The scope of this chapter is to identify and list down test cases based on requirements defined in Reference Architecture-1 (RA-1). This will serve as traceability between test cases and requirements.
Note that each requirement may have one or more test cases associated with it.
must: Test Cases that are marked as must are considered mandatory and must pass successfully.
should: Test Cases that are marked as should are expected to be fulfilled by NFVI but it is up to each service provider to accept an NFVI targeting reference architecture that is not reflecting on any of those requirements. The same applies to should not.
may: Test cases that are marked as may are considered optional. The same applies to may not.
Test cases below are selected based on available test cases in open-source tools like FuncTest etc.
The following is a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) mapping Test Case, and/or Test Case Coverage, to RM and RA-1 requirements (config and deployment).
The RTM contains RM config (i.e. .conf) requirements listed “per profile”, followed by RA-1 requirements. Requirements fall into 8 domains: general(gen), infrastructure(inf), VIM(vim), Interface & API(int), Tenants(tnt), LCM(lcm), Assurance(asr), Security(sec).
For detailed information on RM & RA-1 NFVI and VNF requirements, please refer to RI-1 Chapter 3.
The OpenStack Gates verify all changes proposed mostly by running thousands of Tempest tests completed by Rally scenarios in a few cases. Skipping tests is allowed in all OpenStack Gates and only failures rate the review -1 because of the multiple capabilities and backends selected in the different Gate jobs. The classical Functest containers conform to this model which also fits the heterogeneous user deployments.
From a Anuket Compliance state point, the capabilities are well described in RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs which allows tuning the test configurations and the test lists to avoid skipping any test. It results that all tests covering optional capabilities and all upstream skipped tests due to known bugs are not executed. All remaining tests must be executed and must pass successfully.
New Functest containers have been proposed for Anuket Compliance which simply override the default test configurations and the default test lists. Any optional capability or services (e.g. Barbican) can be still verified by the classical Functest containers.
The next subsections only detail the Tempest tests which must not be executed from a Compliance state point. The remaining tests have to pass successfully. They cover all together the API testing requirements as asked by RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs
The following software versions are considered here to verify OpenStack Wallaby selected by Anuket:
software | version |
Functest | wallaby |
Cinder Tempest plugin | 1.4.0 |
Keystone Tempest plugin | 0.7.0 |
Heat Tempest plugin | 1.2.0 |
Neutron Tempest plugin | 1.4.0 |
Rally OpenStack | 2.1.0 |
Tempest | 27.0.0 |
Keystone API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via Tempest and keystone-tempest-plugin as integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT.
According to RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs the following test names must not be executed:
test rejection regular expressions | reasons |
.*api.identity.v3.test_oauth1_tokens | oauth1 |
.*scenario.test_federated_authentication | federation |
.*identity.admin.v2 | API v2 |
.*identity.v2 | API v2 |
.*identity.v3.test_access_rules | access_rules |
.*identity.v3.test_application_credentials.ApplicationCredentialsV3Test.test_create_application_credential_access_rules | access_rules |
Keystone API is also covered by Rally.
Here are the mainline tasks integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT:
- Authenticate.keystone
- KeystoneBasic.add_and_remove_user_role
- KeystoneBasic.create_add_and_list_user_roles
- KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_tenants
- KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_role
- KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_service
- KeystoneBasic.get_entities
- KeystoneBasic.create_update_and_delete_tenant
- KeystoneBasic.create_user
- KeystoneBasic.create_tenant
- KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_users
- KeystoneBasic.create_tenant_with_users
Glance API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via Tempest as integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT.
According to RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs the following test names must not be executed:
test rejection regular expressions | reasons |
.*image.v1 | API v1 |
.*image.v2.admin.test_images.ImportCopyImagesTest | import_image |
.*image.v2.test_images_negative.ImagesNegativeTest.test_create_image_reserved_property | os_glance_reserved |
.*image.v2.test_images_negative.ImagesNegativeTest.test_update_image_reserved_property | os_glance_reserved |
.*image.v2.test_images_negative.ImportImagesNegativeTest.test_image_web_download_import_with_bad_url | web-download import |
.*image.v2.test_images.ImportImagesTest | import_image |
.*image.v2.test_images.MultiStoresImportImages | import_image |
Glance API is also covered by Rally.
