diff --git a/src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx b/src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index b05b5a0b430..00000000000 --- a/src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Install .NET agent for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: 'For APM: how to install the .NET agent to monitor Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications.' -redirects: - - /docs/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf - - /docs/agents/net-agent/installation/windows-communication-foundation-wcf - - /docs/agents/net-agent/features/instrumenting-wcf-applications - - /docs/agents/net-agent/instrumentation/instrumenting-wcf-applications - - /docs/agents/net-agent/instrumentation/wcf-application-installation - - /docs/agents/net-agent/additional-installation/wcf-application-installation -freshnessValidatedDate: never ---- - -This document explains how to install the .NET agent and monitor WCF applications. - -## Install for WCF applications [#wcf] - -To install the .NET agent on IIS-hosted WCF apps: - -1. Install the .NET agent using [these instructions for IIS-hosted apps](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstall&docker=noDocker) - - - For self-hosted WCF applications (hosted as a custom Windows Service, a console app, or a Windows Forms app) you must also enable the agent. See the **Enable the agent** step in the [instructions for non-IIS-hosted apps](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstallNonIis&docker=noDocker). - -2. Ensure you give [each WCF app a descriptive name](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation-and-configuration/naming-your-net-application#naming-non-iis). -3. Enable or disable ASP.NET compatibility mode in your WCF application depending on which type of events you want monitored: - - - - When ASP.NET compatibility mode is **enabled**, the .NET agent instruments ASP.NET pipeline events as well as WCF events. In this mode, the agent provides you with a full view of your application stack. - - - - When ASP.NET compatibility mode is **disabled**, the .NET agent only instruments WCF events. Any activity that occurs as part of the ASP.NET pipeline will not be captured, such as agent API calls that are made outside of a WCF transaction. - - - -If your application is receiving traffic, data should appear within a few minutes. If it doesn't, see [No data appears](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx b/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index fd92493ac93..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Instale el agente .NET en AWS Elastic Beanstalk -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -Amazon Web Services (AWS) [Elastic Beanstalk](https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk) es un servicio dinámico que permite un fácil despliegue y escalabilidad para su aplicación. Siga estas instrucciones para implementar el agente .NET en la instancia de lanzamiento con su aplicación .NET AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Es posible que también desee instalar el agente New Relic Infrastructure en su instancia de Elastic Beanstalk; consulte [Configurar el agente de infraestructura en AWS Elastic Beanstalk](/docs/infrastructure/install-infrastructure-agent/config-management-tools/configure-infrastructure-agent-aws-elastic-beanstalk/) para obtener más detalles. - -## Requisitos - -Asegúrese de tener una [cuenta de Amazon Web Services](http://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/) compatible. Además, para cualquier instalación de New Relic, necesitarás tu . Esta es una cadena hexadecimal de 40 caracteres que New Relic proporciona cuando se [registra](http://newrelic.com/signup "El enlace se abre en una ventana nueva.") para obtener su cuenta. - -## Instalar el agente .NET - -Para instalar el agente .NET para la aplicación sitio web ASP.NET Core y desplegarlo en AWS Elastic Beanstalk, siga estos pasos. También puede encontrar proyectos de ejemplo funcionales para Windows y Linux en nuestro [repositorio de muestras de agentes .NET](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples/tree/main/elastic-beanstalk). - -1. Cree una carpeta `.ebextensions` en la raíz de su aplicación y cree un archivo llamado `newrelic-dotnet-agent-install.config`. (El nombre de archivo exacto no es importante, pero debe tener una extensión `.config` .) - - - Cerciorar de configurar `Copy to Output Directory` en `Copy if newer` para este archivo en su proyecto, para cerciorar de que se despliegue con su aplicación. - - -2. Según el sistema operativo de su aplicación .NET, agregue el siguiente contenido al archivo: - - * Reemplace `YOUR_LICENSE_KEY` con su clave de licencia de New Relic. - * Reemplace `YOUR_APP_NAME` con el nombre de su aplicación. - - - - ``` - packages: - msi: - # install the latest version of the New Relic .NET agent - # To install a specific version, update the path to the msi - dotnet: https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/latest_release/NewRelicDotNetAgent_x64.msi - option_settings: - aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment: - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING: '1' - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY' - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: 'YOUR_APP_NAME' - ``` - - El y el nombre de la aplicación no son variables de entorno obligatorias; se [pueden configurar de otras maneras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - Para obtener más detalles sobre estas variables, así como valores correctos para otros escenarios de instalación, consulte [Comprender las variables de entorno del agente .NET](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/). - - - - ``` - commands: - install_dotnet_agent: - command: | - sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/newrelic-dotnet-agent.repo https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/yum/newrelic-dotnet-agent.repo - sudo yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='newrelic-dotnet-agent-repo' - # this command installs the latest version of the dotnet agent. - sudo yum install newrelic-dotnet-agent -y - # to install a specific version, use something like the following: - # sudo yum install newrelic-dotnet-agent-10.24.0-1.x86_64 - option_settings: - aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment: - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING: '1' - CORECLR_PROFILER: '{36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A}' - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME: '/usr/local/newrelic-dotnet-agent' - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH: '/usr/local/newrelic-dotnet-agent/libNewRelicProfiler.so' - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY' - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: 'YOUR_APP_NAME' - ``` - - El y el nombre de la aplicación no son variables de entorno obligatorias; se [pueden configurar de otras maneras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - Para obtener más detalles sobre estas variables, así como valores correctos para otros escenarios de instalación, consulte [Comprender las variables de entorno del agente .NET](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/). - - - -3. Implemente su aplicación empleando la última versión de [AWS Toolkit para Visual Studio](https://aws.amazon.com/visualstudio/). También puede emplear la [CLI AWS ](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/)para desplegar la aplicación. - -Si su aplicación recibe tráfico, los datos deberían aparecer en unos minutos. Si no es así, consulte [No aparecen datos](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx b/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index c0dafbbdf4c..