance! Here are some guidelines that could help you to get started quickly.


  • Monica is written with a great framework, Laravel. We care deeply about keeping Monica very simple on purpose. The simpler the code is, the simpler it will be to maintain it and debug it when needed. That means we don't want to make it a one page application, or add any kind of complexities whatsoever.
  • That means we won't accept pull requests that add too much complexity, or written in a way we don't understand. Again, the number 1 priority should be to simplify the maintenance on the long run.
  • When adding a feature, do not introduce a new software in the existing stack. For instance, at the moment, the current version does not require Redis to be used. If we do create a feature that (for some reasons) depends on Redis, we will need all existing instances to install Redis on top of all the other things people have to setup to install Monica (there are thousands of them). We can't afford to do that.
  • It's better to move forward fast by shipping good features, than waiting for months and ship a perfect feature.
  • Our product philosophy is simple. Things do not have to be perfect. They just need to be shipped. As long as it works and aligns with the vision, you should ship as soon as possible. Even if it's ugly, or very small, that does not matter.

Install Monica locally

Homestead (macOS, Linux, Windows)

The best way to contribute to Monica is to use Homestead as a development environment, which is an official, pre-packaged Vagrant box that provides you a wonderful development environment without requiring you to install PHP, a web server, and any other server software on your local machine. The big advantage is that it runs on any Windows, Mac, or Linux system.

This is what is used to develop Monica and what will provide a common base for everyone who wants to contribute to the project. Once Homestead is installed, you can pull the repository and start setting up Monica.

Note: the official Monica installation uses mySQL as the database system. While Laravel technically supports PostgreSQL and SQLite, we can't guarantee that it will work fine with Monica as we've never tested it. Feel free to read Laravel's documentation on that topic if you feel adventurous.

Valet (macOS)

We've installed the development version with Valet, which is a Laravel development environment for Mac minimalists. It works really well and is extremely fast, much faster than Homestead.



Steps to install Monica

Once the above softwares are installed (or if you've finished the installation of Homestead/Valet):

  1. composer install in the folder the repository has been cloned.
  2. cp .env.example .env to create your own version of all the environment variables needed for the project to work.
  3. Update .env to your specific needs.
  4. Run php artisan key:generate to generate an application key. This will set APP_KEY with the right value automatically.
  5. npm install to install all the front-end dependencies and tools needed to compile assets.
  6. Create a database called monica in your mySQL instance.
    1. From Homestead directory: sudo scripts/ monica or mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE 'monica'"; inside mySQL.
    2. If you use Homestead (which uses Vagrant under the hood), vagrant ssh will let you login as root inside your VM.
  7. php artisan setup:test to setup the database.
    1. By default this command will also populate the database with fake data.
    2. Use the -- skipSeed option to skip the process of adding fake data in your dev environment.
  8. Optional: php artisan passport:install to create the access tokens required for the API.

If you haven't skipped the seeding of fake data, two accounts are created by default:

  • First account is [email protected] with the password admin. This account contains a lot of fake data that will let you play with the product.
  • Second account is [email protected] with the password blank. This account does not contain any data and shall be used to check all the blank states.

Testing environment

We try to cover most features and new methods with unit and functional tests. Any pull request submitted on GitHub will have to go through Travis and pass before being merged. Moreover, we strongly encourage adding unit tests for every new method added to the codebase to ensure code stability, and we will probably refuse a pull request if there is no tests for it.


To setup the test environment:

  • Create a database called monica_test
  • php artisan migrate --database testing
  • php artisan db:seed --database testing

Run the test suite

To run the test suite:

  • phpunit or ./vendor/bin/phpunit in the root of the folder containing Monica's code from GitHub.


Things to consider when adding new code

Add a new table to the database schema

If you add a new table, make sure there is a column called account_id in this new table. That way, we will make sure that the script responsible for resetting or deleting a user account will go take this new table into consideration while running.

Manipulating data during a migration

Sometimes you need to manipulate and move data around when you decide to change the database structure. In that case, as much as possible, do not use Eloquent to change the data. Use either raw SQL queries or the Query builder to do it. This is due to the fact that objects might change overtime or even be deleted, which would break the migrations entirely.

Email testing

Emails are an important part of Monica. Emails are still the most significant mean of communication and people like receiving them when they are relevant. That being said, you will need to test emails to make sure they contain what they should contain.

For development purposes, you have two choices to test emails:

  1. You can use Mailtrap. This is an amazing service that provides a free plan that is plenty enough to test all the emails that are sent.
  2. If you use Homestead to code on your local machine, you can use mailhog that is built-in. To use it, you first need to start mailhog (sudo service mailhog restart) inside your Vagrant. Then, head up to http://localhost:8025 in your local browser to load Mailhog's UI.

Note: if you want to use mailhog, you need the following settings in your .env file:


Email reminders

Reminders are generated and sent using an Artisan command monica:sendnotifications. This command is scheduled to be triggered every hour in app/console/Kernel.php.


Monica calculates every night (ie once per day) a set of metrics to help you understand how the instance is being used by users. That will also allow to measure growth over time.

Statistics are generated by the Artisan command monica:calculatestatistics every night at midnight and this cron is defined in app/console/Kernel.php.


As said above, Monica uses mySQL by default. While Laravel supports multiple DBMS, we can't assure you it will work with any other DBMS than mySQL.

Connecting to mySQL

If you want to connect directly to Monica's MySQL instance read Connecting to MySQL inside of a Docker container.



We use mix to manage the front-end and its dependencies, and also to compile and/watch the assets. Please note that we should do our best to prevent introducing new dependencies if we can prevent it.

Mix should be available in your development environment if you have installed Monica locally and ran npm install in the first place.

If you need to add a new dependency, update package.json to add it and make sure you commit package-lock.json once package.json is updated.

Watching and compiling assets

CSS is written in SASS and therefore needs to be compiled before being used by the application. To compile those front-end assets, use npm run dev.

To monitor changes and compile assets on the fly, use npm run watch.


At the current time, we are using a mix of Bootstrap 4 and Tachyons. We aim to use a maximum of Atomic CSS instead of having bloated, super hard to maintain CSS files. We'll get rid of Bootstrap entirely over time.

This means that we should add new CSS classes only if it's absolutely necessary.

JS and Vue

We are using Vue.js in some parts of the application, and we'll use it more and more over time. Vue is very simple to learn and use, and with Vue Components, we can easily create isolated, reusable components in the app. If you want to add a new feature, you don't need to use Vue.js - you can use plain HTML views served by the backend. But with Vue.js, it'll be a nicer experience.