Here are the mainline tasks integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT:
- Authenticate.validate_glance
- GlanceImages.create_and_delete_image
- GlanceImages.create_and_list_image
- GlanceImages.list_images
- GlanceImages.create_image_and_boot_instances
Cinder API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via Tempest and cinder-tempest-plugin as integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT.
According to RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs the following test names must not be executed:
test rejection regular expressions | reasons |
.*test_incremental_backup | |
.*test_consistencygroups | consistency_group |
.*test_backup_crossproject_admin_negative | |
.*test_backup_crossproject_user_negative | |
.*test_volume_encrypted.TestEncryptedCinderVolumes | attach_encrypted_volume |
.*test_encrypted_volumes_extend | extend_attached_encrypted_volume |
.*test_group_snapshots.GroupSnapshotsV319Test.test_reset_group_snapshot_status | |
.*test_multi_backend | multi-backend |
.*test_volume_retype.VolumeRetypeWithMigrationTest | multi-backend |
.*test_volume_delete_cascade.VolumesDeleteCascade.test_volume_from_snapshot_cascade_delete | |
.*test_volumes_backup.VolumesBackupsTest.test_volume_backup_create_get_detailed_list_restore_delete | ceph |
.*test_volumes_extend.VolumesExtendAttachedTest.test_extend_attached_volume | extend_attached_volume |
.*tempest.scenario.test_volume_migrate_attached | multi-backend |
Cinder API is also covered by Rally.
Here are the mainline tasks integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT:
- Authenticate.validate_cinder
- CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_snapshot
- CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_volume
- CinderVolumes.create_and_extend_volume
- CinderVolumes.create_from_volume_and_delete_volume
- CinderQos.create_and_list_qos
- CinderQos.create_and_set_qos
- CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_list_volume_types
- CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_and_encryption_type
- Quotas.cinder_update_and_delete
- Quotas.cinder_update
Swift API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via Tempest as integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT.
According to RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs the following test names must not be executed:
test rejection regular expressions | reasons |
.*test_container_sync.ContainerSyncTest.test_container_synchronization | |
.*test_container_sync_middleware.ContainerSyncMiddlewareTest.test_container_synchronization | container_sync |
.*test_object_services.ObjectTest.test_create_object_with_transfer_encoding | |
Swift API is also covered by Rally.
Here are the mainline tasks integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT:
- SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_list_objects
- SwiftObjects.list_objects_in_containers
- SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_download_object
- SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_delete_all
- SwiftObjects.list_and_download_objects_in_containers
Neutron API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via Tempest and neutron-tempest-plugin as integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT.
