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Releases: nuejs/nue

Fix to empty front matter and production build

19 Dec 10:37
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And startup script prints both Nue and engine version

Full re-create of @nue dir when some file has changed

19 Dec 10:04
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Fixes an issue when there were symlinks inside the directory which couldn't be overwritten

Page router fix

19 Dec 08:44
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No more ugly FOUC (flash of unstyled content) effects when switching between pages. Switching is also faster since no redundant CSS files are loaded and unused styles are disabled (never reloaded). Fixes #127

Initialization fix

19 Dec 07:16
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Fixed an issue on initialization where the browser assets were not correctly found when building the website. This now works with Bun builder and esbuild, and on development mode and production/minified build.

NOTE: if you are using the Nue JS package as standalone library on the server side you must import the module with "nuejs-core/index.js" instead of plain "nuejs-core". For example

import { parse } from 'nuejs-core/index.js'

This was due to Bun Builder limitation to not support the "browser" property in package.json. This why the "main" property was changed to primarily support building for browser and secondarily to support server-side stuff. Hoping that Bun will add "browser" support to package.json soon.

Nuekit 0.1

12 Dec 09:25
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Nuekit 0.1 Pre-release

Major milestone: A simple alternative to Next.js and Astro with support for universal hot-reloading