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Instale el agente .NET usando NuGet -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent using NuGet. -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -Este documento explica cómo instalar el agente .NET usando NuGet. - -## Instalar agente usando NuGet [#nuget] - -El [paquete NewRelic.Agent NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NewRelic.Agent) coloca el agente New Relic en el directorio de salida de compilación de su aplicación para que el agente se despliegue con su aplicación. - -Antes de instalar el agente mediante NuGet, comprenda estos puntos importantes: - -* Para poder configurar variables de entorno y permisos de directorio, debes tener acceso a los sistemas donde estás implementando tu aplicación. -* Si está utilizando NuGet para actualizar un agente .NET existente, esto sobrescribirá los cambios realizados anteriormente en [`newrelic.config`](/docs/agents/net-agent/configuration/net-agent-configuration). Para conservar los cambios, primero guarde el archivo de configuración fuera de su proyecto y luego restáurelo después de la actualización. - - - La carpeta `logs` del agente se crea como una subcarpeta de la carpeta `newrelic` en el directorio de salida de compilación/publicación de su aplicación. La carpeta `logs` se crea con permisos predeterminados, lo que significa que es posible que el agente no pueda escribir en ella si su aplicación la ejecuta un usuario diferente al usuario que creó/publicó la aplicación. Asegúrese de que el usuario que ejecuta su aplicación pueda escribir en la carpeta `logs` . - - -A continuación se muestra un ejemplo del uso de NuGet a través de Visual Studio para instalar el agente .NET: - -1. Abra su solución de Visual Studio o cree una nueva seleccionando **File > New > Project**. Para soluciones de múltiples proyectos, asegúrese de seleccionar el proyecto correcto (por ejemplo, un proyecto de sitio web específico). - -2. Abra la [consola del administrador de paquetes](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/package-manager-console) seleccionando **Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console**. Configure su proyecto como el proyecto predeterminado. - -3. Desde el símbolo del sistema del administrador de paquetes, escriba `Install-Package NewRelic.Agent` y presione **Enter**. Cuando cree su proyecto, la carpeta del agente .NET se copiará en su directorio de salida de compilación. - -4. Establezca las variables de entorno (a continuación) y cualquier otra configuración necesaria. La forma de hacerlo variará dependiendo de su entorno y sistema. - - - - ```ini - COR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - COR_PROFILER={71DA0A04-7777-4EC6-9643-7D28B46A8A41} - COR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\NewRelic.Profiler.dll - NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - Para monitor una aplicación de 32 bits, `COR_PROFILER_PATH` debe configurarse en `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\x86\NewRelic.Profiler.dll` - - - El y el nombre de la aplicación no son variables de entorno obligatorias; se [pueden configurar de otras maneras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - ```ini - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\NewRelic.Profiler.dll - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - Para monitor una aplicación de 32 bits, `CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH` debe configurarse en `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\x86\NewRelic.Profiler.dll` - - - El y el nombre de la aplicación no son variables de entorno obligatorias; se [pueden configurar de otras maneras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - ```ini - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic/libNewRelicProfiler.so - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - Para monitor la aplicación en un sistema arm64, `CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH` debe configurarse en `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic/linux-arm64/libNewRelicProfiler.so` - - - El y el nombre de la aplicación no son variables de entorno obligatorias; se [pueden configurar de otras maneras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - Para obtener más detalles sobre estas variables, así como valores correctos para otros escenarios de instalación, consulte [Comprender las variables de entorno del agente .NET](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/). - -Si su aplicación recibe tráfico, los datos deberían aparecer en unos minutos. Si no es así, consulte [No aparecen datos](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx b/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index c39501a3414..