According to RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs the following test names must not be executed:
test rejection regular expressions | reasons |
.*admin.test_agent_availability_zone | DHCP agent and L3 agent |
.*admin.test_dhcp_agent_scheduler | dhcp_agent_scheduler |
.*admin.test_l3_agent_scheduler | l3_agent_scheduler |
.*admin.test_logging | logging |
.*admin.test_logging_negative | logging |
.*admin.test_network_segment_range | network-segment-range |
.*admin.test_ports.PortTestCasesAdmin.test_regenerate_mac_address | port-mac-address-regenerate |
.*admin.test_ports.PortTestCasesResourceRequest | port-resource-request |
.*admin.test_routers_dvr | dvr |
.*admin.test_routers_flavors | l3-flavors |
.*admin.test_routers_ha | l3-ha |
.*test_floating_ips.FloatingIPPoolTestJSON | floatingip-pools |
.*test_floating_ips.FloatingIPTestJSON.test_create_update_floatingip_port_details | fip-port-details |
.*test_metering_extensions | metering |
.*test_metering_negative | metering |
.*test_networks.NetworksSearchCriteriaTest.test_list_validation_filters | filter-validation |
.*test_networks.NetworksTestAdmin.test_create_tenant_network_vxlan. | vxlan |
.*test_networks.NetworksTestJSON.test_create_update_network_dns_domain | dns-integration |
.*test_port_forwardings | floating-ip-port-forwarding |
.*test_port_forwarding_negative | floating-ip-port-forwarding |
.*test_ports.PortsTaggingOnCreation | tag-ports-during-bulk-creation |
.*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_port_with_propagate_uplink_status | uplink-status-propagation |
.*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_port_without_propagate_uplink_status | uplink-status-propagation |
.*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_update_port_with_dns_domain | dns-domain-ports |
.*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_update_port_with_dns_name | dns-integration |
.*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_update_port_with_no_dns_name | dns-integration |
.*test_revisions.TestRevisions.test_update_dns_domain_bumps_revision | dns-integration |
.*test_revisions.TestRevisions.test_update_router_extra_attributes_bumps_revision | l3-ha |
.*test_router_interface_fip | router-interface-fip |
.*test_routers.DvrRoutersTest | dvr |
.*test_routers.HaRoutersTest | l3-ha |
.*test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_extra_routes_atomic | extraroute-atomic |
.*test_routers.RoutersTest.test_extra_routes_atomic | extraroute-atomic |
.*test_routers_negative.DvrRoutersNegativeTest | dvr |
.*test_routers_negative.DvrRoutersNegativeTestExtended | dvr |
.*test_routers_negative.HaRoutersNegativeTest | l3-ha |
.*test_security_groups.RbacSharedSecurityGroupTest | rbac-security-groups |
.*test_subnetpool_prefix_ops | subnetpool-prefix-ops |
.*test_subnetpools.RbacSubnetPoolTest | rbac-subnetpool |
.*test_subnetpools_negative.SubnetPoolsNegativeTestJSON.test_tenant_create_subnetpool_associate_shared_address_scope | rbac-address-scope |
.*test_subnetpools.SubnetPoolsSearchCriteriaTest.test_list_validation_filters | filter-validation |
.*test_subnets.SubnetsSearchCriteriaTest.test_list_validation_filters | filter-validation |
.*test_timestamp.TestTimeStamp.test_segment_with_timestamp | standard-attr-segment |
.*test_trunk.TrunkTestInheritJSONBase.test_add_subport | |
.*test_trunk.TrunkTestMtusJSON | vxlan |
.*test_trunk_negative.TrunkTestJSON.test_create_subport_invalid_inherit_network_segmentation_type | vxlan |
.*test_trunk_negative.TrunkTestMtusJSON | vxlan |
.*test_qos.QosMinimumBandwidthRuleTestJSON | |
.*network.test_tags | tag-ext |
.*test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_create_router_set_gateway_with_fixed_ip | |
.*test_routers.RoutersTest.test_create_router_set_gateway_with_fixed_ip | |
.*test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_router_rescheduling | l3_agent_scheduler |
.*test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_cold_migration_revert | |
Neutron API is also covered by Rally.
Here are the mainline tasks integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT:
- Authenticate.validate_neutron
- NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks
- NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports
- NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers
- NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets
- NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_networks
- NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_ports
- NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers
- NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets
- NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups
- NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_group_rule
- NeutronNetworks.set_and_clear_router_gateway
- Quotas.neutron_update
Nova API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via Tempest as integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT.
According to RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs the following test names must not be executed:
test rejection regular expressions | reasons |
.*admin.test_agents | xenapi_apis |
.*test_fixed_ips | neutron |
.*test_fixed_ips_negative | neutron |
.*test_auto_allocate_network | shared networks |
.*test_flavors_microversions.FlavorsV255TestJSON | max_microversion: 2.53 |
.*test_flavors_microversions.FlavorsV261TestJSON | max_microversion: 2.53 |
.*test_floating_ips_bulk | nova-network |
.*test_live_migration.LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.test_iscsi_volume | block live migration |
.*test_live_migration.LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.test_live_block_migration | block live migration |
.*test_live_migration.LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.test_live_block_migration_paused | block live migration |
.*test_live_migration.LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.test_volume_backed_live_migration | volume-backed live migration |
.*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationTest.test_iscsi_volume | block live migration |
.*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationTest.test_live_block_migration | block live migration |
.*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationTest.test_live_block_migration_paused | block live migration |
.*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationTest.test_volume_backed_live_migration | volume-backed live migration |
.*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationRemoteConsolesV26Test | serial_console |
.*test_quotas.QuotasAdminTestV257 | max_microversion: 2.53 |
.*test_servers.ServersAdminTestJSON.test_reset_network_inject_network_info | xenapi_apis |
.*certificates.test_certificates | cert |
.*test_quotas_negative.QuotasSecurityGroupAdminNegativeTest | |
.*test_novnc | vnc_console |
.*test_server_personality | personality |
.*test_servers.ServerShowV263Test.test_show_update_rebuild_list_server | certified_image_ref |
.*test_servers_microversions.ServerShowV254Test | max_microversion: 2.53 |
.*test_servers_microversions.ServerShowV257Test | max_microversion: 2.53 |
.*test_servers_negative.ServersNegativeTestJSON.test_personality_file_contents_not_encoded | personality |
.*test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_change_server_password | change_password |
.*test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_get_vnc_console | vnc_console |
.*test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_reboot_server_soft | |
.*test_server_rescue.ServerBootFromVolumeStableRescueTest | stable_rescue |
.*test_server_rescue.ServerStableDeviceRescueTest | stable_rescue |
.*test_security_group_default_rules | |
.*test_security_groups_negative.SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.test_security_group_create_with_duplicate_name | neutron |
.*test_security_groups_negative.SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.test_security_group_create_with_invalid_group_description | |
.*test_security_groups_negative.SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.test_security_group_create_with_invalid_group_name | |
.*test_security_groups_negative.SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_des | neutron |
.*test_security_groups_negative.SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_id | neutron |
.*test_security_groups_negative.SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_name | neutron |
.*test_server_metadata.ServerMetadataTestJSON | xenapi_apis |
.*test_server_metadata_negative.ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.test_delete_metadata_non_existent_server | xenapi_apis |
.*test_server_metadata_negative.ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.test_metadata_items_limit | xenapi_apis |
.*test_server_metadata_negative.ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.test_set_metadata_invalid_key | xenapi_apis |
.*test_server_metadata_negative.ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.test_set_metadata_non_existent_server | xenapi_apis |
.*test_server_metadata_negative.ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.test_set_server_metadata_blank_key | xenapi_apis |
.*test_server_metadata_negative.ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.test_set_server_metadata_missing_metadata | xenapi_apis |
.*test_server_metadata_negative.ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.test_update_metadata_non_existent_server | xenapi_apis |
.*test_server_metadata_negative.ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.test_update_metadata_with_blank_key | xenapi_apis |
.*test_list_server_filters.ListServerFiltersTestJSON.test_list_servers_filtered_by_ip_regex | |
.*servers.test_virtual_interfaces | nova-network |
.*compute.test_virtual_interfaces_negative | nova-network |
.*compute.test_networks | nova-network |
.*test_attach_volume.AttachVolumeMultiAttach | volume_multiattach |
.*test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_boot_server_from_encrypted_volume_luks | attach_encrypted_volume |
.*test_volume_swap | swap_volume |
.*test_encrypted_cinder_volumes | attach_encrypted_volume |
.*test_minbw_allocation_placement | microversion |
.*test_volumes_negative.UpdateMultiattachVolumeNegativeTest.test_multiattach_rw_volume_update_failure | volume_multiattach |
.*test_shelve_instance.TestShelveInstance.test_cold_migrate_unshelved_instance | shelve_migrate |
Nova API is also covered by Rally.
