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File metadata and controls

107 lines (75 loc) · 2.96 KB

Top-level API


If all you want is the hiccup interpreter, you may simple import hx.hiccup:

(require '[hx.hiccup :as hiccup])

(hiccup/parse [:div "foo"]) ;; => {$$typeof: Symbol(react.element), type: "div", key: null, ref: null, props: {…}, …}


hx.react contains a number of helpful functions and macros for doing React development in ClojureScript.

hx.react/f ([form])

An alias of hx.hiccup/parse, so that if you need to do some ad-hoc transformation of hiccup one doesn't have to import hx.hiccup as well as hx.react.

hx.react/defnc: ([name props-bindings & body])

This macro is just like defn, but shallowly converts the props object passed in to the component to a Clojure map and intelligently interprets the return value of the body as hiccup. If the body doesn't return a vector, it simply returns that value.

Takes a name, props bindings and a function body.

Example usage:

(require '[hx.react :as hx])
(require '[hx.hiccup])

(hx/defnc Greeting [{:keys [name] :as props}]
  [:span {:style {:font-size "24px"}}
   "Hello, " name "!"])

  (hx.hiccup/parse [Greeting {:name "Tara"}])
  (. js/document getElementById "app"))

hx.react/defcomponent: ([name constructor & body])

This macro creates a React component class. Is the CLJS equivalent of class {name} extends React.Component { ... . constructor is passed in this and must return it. Additional methods and static properties can be passed in, similar to defrecord / deftype. Methods are automatically bound to this.

Example usage:

(hx/defcomponent MyComponent
  (constructor [this]
    (set! (. this -state) #js {:name "Maria"})

  (greeting "Hello")
  (update-name! [this e]
    (. this setState #js {:name (.. e -target -value)}))

  (render [this]
    (let [state (. this -state)]
       [:div (. my-component -greeting) ", " (. state -name)]
       [:input {:value (. state -name)
                :on-change (. this -update-name!)}]])))

hx.react/$: ([el p & c])

An alias for react/createElement. It will marshall props from a map to JS and interpret any hiccup children.

hx.react/factory: ([component])

Creates a factory function from a component (e.g. a function, class, or string) that, when called, returns a React element.

hx.react/shallow-render: ([& body])

Short-circuits the hiccup interpreter to return just the hiccup form returned by body. Very useful for testing React components created using hx.hiccup.


(hx/defnc Welcome [{:keys [age]}]
  (if (> age 17))
    [:div "You're allowed!"]
    [:div [:a {:href ""}] "Please go elsewhere"])
;; in test
(deftest welcome-allowed
  (is (= (hx/shallow-render (Welcome {:keys age}))
         [:div "You're allowed!"]))
  (is (= (hx/shallow-render (Welcome {:age 17}))
         [:div [:a {:href ""}] "Please go elsewhere"])))