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/es/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Instale el agente .NET para Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: 'For APM: how to install the .NET agent to monitor Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications.' -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -Este documento explica cómo instalar el agente .NET y monitor la aplicación WCF. - -## Instalar para la aplicación WCF [#wcf] - -Para instalar el agente .NET en aplicaciones WCF alojadas en IIS: - -1. Instale el agente .NET siguiendo [estas instrucciones para aplicaciones alojadas en IIS](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstall&docker=noDocker) - - - Para aplicaciones WCF autohospedadas (alojadas como un servicio de Windows personalizado, una aplicación de consola o una aplicación de Windows Forms), también debe habilitar el agente. Consulte el paso **Enable the agent** en las [instrucciones para aplicaciones no alojadas en IIS](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstallNonIis&docker=noDocker). - - -2. Asegúrese de darle [a cada aplicación WCF un nombre descriptivo](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation-and-configuration/naming-your-net-application#naming-non-iis). - -3. Habilite o deshabilite el modo de compatibilidad ASP.NET en su aplicación WCF según el tipo de evento que desee monitorear: - - - - Cuando el modo de compatibilidad de ASP.NET es **enabled**, el agente .NET instrumenta el evento de pipeline ASP.NET así como el evento WCF. En este modo, el agente le proporciona una vista completa de su stack de aplicaciones. - - - - Cuando el modo de compatibilidad de ASP.NET es **disabled**, el agente .NET solo instrumenta el evento WCF. No se capturará ninguna actividad que se produzca como parte de el pipeline de ASP.NET, como las llamadas a la API del agente que se realizan fuera de una transacción WCF. - - - -Si su aplicación recibe tráfico, los datos deberían aparecer en unos minutos. Si no es así, consulte [No aparecen datos](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx b/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index b0c004a3f83..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: AWS Elastic Beanstalk に .NET エージェントをインストールする -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -Amazon Web Services (AWS) ) [Elastic Beanstalk](https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk)は、アプリケーションの導入と拡張性を簡単に実現できる動的なサービスです。 .NET AWS Elastic Beanstalk アプリケーションを使用して .NET エージェントをインスタンスリリースにデプロイするには、次の手順に従ってください。 Elastic Beanstalk インスタンスにNew Relic Infrastructure Agent をインストールすることもできます。詳細については[、「 AWS Elastic Beanstalk でインフラストラクチャエージェントを構成する」](/docs/infrastructure/install-infrastructure-agent/config-management-tools/configure-infrastructure-agent-aws-elastic-beanstalk/)を参照してください。 - -## 要件 [#requirements] - -サポートされている[アマゾン ウェブ サービス アカウント](http://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/)があることを確認してください。 さらに、 New Relicインストレーションには、 が必要です。 これは、アカウントに[サインアップする](http://newrelic.com/signup "リンクが新しいウィンドウで開きます")ときに New Relic が提供する 40 文字の 16 進文字列です。 - -## .NETエージェントをインストールする [#install] - -ASP..NET Core Web アプリケーション用の .NET エージェントをAWS Elastic Beanstalk にインストールするには、次の手順に従います。 [.NET エージェント サンプル リポジトリ](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples/tree/main/elastic-beanstalk)には、Windows と Linux の両方で動作するサンプル プロジェクトも用意されています。 - -1. アプリケーションのルートに`.ebextensions`フォルダーを作成し、 `newrelic-dotnet-agent-install.config`という名前のファイルを作成します。 (正確なファイル名は重要ではありませんが、 `.config`拡張子が付いている必要があります。) - - - アプリケーションと共に確実にデプロイされるように、プロジェクト内のこのファイルの`Copy to Output Directory`を`Copy if newer`に設定してください。 - - -2. .NET アプリケーションの OS に基づいて、ファイルに次のコンテンツを追加します。 - - * `YOUR_LICENSE_KEY` をNew Relicライセンスキーに置き換えます。 - * `YOUR_APP_NAME`をアプリケーション名に置き換えます。 - - - - ``` - packages: - msi: - # install the latest version of the New Relic .NET agent - # To install a specific version, update the path to the msi - dotnet: https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/latest_release/NewRelicDotNetAgent_x64.msi - option_settings: - aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment: - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING: '1' - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY' - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: 'YOUR_APP_NAME' - ``` - - とアプリ名は必須の環境変数ではありません。[他の方法で設定できます](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables)。 - - これらの変数の詳細、およびその他のインストール シナリオの正しい値については、 [「.NET エージェントの環境変数](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/)について」を参照してください。 - - - - ``` - commands: - install_dotnet_agent: - command: | - sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/newrelic-dotnet-agent.repo https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/yum/newrelic-dotnet-agent.repo - sudo yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='newrelic-dotnet-agent-repo' - # this command installs the latest version of the dotnet agent. - sudo yum install newrelic-dotnet-agent -y - # to install a specific version, use something like the following: - # sudo yum install newrelic-dotnet-agent-10.24.0-1.x86_64 - option_settings: - aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment: - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING: '1' - CORECLR_PROFILER: '{36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A}' - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME: '/usr/local/newrelic-dotnet-agent' - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH: '/usr/local/newrelic-dotnet-agent/libNewRelicProfiler.so' - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY' - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: 'YOUR_APP_NAME' - ``` - - とアプリ名は必須の環境変数ではありません。[他の方法で設定できます](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables)。 - - これらの変数の詳細、およびその他のインストール シナリオの正しい値については、 [「.NET エージェントの環境変数](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/)について」を参照してください。 - - - -3. 最新バージョンの[AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio](https://aws.amazon.com/visualstudio/)を使用してアプリケーションをデプロイします。 [AWS CLI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/)を使用してアプリケーションをデプロイすることもできます。 - -アプリケーションがトラフィックを受信している場合、データは数分以内に表示されます。そうでない場合は、「[データが表示](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net)されない」を参照してください。 - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx b/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 19b28202088..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: NuGetによる.NETエージェントのインストール -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent using NuGet. -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -このドキュメントでは、NuGetを使用して.NETエージェントをインストールする方法を説明します。 - -## NuGetによるエージェントのインストール [#nuget] - -[NewRelic.Agent NuGet パッケージ](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NewRelic.Agent) は、New Relic エージェントをアプリケーションのビルド出力ディレクトリに配置し、エージェントがアプリケーションと共にデプロイされるようにします。 - -NuGetを使用してエージェントをインストールする前に、以下の重要なポイントを理解してください。 - -* 環境変数やディレクトリのパーミッションを設定するには、アプリケーションをデプロイするシステムへのアクセス権が必要です。 -* NuGetを使用して既存の.NETエージェントを更新している場合、これにより、以前に[`newrelic.config`](/docs/agents/net-agent/configuration/net-agent-configuration)に加えられた変更が上書きされます。変更を保持するには、最初に構成ファイルをプロジェクトの外部に保存し、更新後に復元します。 - - - エージェントの`logs`フォルダーは、アプリケーションのビルド/公開出力ディレクトリにある`newrelic`フォルダーのサブフォルダーとして作成されます。`logs`フォルダーはデフォルトの権限で作成されます。つまり、アプリをビルド/公開したユーザーとは別のユーザーがアプリを実行している場合、エージェントはこのフォルダーを書き込みできない可能性があります。アプリを実行しているユーザーが`logs`フォルダーに書き込めるようにしてください。 - - -Visual Studio 経由で NuGet を使用して .NET エージェントをインストールする例を次に示します (同様の例は[、.NET エージェント サンプル リポジトリ](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples)にもあります)。 - -1. Visual Studio ソリューションを開くか、 **File > New > Project**を選択して新しいソリューションを作成します。 複数プロジェクトのソリューションの場合は、必ず正しいプロジェクト (特定の Web サイト プロジェクトなど) を選択してください。 - -2. **Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console**を選択して[パッケージマネージャコンソールを](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/package-manager-console)開きます。 プロジェクトをデフォルトのプロジェクトとして設定します。 - -3. パッケージマネージャ コマンドプロンプトで、 `Install-Package NewRelic.Agent`と入力し、 **Enter**を押します。 プロジェクトをビルドすると、.NET エージェント フォルダーがビルド出力ディレクトリにコピーされます。 - -4. 環境変数の設定(下記)、その他必要な設定を行います。その方法は、お使いの環境やシステムによって異なります。 - - - - ```ini - COR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - COR_PROFILER={71DA0A04-7777-4EC6-9643-7D28B46A8A41} - COR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\NewRelic.Profiler.dll - NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - 32 ビット アプリケーションを監視するには、 `COR_PROFILER_PATH` を次のように設定する必要があります。 `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\x86\NewRelic.Profiler.dll` - - - とアプリ名は必須の環境変数ではありません。[他の方法で設定できます](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables)。 - - - - ```ini - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\NewRelic.Profiler.dll - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - 32 ビット アプリケーションを監視するには、 `CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH` を次のように設定する必要があります。 `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\x86\NewRelic.Profiler.dll` - - - とアプリ名は必須の環境変数ではありません。[他の方法で設定できます](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables)。 - - - - ```ini - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic/libNewRelicProfiler.so - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - arm64 システムでアプリケーションを監視するには、 `CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH` を次のように設定する必要があります `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic/linux-arm64/libNewRelicProfiler.so` - - - とアプリ名は必須の環境変数ではありません。[他の方法で設定できます](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables)。 - - - - これらの変数の詳細、およびその他のインストール シナリオの正しい値については、 [「.NET エージェントの環境変数](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/)について」を参照してください。 - -アプリケーションがトラフィックを受信している場合、データは数分以内に表示されます。そうでない場合は、「[データが表示](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net)されない」を参照してください。 - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx b/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index c616da9ae4c..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/jp/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)用の.NETエージェントのインストール -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: 'For APM: how to install the .NET agent to monitor Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications.' -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -このドキュメントでは、.NETエージェントをインストールしてWCFアプリケーションを監視する方法を説明しています。 - -## WCFアプリケーションのインストール [#wcf] - -IISでホストされたWCFアプリに.NETエージェントをインストールするには、以下の手順で行います。 - -1. [IIS でホストされるアプリの手順を](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstall&docker=noDocker)使用して、.NET エージェントをインストールします。 - - - 自己ホスト型 WCF アプリケーション (カスタム Windows サービス、コンソール アプリ、または Windows フォーム アプリとしてホストされている) の場合も、エージェントを有効にする必要があります。 [IIS でホストされていないアプリの手順](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstallNonIis&docker=noDocker)については、 **Enable the agent**手順を参照してください。 - - -2. それぞれのWCFアプリに [という記述的な名前をつけてください](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation-and-configuration/naming-your-net-application#naming-non-iis) 。 - -3. 監視するイベントの種類に応じて、WCFアプリケーションでASP.NET互換モードを有効または無効にしてください。 - - - - ASP.NET 互換モードが**enabled**の場合、.NET エージェント インストゥルメントされた ASP.NET パイプライン イベントおよび WCF イベント。 このモードでは、エージェントはアプリケーション スタックの完全なビューを提供します。 - - - - ASP.NET 互換モードが**disabled**の場合、.NET エージェントのみがインストゥルメントされた WCF イベントを実行します。 WCF トランザクションの外部で行われるエージェントAPI呼び出しなど、ASP.NET パイプラインの一部として発生するアクティビティはキャプチャされません。 - - - -アプリケーションがトラフィックを受信している場合、データは数分以内に表示されます。そうでない場合は、「[データが表示](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net)されない」を参照してください。 - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx b/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index a93d8703f6e..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: AWS Elastic Beanstalk에 .NET 에이전트 설치 -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -Amazon Web Services (AWS)) [Elastic Beanstalk](https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk) 는 여러분의 손쉬운 배포와 확장을 가능하게 하는 동적 서비스입니다. .NET AWS Elastic Beanstalk 기능에 .NET 에이전트를 구현하고 배포하려면 다음 지침을 따르세요. Elastic Beanstalk 설치에 뉴렐릭 인프라 에이전트를 설치할 수도 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 [AWS Elastic Beanstalk에서 하이브리드 에이전트 구성을](/docs/infrastructure/install-infrastructure-agent/config-management-tools/configure-infrastructure-agent-aws-elastic-beanstalk/) 참조하세요. - -## 요구 사항 [#requirements] - -지원되는 [Amazon Web Services 계정이](http://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/) 있는지 확인하십시오. 또한 뉴렐릭 설치를 위해서는 이 필요합니다. 이는 귀하가 계정에 [가입할](http://newrelic.com/signup "링크가 새 창에서 열립니다.") 때 뉴렐릭이 제공하는 40자의 16진수 문자열입니다. - -## .NET 에이전트 설치 [#install] - -.NET 에이전트 for ASP..NET Core 웹 기능 구현, 배포를 AWS Elastic Beanstalk에 설치하려면 다음 단계를 따르세요. [.NET 대응 샘플](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples/tree/main/elastic-beanstalk) 에서 Windows 및 Linux 모두에 대한 작업 예제 프로젝트를 찾을 수도 있습니다. - -1. 애플리케이션 루트에 `.ebextensions` 폴더를 생성하고 `newrelic-dotnet-agent-install.config` 이라는 파일을 생성합니다. (정확한 파일 이름은 중요하지 않지만 확장자가 `.config` 이어야 합니다.) - - - 프로젝트에서 이 파일에 대해 `Copy to Output Directory` `Copy if newer` 로 설정하여 해당 파일이 디자인에 구현, 배포되도록 하세요. - - -2. .NET의 운영 시스템을 기반으로 파일에 다음 콘텐츠를 추가합니다. - - * `YOUR_LICENSE_KEY` 뉴렐릭 클러스터 키로 바꾸세요. - * `YOUR_APP_NAME` 애플리케이션 이름으로 바꿉니다. - - - - ``` - packages: - msi: - # install the latest version of the New Relic .NET agent - # To install a specific version, update the path to the msi - dotnet: https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/latest_release/NewRelicDotNetAgent_x64.msi - option_settings: - aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment: - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING: '1' - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY' - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: 'YOUR_APP_NAME' - ``` - - 및 앱 이름은 필수 환경 변수가 아닙니다. [다른 방법으로 설정할 수 있습니다](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - 이러한 변수에 대한 자세한 내용과 다른 설치 시나리오의 올바른 값은 [.NET 에이전트 환경 변수 이해를](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/)참조하세요. - - - - ``` - commands: - install_dotnet_agent: - command: | - sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/newrelic-dotnet-agent.repo https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/yum/newrelic-dotnet-agent.repo - sudo yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='newrelic-dotnet-agent-repo' - # this command installs the latest version of the dotnet agent. - sudo yum install newrelic-dotnet-agent -y - # to install a specific version, use something like the following: - # sudo yum install newrelic-dotnet-agent-10.24.0-1.x86_64 - option_settings: - aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment: - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING: '1' - CORECLR_PROFILER: '{36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A}' - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME: '/usr/local/newrelic-dotnet-agent' - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH: '/usr/local/newrelic-dotnet-agent/libNewRelicProfiler.so' - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY' - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: 'YOUR_APP_NAME' - ``` - - 및 앱 이름은 필수 환경 변수가 아닙니다. [다른 방법으로 설정할 수 있습니다](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - 이러한 변수에 대한 자세한 내용과 다른 설치 시나리오의 올바른 값은 [.NET 에이전트 환경 변수 이해를](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/)참조하세요. - - - -3. 최신 버전의 [AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio를](https://aws.amazon.com/visualstudio/) 사용하여 구현합니다. [AWS CLI를](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/) 사용하여 구현하거나 배치할 수도 있습니다. - -애플리케이션이 트래픽을 수신하는 경우 데이터가 몇 분 이내에 표시되어야 합니다. 표시되지 않으면 [데이터가 표시되지 않음](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net) 을 참조하십시오. - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx b/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index b988db539ec..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: NuGet을 사용하여 .NET 에이전트 설치 -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent using NuGet. -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -이 문서에서는 NuGet을 사용하여 .NET 에이전트를 설치하는 방법을 설명합니다. - -## NuGet을 사용하여 에이전트 설치 [#nuget] - -[NewRelic.Agent NuGet 패키지](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NewRelic.Agent) 는 New Relic 에이전트를 애플리케이션의 빌드 출력 디렉터리에 배치하여 에이전트가 애플리케이션과 함께 배포되도록 합니다. - -NuGet을 사용하여 에이전트를 설치하기 전에 다음 중요 사항을 이해하세요. - -* 환경 변수 및 디렉토리 권한을 구성하려면 애플리케이션을 배포하는 시스템에 대한 액세스 권한이 있어야 합니다. -* NuGet을 사용하여 기존 .NET 에이전트를 업데이트하는 경우 이전에 변경한 [`newrelic.config`](/docs/agents/net-agent/configuration/net-agent-configuration) 을 덮어씁니다. 변경 사항을 유지하려면 먼저 구성 파일을 프로젝트 외부에 저장한 다음 업데이트 후 복원합니다. - - - 에이전트의 `logs` 폴더는 애플리케이션의 빌드/게시 출력 디렉토리에 있는 `newrelic` 폴더의 하위 폴더로 생성됩니다.`logs` 폴더는 기본 권한으로 생성됩니다. 즉, 앱을 빌드/게시한 사용자와 다른 사용자가 앱을 실행하는 경우 에이전트가 이 폴더에 쓸 수 없을 수 있습니다.앱이 실행되는 사용자가 `logs` 폴더에 쓸 수 있는지 확인하십시오. - - -다음은 Visual Studio를 통해 NuGet을 사용하여 .NET 에이전트를 설치하는 예입니다. (또한 [.NET 에이전트 샘플](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples) 에서도 유사한 예를 찾을 수 있습니다. - -1. Visual Studio 솔루션을 열거나 **File > New > Project** 선택하여 새 솔루션을 만듭니다. 다중 프로젝트 솔루션의 경우 올바른 프로젝트(예: 특정 웹 사이트 프로젝트)를 선택해야 합니다. - -2. **Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console** 선택하여 [세트 매니저 콘솔을](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/package-manager-console) 엽니다. 프로젝트를 기본 프로젝트로 설정하세요. - -3. 헤드셋 매니저 큐브 구성에서 `Install-Package NewRelic.Agent` 입력하고 **Enter** 누릅니다. 프로젝트를 빌드하면 .NET 에이전트 폴더가 빌드 출력 디렉터리에 복사됩니다. - -4. 환경 변수(아래) 및 기타 필요한 구성을 설정합니다. 이 작업을 수행하는 방법은 환경과 시스템에 따라 다릅니다. - - - - ```ini - COR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - COR_PROFILER={71DA0A04-7777-4EC6-9643-7D28B46A8A41} - COR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\NewRelic.Profiler.dll - NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - 32비트 애플리케이션을 모니터링하려면 `COR_PROFILER_PATH` 다음으로 설정해야 합니다. `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\x86\NewRelic.Profiler.dll` - - - 및 앱 이름은 필수 환경 변수가 아닙니다. [다른 방법으로 설정할 수 있습니다](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - ```ini - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\NewRelic.Profiler.dll - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - 32비트 애플리케이션을 모니터링하려면 `CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH` 다음으로 설정해야 합니다. `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\x86\NewRelic.Profiler.dll` - - - 및 앱 이름은 필수 환경 변수가 아닙니다. [다른 방법으로 설정할 수 있습니다](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - ```ini - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic/libNewRelicProfiler.so - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - arm64 시스템에서 애플리케이션을 모니터링하려면 `CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH` 다음으로 설정해야 합니다. `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic/linux-arm64/libNewRelicProfiler.so` - - - 및 앱 이름은 필수 환경 변수가 아닙니다. [다른 방법으로 설정할 수 있습니다](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - 이러한 변수에 대한 자세한 내용과 다른 설치 시나리오의 올바른 값은 [.NET 에이전트 환경 변수 이해를](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/)참조하세요. - -애플리케이션이 트래픽을 수신하는 경우 데이터가 몇 분 이내에 표시되어야 합니다. 표시되지 않으면 [데이터가 표시되지 않음](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net) 을 참조하십시오. - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx b/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 0decc601b99..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/kr/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)용 .NET 에이전트 설치 -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: 'For APM: how to install the .NET agent to monitor Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications.' -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -이 문서에서는 .NET 에이전트를 설치하고 WCF 응용 프로그램을 모니터링하는 방법을 설명합니다. - -## WCF 애플리케이션용 설치 [#wcf] - -IIS 호스팅 WCF 앱에 .NET 에이전트를 설치하려면: - -1. [IIS 호스팅 앱에 대한 다음 지침을](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstall&docker=noDocker) 사용하여 .NET 에이전트를 설치합니다. - - - 자체 호스팅 WCF 애플리케이션(사용자 지정 Windows 서비스, 콘솔 앱 또는 Windows Forms 앱으로 호스팅)의 경우 에이전트도 활성화해야 합니다. [IIS에서 호스팅되지 않는 앱에 대한 지침](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstallNonIis&docker=noDocker) 의 **Enable the agent** 단계를 참조하세요. - - -2. [각 WCF 앱에 설명이 포함된 이름을 지정](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation-and-configuration/naming-your-net-application#naming-non-iis) 해야 합니다. - -3. 모니터링할 이벤트 유형에 따라 WCF 응용 프로그램에서 ASP.NET 호환성 모드를 활성화 또는 비활성화합니다. - - - - ASP.NET 호환성 모드가 **enabled** 인 경우 .NET 소스화된 ASP.NET 파이프라인 이벤트와 WCF 이벤트입니다. 이 모드에서 에이전트는 애플리케이션 스택의 전체 보기를 제공합니다. - - - - ASP.NET 호환성 모드가 **disabled** 인 경우 .NET 에이전트는 WCF 이벤트만 제공합니다. WCF 트랜잭션 외부에서 수행되는 에이전트 API 호출과 같이 ASP.NET 파이프라인의 일부로 발생하는 모든 활동은 캡처되지 않습니다. - - - -애플리케이션이 트래픽을 수신하는 경우 데이터가 몇 분 이내에 표시되어야 합니다. 표시되지 않으면 [데이터가 표시되지 않음](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net) 을 참조하십시오. - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx b/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 13b03344cd4..