Here are the mainline tasks integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT:
- Authenticate.validate_nova
- NovaServers.boot_and_live_migrate_server
- NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_live_migrate
- NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_live_migrate
- NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair
- NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_delete
- NovaServers.pause_and_unpause_server
- NovaServers.boot_and_migrate_server
- NovaServers.boot_server_and_list_interfaces
- NovaServers.boot_server_associate_and_dissociate_floating_ip
- NovaServerGroups.create_and_delete_server_group
- Quotas.nova_update
Heat API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via heat-tempest-plugin as integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT
According to RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs the following test names must not be executed:
test rejection regular expressions | reasons |
.*functional.test_lbaasv2 | lbaasv2 |
.*functional.test_encryption_vol_type |!/story/2007804 |
.*RemoteStackTest.test_stack_create_with_cloud_credential | |
.*scenario.test_aodh_alarm | aodh |
.*tests.scenario.test_autoscaling_lb | lbaas |
.*scenario.test_autoscaling_lbv2 | lbaasv2 |
.*scenario.test_server_software_config | |
.*test_volumes.VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest | |
.*scenario.test_octavia_lbaas | octavia |
.*scenario.test_server_cfn_init | |
Heat API is also covered by Rally.
Here are the mainline tasks integrated in Functest Smoke CNTT:
- Authenticate.validate_heat
- HeatStacks.create_update_delete_stack
- HeatStacks.create_check_delete_stack
- HeatStacks.create_suspend_resume_delete_stack
- HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_resources
Horizon is covered in the OpenStack Gates via tempest-horizon as integrated in Functest Healthcheck.
Rally is tool and framework that allows to perform OpenStack API benchmarking.
Here are the Rally-based test cases proposed by Functest Benchmarking CNTT:
- rally_full: Functest scenarios iterating 10 times the mainline Rally scenarios
- rally_jobs: Neutron scenarios executed in the OpenStack gates
At the time of writing, no KPI is defined in RA1 Core OpenStack Services APIs which would have asked for an update of the default SLA (maximum failure rate of 0%) proposed in Functest Benchmarking CNTT
Scenarios | Iterations |
Authenticate.keystone | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.add_and_remove_user_role | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_add_and_list_user_roles | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_tenants | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_role | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_service | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.get_entities | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_update_and_delete_tenant | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_user | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_tenant | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_users | 10 |
KeystoneBasic.create_tenant_with_users | 10 |
Scenarios | Iterations |
Authenticate.validate_glance | 10 |
GlanceImages.create_and_delete_image | 10 |
GlanceImages.create_and_list_image | 10 |
GlanceImages.list_images | 10 |
GlanceImages.create_image_and_boot_instances | 10 |
GlanceImages.create_and_deactivate_image | 10 |
GlanceImages.create_and_download_image | 10 |
GlanceImages.create_and_get_image | 10 |
GlanceImages.create_and_update_image | 10 |
Scenarios | Iterations |
Authenticate.validate_glance | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_and_attach_volume | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_and_list_snapshots | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_and_list_volume | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_and_upload_volume_to_image | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_nested_snapshots_and_attach_volume | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_snapshot_and_attach_volume | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_volume | 10 |
CinderVolumes.list_volumes | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_snapshot | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_volume | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_and_extend_volume | 10 |
CinderVolumes.create_from_volume_and_delete_volume | 10 |
CinderQos.create_and_get_qos | 10 |
CinderQos.create_and_list_qos | 10 |
CinderQos.create_and_set_qos | 10 |
CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_get_volume_type | 10 |
CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_list_volume_types | 10 |
CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_update_volume_type | 10 |
CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_and_encryption_type | 10 |
CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_add_and_list_type_access | 10 |
Quotas.cinder_update_and_delete | 10 |
Quotas.cinder_update | 10 |
