- explicit tags in sample (enum?), define colors for each
SHOW, a layout with rounded background, icon and text => just a text with padding and shape plus, clickable, foreground, cliptooutline
on view pred draw should have
as it delivers callback only once -
shape, padding, for ex top, can result in rect.top be greater than bottom (we do not touch bottom)... NOPE, convert to dp
maybe LP typealias? does ot solve anything, as we still need to specify generic variant, which would cause name collision
common interface for shape and stateful-shape
StatfulShape.create instead of
// TODO: maybe make more fluent, like // focused = shape ??
text, text res so locale is automatically taken from context
review wrappers in adapt (padding and edges)
adapt element, makre onAdapt accept it instead o this
maybe make viewElement open? but what would we achieve? most extensions use
, so type information would not be preserved -
add consumer proguard to remove preview layouts (ui and regular)
review all property references that we have and reduce the amount? generates additional code
investigate the size... inline onView? and most of the extsniosn?
window insets
element+extensions, accessibility properties
view, additional gestures
[-] view group, diff, obtain same type and bind if id is different this would complicate current simple (adn transition-ready) diff, as we would need to lookup if item is present in the list further, so we can safely reuse it
factory, lock after used
[?] Int.unused in shape builder functions (where applicable)
... cannot specify thethis
, thus can be inconvenient with nesting -
element to include item directly in layout (wraps adaptview)
view-stub like element
[?] shape, stroke width, stroke gap and stroke dash to be relative? UPD, seems to have very little value
createView, move to view factory, cannot import?
text hint color
a project without view pager would fail, as viewelementfactory would not be able to resolve it seems to be working now, as view-pager is not importaed, but referenced by full-name
layout width|height when used with layoutWeight - anyway it is a proper way to define such a view it is better to make weight explicit in
function call for LinearLayout -
shape rotation
[?] asset with stroke.. as there are a lot of drawables.. the task bec
view, additional lifecycle callbacks, like onAttach, onDetach, onViewPreDraw, etc
[-] addTo in ViewElement, tests and validate all properly initialy it, referencing factory can be confusing, moreover it can lead to unexpected results
clipToOutline to allow clipping view by using the shape
castLayout when inside an adapt item is not working, as by default just viewgroup params are set because by default element-item is using default parameters provided by view-factory
Size of adapt-ui release binary
with toString and properties366KB
with static toString in shape and gradient