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Instale o agente .NET no AWS Elastic Beanstalk -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -Amazon Web Services (AWS) [Elastic Beanstalk](https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk) é um serviço dinâmico que permite fácil implantação e escalabilidade para seu aplicativo. Siga estas instruções para implantar o agente .NET na instância de lançamento com seu aplicativo .NET AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Você também pode instalar o agente New Relic Infrastructure em sua instância do Elastic Beanstalk; consulte [Configurar o agente de infraestrutura no AWS Elastic Beanstalk](/docs/infrastructure/install-infrastructure-agent/config-management-tools/configure-infrastructure-agent-aws-elastic-beanstalk/) para obter mais detalhes. - -## Requisitos [#requirements] - -Certifique-se de ter uma [conta Amazon Web Services](http://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/) compatível. Além disso, para qualquer instalação do New Relic, você precisará do seu . Esta é uma string hexadecimal de 40 caracteres que a New Relic fornece quando você [se inscreve](http://newrelic.com/signup "O link abre em uma nova janela") em sua conta. - -## Instale o agente .NET [#install] - -Para instalar o aplicativo web agente .NET para ASP.NET Core implantado no AWS Elastic Beanstalk, siga estas etapas. Você também pode encontrar exemplos de projetos funcionais para Windows e Linux em nosso [repositório de amostras de agente .NET](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples/tree/main/elastic-beanstalk). - -1. Crie uma pasta `.ebextensions` na raiz do seu aplicativo e crie um arquivo chamado `newrelic-dotnet-agent-install.config`. (O nome exato do arquivo não é importante, mas deve ter uma extensão `.config` .) - - - Certifique-se de definir `Copy to Output Directory` como `Copy if newer` para este arquivo em seu projeto, para garantir que ele seja implantado em seu aplicativo. - - -2. Com base no sistema operacional do seu aplicativo .NET, adicione o seguinte conteúdo ao arquivo: - - * Substitua `YOUR_LICENSE_KEY` pela sua chave de licença do New Relic. - * Substitua `YOUR_APP_NAME` pelo nome do seu aplicativo. - - - - ``` - packages: - msi: - # install the latest version of the New Relic .NET agent - # To install a specific version, update the path to the msi - dotnet: https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/latest_release/NewRelicDotNetAgent_x64.msi - option_settings: - aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment: - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING: '1' - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY' - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: 'YOUR_APP_NAME' - ``` - - O e o nome do aplicativo não são variáveis de ambiente obrigatórias; eles [podem ser definidos de outras maneiras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - Para obter mais detalhes sobre essas variáveis, bem como valores corretos para outros cenários de instalação, consulte [noções básicas sobre variáveis de ambiente do agente .NET](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/). - - - - ``` - commands: - install_dotnet_agent: - command: | - sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/newrelic-dotnet-agent.repo https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/yum/newrelic-dotnet-agent.repo - sudo yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='newrelic-dotnet-agent-repo' - # this command installs the latest version of the dotnet agent. - sudo yum install newrelic-dotnet-agent -y - # to install a specific version, use something like the following: - # sudo yum install newrelic-dotnet-agent-10.24.0-1.x86_64 - option_settings: - aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment: - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING: '1' - CORECLR_PROFILER: '{36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A}' - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME: '/usr/local/newrelic-dotnet-agent' - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH: '/usr/local/newrelic-dotnet-agent/libNewRelicProfiler.so' - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY' - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: 'YOUR_APP_NAME' - ``` - - O e o nome do aplicativo não são variáveis de ambiente obrigatórias; eles [podem ser definidos de outras maneiras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - Para obter mais detalhes sobre essas variáveis, bem como valores corretos para outros cenários de instalação, consulte [noções básicas sobre variáveis de ambiente do agente .NET](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/). - - - -3. implante seu aplicativo usando a versão mais recente do [AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio](https://aws.amazon.com/visualstudio/). Você também pode usar a [AWS CLI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/) para implantar o aplicativo. - -Se seu aplicativo estiver recebendo tráfego, os dados deverão aparecer em alguns minutos. Caso contrário, consulte [Nenhum dado aparece](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx b/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 83865bc4c6e..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Instale o agente .NET usando NuGet -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent using NuGet. -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -Este documento explica como instalar o agente .NET usando NuGet. - -## Instalar agente usando NuGet [#nuget] - -O [pacote NewRelic.Agent NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NewRelic.Agent) coloca o agente New Relic no diretório de saída de compilação do seu aplicativo para que o agente seja implantado em seu aplicativo. - -Antes de instalar o agente usando NuGet, entenda estes pontos importantes: - -* Para configurar variáveis de ambiente e permissões de diretório, você deve ter acesso aos sistemas onde está implantando seu aplicativo. -* Se você estiver usando o NuGet para atualizar um agente .NET existente, isso substituirá as alterações feitas anteriormente em [`newrelic.config`](/docs/agents/net-agent/configuration/net-agent-configuration). Para preservar as alterações, primeiro salve o arquivo de configuração fora do seu projeto e restaure-o após a atualização. - - - A pasta `logs` do agente é criada como uma subpasta da pasta `newrelic` no diretório de saída de compilação/publicação do seu aplicativo. A pasta `logs` é criada com permissões padrão, o que significa que ela pode não ser gravável pelo agente se seu aplicativo for executado por um usuário diferente daquele que criou/publicou o aplicativo. Certifique-se de que o usuário que seu aplicativo executa possa gravar na pasta `logs` . - - -Aqui está um exemplo de uso do NuGet via Visual Studio para instalar o agente .NET: (Você também pode encontrar um exemplo semelhante em nosso [repositório de amostras de agente .NET](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples). - -1. Abra sua solução do Visual Studio ou crie uma nova selecionando **File > New > Project**. Para soluções de vários projetos, selecione o projeto correto (por exemplo, um projeto de site específico). - -2. Abra o [console do gerenciador de pacote](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/package-manager-console) selecionando **Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console**. Defina