Scenarios | Iterations |
SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_list_objects | 10 |
SwiftObjects.list_objects_in_containers | 10 |
SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_download_object | 10 |
SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_delete_all | 10 |
SwiftObjects.list_and_download_objects_in_containers | 10 |
Scenarios | Iterations |
Authenticate.validate_neutron | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_networks | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_ports | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_routers | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_subnets | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_networks | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_ports | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets | 10 |
NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups | 10 |
NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_group_rule | 10 |
NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_list_security_group_rules | 10 |
NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_show_security_group | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.set_and_clear_router_gateway | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_ports | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_routers | 10 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_subnets | 10 |
Quotas.neutron_update | 10 |
Scenarios | Iterations |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_networks | 100 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_ports | 8 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_networks | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_ports | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_routers | 40 |
NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_subnets | 100 |
NeutronTrunks.create_and_list_trunks | 4 |
Quotas.neutron_update | 40 |
Scenarios | Iterations |
Authenticate.validate_nova | 10 |
NovaKeypair.create_and_delete_keypair | 10 |
NovaKeypair.create_and_list_keypairs | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_and_bounce_server | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_and_list_server | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_and_rebuild_server | 10 |
NovaServers.snapshot_server | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server | 10 |
NovaServers.list_servers | 10 |
NovaServers.resize_server | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_and_live_migrate_server | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_live_migrate | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_live_migrate | 10 |
NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_delete | 10 |
NovaServers.pause_and_unpause_server | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_and_migrate_server | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server_and_list_interfaces | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_and_get_console_url | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server_and_attach_interface | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server_attach_volume_and_list_attachments | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_server_associate_and_dissociate_floating_ip | 10 |
NovaServers.boot_and_associate_floating_ip | 10 |
NovaServerGroups.create_and_delete_server_group | 10 |
NovaServerGroups.create_and_get_server_group | 10 |
NovaServerGroups.create_and_list_server_groups | 10 |
Quotas.nova_update | 10 |
Scenarios | Iterations |
Authenticate.validate_heat | 10 |
HeatStacks.create_and_delete_stack | 10 |
HeatStacks.create_and_list_stack | 10 |
HeatStacks.create_update_delete_stack | 10 |
HeatStacks.create_check_delete_stack | 10 |
HeatStacks.create_suspend_resume_delete_stack | 10 |
HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_resources | 10 |
Functest Benchmarking CNTT offers two benchmarking dataplane test cases leveraging on:
VMTP is a small python application that will automatically perform ping connectivity, round trip time measurement (latency) and TCP/UDP throughput measurement on any OpenStack deployment.
Shaker wraps around popular system network testing tools like iperf, iperf3 and netperf (with help of flent). Shaker is able to deploy OpenStack instances and networks in different topologies. Shaker scenario specifies the deployment and list of tests to execute.
At the time of writing, no KPIs are defined in Anuket specifications which would have asked for an update of the default SLA proposed in Functest Benchmarking CNTT
On top of this dataplane benchmarking described in VMTP & Shaker, we need to integrate testing as described in ETSI GS NFV-TST 009: Specification of Networking Benchmarks and Measurement Methods for NFVI. This type of testing is better suited to measure the networking capabilities of a compute node. The rapid scripts in conjunction with the PROX tool offers an open source implementation for this type of testing.
