Skia4Delphi has its own forked version of Skia with the necessary edits to make the library work. To compile it is very simple, just run a native script, and it will help you build until the end.
OS | Targets |
Linux | Linux64, Android, Android64 |
macOS | OSX64, OSXARM64, iOSDevice64, Android, Android64 |
Windows | Win32, Win64, Android, Android64 |
Run the command on Windows via command line or PowerShell, or from Linux/macOS via shell: git clone
Just use the build script. To access help run the command:
Through Windows via the command line:
sk4d-build -h
Through Linux or macOS via the terminal:
./ -h
- Building for Win64 through Windows:
sk4d-build --targets win64
- Building for Android64 through Windows:
sk4d-build --targets Android64 --ndk C:\android-ndk-r23b
- Building for iOSDevice64 through macOS:
./ --targets iosdevice64
- Building for Linux64 through Linux:
./ --targets linux64
Note: If you don't pass the ndk parameter to the Android build, the script will help you to download it.