This repo holds the android implementation of ComProNet. ComProNet is a community protection network that allows people to help police and emergency services by confirming and describing what is going on. A short video that explains the original idea is available both in [Dutch]( “Dutch”) [English]( “English”) Note that this app is a proof of concept; it works without a working backend.
There are 2 folders
- Aandacht : contains the source code.
- GCMSend : A simple java program that send a google cloud notifications
To contribute or install, you'll need to create a res/values/api_keys.xml file with:
- a google maps api key named "google_maps_android_api_v2"
- a google cloud message api key named "app_senderId"
For the GCMSend app you'll need to create a class named with following information:
public class properties {
public final static String userName = <SenderId> + "";
public final static String password = <API key>;
public final static String regId = <regId of the device>;
The regId can be optained by looking at the logs; the following line should appear: ... I/LoginActivity﹕ devide already registered id: