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Environment Variables

Loren West edited this page May 16, 2023 · 34 revisions

Node-config uses a handful of environment variables for its own configuration. It can also use custom environment variables to override your app's configuration. In both cases, these are generally exported in your shell before loading the app, but can also be supplied on the command line or in your app bootstrap.

Example exporting to the O/S before loading your app:

cd /my/application
export NODE_ENV=stage
node myapp.js

Example passing on the command line:

cd /my/application
NODE_ENV=stage node myapp.js 

Example setting in JavaScript before the first load of node-config:

process.env.NODE_ENV = "stage";
var config = require('config');


This variable contains the name of your application's deployment environment, representing the {deployment} when determining config file loading order. Common values include dev, stage, production-east, etc. to fit your deployment strategy. The value for NODE_ENV can be overridden with the NODE_CONFIG_ENV environment variable.

The current value of NODE_ENV is available in config.util.getEnv():

var config = require('config');
console.log('NODE_ENV: ' + config.util.getEnv('NODE_ENV'));

Multiple values for NODE_ENV may be provided, separated by a comma. They will be loaded and merged in order (details).


In certain circumstances NODE_ENV may not be the preferred value for configuration identification. The NODE_CONFIG_ENV environment variable was introduced with (v1.28.0) which transparently, overrides the value of NODE_ENV.

The current value of NODE_CONFIG_ENV is available in config.util.getEnv():

process.env.NODE_CONFIG_ENV = "qa";
process.env.NODE_ENV = "production";
var config = require('config');
console.log('NODE_CONFIG_ENV: ' + config.util.getEnv('NODE_CONFIG_ENV'));

The qa configuration will be used in place of production.


This contains the paths to the directories containing your configuration files. You can pass multiple directories separated by :. (like PATH environment variable). They can be direct paths from the root, or relative paths if they begin with ./ or ../. The default NODE_CONFIG_DIR is the /config directory under the current working directory, usually your application root - the value returned by process.cwd() + '/config'.

The current value of NODE_CONFIG_DIR is available in config.util.getEnv():

var config = require('config');
console.log('NODE_CONFIG_DIR: ' + config.util.getEnv('NODE_CONFIG_DIR'));


This allows you to support configuration from the command line or shell environment. The NODE_CONFIG environment variable must be a JSON formatted string. Note that "custom environment variables" described above override this.

If NODE_CONFIG is supplied both from the OS environment and the command line, they'll both be used with command line values favored over OS environment values.


$ export NODE_CONFIG='{"Customer":{"dbConfig":{"host":""}}}'
$ node myapp.js

The current value of NODE_CONFIG, mixed from the O/S environment and command line is available in config.util.getEnv():

var config = require('config');
console.log('NODE_CONFIG: ' + config.util.getEnv('NODE_CONFIG'));


This variable contains the name of your host server, representing the {hostname} when determining config file loading order.

Sometimes the default hostname returned by os.hostname() isn't what you expect, and setting this before running your app makes sure you've got the right name.

For backward compatibility, if the HOST variable is set, that value is used instead.

Regardless of the variable or default used, the current value of HOSTNAME is available in config.util.getEnv():

var config = require('config');
console.log('HOSTNAME: ' + config.util.getEnv('HOSTNAME'));


As described in the multi instance deployment section, if you're running multiple instances of your app and need different configurations for each instance, this enables loading of instance specific config files.

The current value of NODE_APP_INSTANCE is available in config.util.getEnv()

var config = require('config');
console.log('NODE_APP_INSTANCE: ' + config.util.getEnv('NODE_APP_INSTANCE'));


This contains the path to a file which provides an alternative parser to be used when reading and parsing configuration files. It can be either an absolute path or a path relative to NODE_CONFIG_DIR.

An alternative parser module must return a modified version of config/parser.

const ini = require('ini');
const Parser = require('config/parser');
Parser.setParser('ini', (filename, content) => ini.parse(content));
Parser.setFilesOrder(['js', 'json', 'yml', 'yaml', 'ini']);
module.exports = Parser;  // must be exported!

The current value of NODE_CONFIG_PARSER is available in config.util.getEnv():

process.env.NODE_CONFIG_PARSER = '/path/to/custom/parser';
var config = require('config');
console.log('NODE_CONFIG_PARSER: ' + config.util.getEnv('NODE_CONFIG_PARSER'));


If this environment variable contains anything, then mutations of the configuration object are allowed. This is for edge cases such as testing, where it is important to mutate configurations for different scenarios within the same execution.

The safety afforded by making the configuration object immutable is lost when this environment variable is used.

The current value of ALLOW_CONFIG_MUTATIONS is available in config.util.getEnv()

var config = require('config');
console.log('ALLOW_CONFIG_MUTATIONS: ' + config.util.getEnv('ALLOW_CONFIG_MUTATIONS'));


When strict mode is enabled, the following conditions must be true or an exception will thrown at require-time:

  • There must be an explicit config file matching NODE_ENV if NODE_ENV is set.
  • There must be an explicit config file matching NODE_APP_INSTANCE if NODE_APP_INSTANCE is set
  • NODE_ENV must not match 'default' or 'local' to avoid ambiguity.

Strict mode is off by default.


If this environment variable contains anything, then the following message

WARNING: No configurations found in configuration directory

will be suppressed if no configurations were found when loading node-config. This is important for NPM modules using node-config to allow apps using these sub-modules the option of using node-config if they choose, or a different configuration system without getting annoying warning messages.

See the article on sub module configuration for more information about using node-config in an NPM module.

The current value of SUPPRESS_NO_CONFIG_WARNING is available in config.util.getEnv()

var config = require('config');
console.log('SUPPRESS_NO_CONFIG_WARNING: ' + config.util.getEnv('SUPPRESS_NO_CONFIG_WARNING'));

Custom Environment Variables

(New as of 1.1.0) Some deployment situations rely heavily on environment variables to configure secrets and settings best left out of a codebase. NODE_CONFIG lets you use a JSON string to deal with this, but sometimes simpler, flatter environment variables are better suited.

To enable custom environment variables, create a configuration file, config/custom-environment-variables.json (or .yaml or .js or coffee) mapping the environment variable names into your configuration structure. For example:

// config/custom-environment-variables.json
  "Customer": {
    "dbConfig": {
      "host": "PROD_SERVER"
    "credit": {
      "initialDays": "CR_ID"
    // Environment variables containing multiple configs
    // New as of [email protected]
    "settings": {
      "adminAccounts": {
        "__name": "ADMIN_ACCS",
        "__format": "json"

...would cause node-config to check for the environment variables PROD_SERVER and CR_ID. If they exist, they would override the values for, and in your configuration.

(New as of 3.3.6) For ADMIN_ACCS it will try to parse the found environment variable according to the specified format in __format and extend the values for Customer.settings.adminAccounts. Empty environment variables are ignored, and their mappings have no effect on your config.

The available __format types: js, cjs, ts, json, json5, hjson, toml, coffee, iced, yaml, yml, cson, properties, xml, boolean, number.

Precedence: Custom environment variables override all configuration files, including local.json. Only command line options take precedence over them.