My name is Ivan D Vasin. This is my website.
This website is a single-page application written mostly in Elm with a bit of TypeScript, styled with Tailwind CSS and the Catppuccin color schemes, and built with Parcel. It is deployed on the Firebase platform, using Firebase Hosting for web hosting and Cloud Functions for serverless backend functionality.
Accessible, understandable, presentable, and operable across a wide range of connection speeds, devices, physical interfaces, screen sizes, browsers, and user ability impairments.
Accessibility best-practices in HTML and CSS/JavaScript, using ARIA as needed.
Responsive design for good visual presentation on all screen sizes.
Client-side input validation for immediate constraint checking and feedback.
Performance features for usability on low-end devices and network connections.
Keyboard navigability for operability without a mouse or touchscreen.
ARIA semantics for perceivability without a visual display.
CSS transpilation for broad browser support.
Reliability, comprehensibility, maintainability, and extensibility.
Primarily implemented in Elm.
The Elm Architecture for managing state and data flow. All effects are explicitly represented and managed—none of the code produces side-effects.
A type system that guarantees no runtime errors in practice.
Pure functions and immutability for consistent comprehensibility and unsurprising behavior.
Custom types and explicit nullability for precisely defined variants and exhaustive case handling, enabling design that models application states as data structures, makes impossible states impossible, and avoids nonsensical handling of transient states.
Helpful compile-time error messages that are beginner-friendly and include hints for a pleasant and efficient developer experience and fearless refactoring.
TypeScript for type-safe JavaScript code.
Modern features of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Automatic infrastructure provisioning via Firebase Hosting and Cloud Functions.
Quickly, now!
A single-page application for eliminating page loads.
Lazy virtual DOM updates avoid building unnecessary virtual DOM nodes.
Interactive and responsive elements leverage CSS features to obviate the need for JavaScript execution and DOM updates.
Fast content delivery via Cloudflare CDN.
Scalable infrastructure via Firebase Hosting and Cloud Functions.
Good looks.
A design system built from utility classes using Tailwind CSS.
Catppuccin color schemes for aesthetic light and dark themes.
Protection against a wide range of exploits.
Against bots with Cloudflare Bot Fight Mode, Firebase App Check, and reCAPTCHA Enterprise.
Against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks with Cloudflare DDoS Protection.
Against DNS spoofing, DNS hijacking, DNS-based DDoS, and other DNS attacks via DNSSEC and Cloudflare DNS.
Against email spoofing via DNS SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records.
Detailed analysis of performance and user interaction.