Here are the scenarios executed by Functest vmtp:
- VM to VM same network fixed IP (intra-node)
- VM to VM different network fixed IP (intra-node)
- VM to VM different network floating IP (intra-node)
- VM to VM same network fixed IP (inter-node)
- VM to VM different network fixed IP (inter-node)
- VM to VM different network floating IP (inter-node)
Here are all results per scenario:
protocol | pkt_size | results |
ICMP | 64 | rtt_avg_ms |
ICMP | 64 | rtt_max_ms |
ICMP | 64 | rtt_min_ms |
ICMP | 64 | rtt_stddev |
ICMP | 391 | rtt_avg_ms |
ICMP | 391 | rtt_max_ms |
ICMP | 391 | rtt_min_ms |
ICMP | 391 | rtt_stddev |
ICMP | 1500 | rtt_avg_ms |
ICMP | 1500 | rtt_max_ms |
ICMP | 1500 | rtt_min_ms |
ICMP | 1500 | rtt_stddev |
UDP | 128 | loss_rate |
UDP | 128 | throughput_kbps |
UDP | 1024 | loss_rate |
UDP | 1024 | throughput_kbps |
UDP | 8192 | loss_rate |
UDP | 8192 | throughput_kbps |
TCP | 65536 | rtt_ms |
TCP | 65536 | throughput_kbps |
Here are the scenarios executed by Shaker:
- OpenStack L2
- OpenStack L3 East-West
- OpenStack L3 North-South
- OpenStack L3 North-South Performance
Here are all samples:
test | samples |
Bi-directional | ping_icmp (ms) |
Bi-directional | tcp_download (Mbits/s) |
Bi-directional | tcp_upload (Mbits/s) |
Download | ping_icmp (ms) |
Download | tcp_download (Mbits/s) |
Upload | ping_icmp (ms) |
Upload | tcp_upload (Mbits/s) |
Ping | ping_icmp (ms) |
Ping | ping_udp (ms) |
TCP | bandwidth (bit/s) |
TCP | retransmits |
UDP | packets (pps) |
The generator used with the rapid scripts is PROX with a specific generator configuration file. When multiple flows are requested, the generator starts randomizing bits in the source and destination UDP ports. The number of flows to be generated during each run of the test is specified in the test files (e.g. TST009_Throughput.test). Packet size used during the test is also defined in the test file. IMIX is not supported yet, but you could take the average packet size of the IMIX for now. When defining n packet sizes with m different flow sizes, the test will run n x m times and will produce the results for these n x m combinations. All throughput benchmarking is done by a generator sending packets to a reflector. This results in bidirectional traffic which should be identical (src and dest IP and ports swapped) if all traffic goes through. The VMs or containers use only 1 vNIC for incoming and outgoing traffic. Multiple queues can be used. Multiple VMs or containers can be deployed prior to running any tests. This allows to use generator-reflector pairs on the same or different compute nodes, on the same or different NUMA nodes.
Running opensource VNFs is a key technical solution to ensure that the platforms meet Network Functions Virtualization requirements. Functest VNF offers 5 test cases which automatically onboard and test the following 3 opensource VNFs:
Here are the full list of orchestrators used for all these deployments:
The VNF are covered by upstream tests when possible (see clearwater-live-test) and by Functest VNF tests in the other cases.
According to RC1 Chapter04 the following test cases must pass as they are for Anuket NFVI Conformance:
container | test case | criteria |
opnfv/functest-healthcheck:wallaby | tempest_horizon | PASS |
opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby | tempest_neutron_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby | tempest_cinder_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby | tempest_keystone_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby | rally_sanity_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby | tempest_full_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby | tempest_scenario_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby | tempest_slow_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-benchmarking-cntt:wallaby | rally_full_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-benchmarking-cntt:wallaby | rally_jobs_cntt | PASS |
opnfv/functest-benchmarking-cntt:wallaby | vmtp | PASS |
opnfv/functest-benchmarking-cntt:wallaby | shaker | PASS |
opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby | cloudify | PASS |
opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby | cloudify_ims | PASS |
opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby | heat_ims | PASS |
opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby | vyos_vrouter | PASS |
opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby | juju_epc | PASS |
test case | requirements |
tempest_horizon | Horizon testing |
tempest_neutron_cntt | Neutron API testing |
tempest_cinder_cntt | Cinder API testing |
tempest_keystone_cntt | Keystone API testing |
rally_sanity_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron, Nova and Heat API testing |
tempest_full_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron and Nova API testing |
tempest_scenario_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron and Nova API testing |
tempest_slow_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron and Nova API testing |
rally_full_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron, Nova and Heat API benchmarking |
rally_jobs_cntt | Neutron API benchmarking |
vmtp | Dataplane benchmarking |
shaker | Dataplane benchmarking |
cloudify | opensource VNF onboarding and testing |
cloudify_ims | opensource VNF onboarding and testing |
heat_ims | opensource VNF onboarding and testing |
vyos_vrouter | opensource VNF onboarding and testing |
juju_epc | opensource VNF onboarding and testing |