seu projeto como o projeto padrão. - -3. No prompt de comando do gerenciador de pacote, digite `Install-Package NewRelic.Agent` e pressione **Enter**. Ao compilar seu projeto, a pasta do agente .NET será copiada para o diretório de saída do build. - -4. Defina variáveis de ambiente (abaixo) e qualquer outra configuração necessária. A forma de fazer isso varia, dependendo do seu ambiente e sistema. - - - - ```ini - COR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - COR_PROFILER={71DA0A04-7777-4EC6-9643-7D28B46A8A41} - COR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\NewRelic.Profiler.dll - NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - Para monitor aplicativos de 32 bits, `COR_PROFILER_PATH` deve ser definido como `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\x86\NewRelic.Profiler.dll` - - - O e o nome do aplicativo não são variáveis de ambiente obrigatórias; eles [podem ser definidos de outras maneiras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - ```ini - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\NewRelic.Profiler.dll - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - Para monitor aplicativos de 32 bits, `CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH` deve ser definido como `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY\newrelic\x86\NewRelic.Profiler.dll` - - - O e o nome do aplicativo não são variáveis de ambiente obrigatórias; eles [podem ser definidos de outras maneiras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - ```ini - CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 - CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} - CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic/libNewRelicProfiler.so - CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic - NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY - NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME - ``` - - - Para monitor o aplicativo em um sistema arm64, `CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH` deve ser definido como `APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/newrelic/linux-arm64/libNewRelicProfiler.so` - - - O e o nome do aplicativo não são variáveis de ambiente obrigatórias; eles [podem ser definidos de outras maneiras](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation/net-agent-install-resources#env-variables). - - - - Para obter mais detalhes sobre essas variáveis, bem como valores corretos para outros cenários de instalação, consulte [noções básicas sobre variáveis de ambiente do agente .NET](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/). - -Se seu aplicativo estiver recebendo tráfego, os dados deverão aparecer em alguns minutos. Caso contrário, consulte [Nenhum dado aparece](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx b/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 369a6e55e99..00000000000 --- a/src/i18n/content/pt/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Instale o agente .NET para Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: 'For APM: how to install the .NET agent to monitor Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications.' -freshnessValidatedDate: never -translationType: machine ---- - -Este documento explica como instalar o agente .NET e monitor o aplicativo WCF. - -## Instalar para aplicativo WCF [#wcf] - -Para instalar o agente .NET em aplicativos WCF hospedados no IIS: - -1. Instale o agente .NET usando [estas instruções para aplicativos hospedados no IIS](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstall&docker=noDocker) - - - Para aplicativos WCF auto-hospedados (hospedados como um serviço personalizado do Windows, um aplicativo de console ou um aplicativo Windows Forms), você também deve habilitar o agente. Consulte a etapa **Enable the agent** nas [instruções para aplicativos não hospedados no IIS](/install/dotnet/?deployment=windowsInstallNonIis&docker=noDocker). - - -2. Certifique-se de dar [a cada aplicativo WCF um nome descritivo](/docs/agents/net-agent/installation-and-configuration/naming-your-net-application#naming-non-iis). - -3. Habilite ou desabilite o modo de compatibilidade do ASP.NET em seu aplicativo WCF dependendo do tipo de evento que você deseja monitorar: - - - - Quando o modo de compatibilidade do ASP.NET é **enabled**, o agente .NET instrumento ASP.NET pipeline evento, bem como o evento WCF. Nesse modo, o agente fornece uma visão completa da stack de aplicativos. - - - - Quando o modo de compatibilidade do ASP.NET é **disabled**, o agente .NET apenas instrumento WCF evento. Qualquer atividade que ocorra como parte do pipeline do ASP.NET não será capturada, como chamadas de API do agente feitas fora de uma transação WCF. - - - -Se seu aplicativo estiver recebendo tráfego, os dados deverão aparecer em alguns minutos. Caso contrário, consulte [Nenhum dado aparece](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/install/config/dotnet.yaml b/src/install/config/dotnet.yaml index f4aaa3dc392..b383902905d 100644 --- a/src/install/config/dotnet.yaml +++ b/src/install/config/dotnet.yaml @@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ redirects: - /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/install-net-agent-azure-cloud-services - /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/install-net-agent-azure-service-fabric - /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/install-net-agent-azure-web-apps + - /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf + - /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk + - /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget appInfo: - optionType: deployment label: '' @@ -82,10 +85,12 @@ appInfo: displayName: 'Azure Cloud Services' - value: 'azureservicefabric' displayName: 'Azure Service Fabric' - - value: 'awsLambda' - displayName: 'AWS Lambda' + - value: 'WCF' + displayName: 'WCF' - value: 'nuget' - displayName: 'Nuget package' + displayName: 'Nuget package' + - value: 'awselastic' + displayName: 'AWS Elastic Beanstalk' - optionType: docker label: '' placeholder: 'Is your app in a Docker container?' @@ -289,7 +294,7 @@ steps: - optionType: deployment options: - value: 'awsLambda' - - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/installation/nuget.mdx' + - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/installation/nuget2.mdx' overrides: - isConditionalStep: true selectedOptions: @@ -492,4 +497,53 @@ steps: - optionType: deployment options: - value: 'azureservicefabric' + - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/installation/remove-monitors.mdx' + overrides: + - isConditionalStep: true + selectedOptions: + - optionType: deployment + options: + - value: 'WCF' + - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/guidedInstall.mdx' + overrides: + - isConditionalStep: true + selectedOptions: + - optionType: deployment + options: + - value: 'WCF' + - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/installation/windowsInstall.mdx' + overrides: + - isConditionalStep: true + selectedOptions: + - optionType: deployment + options: + - value: 'WCF' + - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/installation/windowsIisInstall-2.mdx' + overrides: + - isConditionalStep: true + selectedOptions: + - optionType: deployment + options: + - value: 'WCF' + - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/installation/wcf-enable.mdx' + overrides: + - isConditionalStep: true + selectedOptions: + - optionType: deployment + options: + - value: 'WCF' + - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/installation/wcf.mdx' + overrides: + - isConditionalStep: true + selectedOptions: + - optionType: deployment + options: + - value: 'WCF' + - filePath: 'src/install/dotnet/installation/aws-elastic.mdx' + overrides: + - isConditionalStep: true + selectedOptions: + - optionType: deployment + options: + - value: 'awselastic' whatsNextFilePath: 'src/install/dotnet/whatsNext.mdx' diff --git a/src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx b/src/install/dotnet/installation/aws-elastic.mdx similarity index 62% rename from src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx rename to src/install/dotnet/installation/aws-elastic.mdx index ec27b4f779a..7d38b282965 100644 --- a/src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk.mdx +++ b/src/install/dotnet/installation/aws-elastic.mdx @@ -1,33 +1,19 @@ --- -title: Install the .NET agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. -redirects: - - /docs/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk -freshnessValidatedDate: never +componentType: default +optionType: deployment +headingText: Install the agent +descriptionText: "" --- -Amazon Web Services (AWS) [Elastic Beanstalk](https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk) is a dynamic service that allows easy deployment and scalability for your applications. Follow these instructions to deploy the .NET agent to the instances launched with your .NET AWS Elastic Beanstalk applications. You may also want to install the New Relic Infrastructure agent on your Elastic Beanstalk instances; refer to [Configure the infrastructure agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk](/docs/infrastructure/install-infrastructure-agent/config-management-tools/configure-infrastructure-agent-aws-elastic-beanstalk/) for more details. + +If you haven't already, you may want to [install the New Relic Infrastructure agent on your Elastic Beanstalk instances](/docs/infrastructure/install-infrastructure-agent/config-management-tools/configure-infrastructure-agent-aws-elastic-beanstalk/) for more details. -## Requirements [#requirements] - -Make sure you have a supported [Amazon Web Services account](http://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/). In addition, for any New Relic installation, you will need your . This is a 40-character hexadecimal string that New Relic provides when you [sign up](http://newrelic.com/signup "Link opens in a new window") for your account. - - -## Install the .NET agent [#install] - -To install the .NET agent for ASP.NET Core web applications deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, follow these steps. You can also find working example projects for both Windows and Linux in our [.NET agent samples repository](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples/tree/main/elastic-beanstalk). - -1. Create a `.ebextensions` folder at the root of your application and create a file named `newrelic-dotnet-agent-install.config`. (The exact filename isn't important, but it must have a `.config` extension.) - - - Be sure to set `Copy to Output Directory` to `Copy if newer` for this file in your project, to ensure that it gets deployed with your application. +1. Create a `.ebextensions` folder at the root of your application and create a file named `newrelic-dotnet-agent-install.config`. (The exact filename isn't important, but it must have a `.config` extension). + +2. Set `Copy to Output Directory` to `Copy if newer` for this file in your project, to ensure that it gets deployed with your application. -2. Based on the operating system for your .NET application, add the following content to the file: +3. Based on the operating system for your .NET application, add the following content to the file: * Replace `YOUR_LICENSE_KEY` with your New Relic license key. * Replace `YOUR_APP_NAME` with your application name. @@ -84,10 +70,6 @@ To install the .NET agent for ASP.NET Core web applications deployed to AWS Elas -3. Deploy your application using the latest version of the [AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio](https://aws.amazon.com/visualstudio/). You can also use the [AWS CLI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/) to deploy the application. - -If your application is receiving traffic, data should appear within a few minutes. If it doesn't, see [No data appears](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - +4. Deploy your application using the latest version of the [AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio](https://aws.amazon.com/visualstudio/). You can also use the [AWS CLI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/) to deploy the application. - +If your application is receiving traffic, data should appear within a few minutes. If it doesn't, see [No data appears](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/install/dotnet/installation/nuget.mdx b/src/install/dotnet/installation/nuget.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 9edd9049dda..00000000000 --- a/src/install/dotnet/installation/nuget.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ ---- -componentType: default -optionType: deployment -headingText: New Relic Nuget -descriptionText: "" ---- - -See [our .NET Nuget docs](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx b/src/install/dotnet/installation/nuget2.mdx similarity index 70% rename from src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx rename to src/install/dotnet/installation/nuget2.mdx index bb1d19e6a06..de50cd71fbd 100644 --- a/src/content/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget.mdx +++ b/src/install/dotnet/installation/nuget2.mdx @@ -1,32 +1,11 @@ --- -title: Install the .NET agent using NuGet -tags: - - Agents - - NET agent - - Other installation -metaDescription: How to install the APM .NET agent using NuGet. -redirects: - - /docs/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget - - /docs/agents/net-agent/installation/install-net-agent-using-nuget -freshnessValidatedDate: never +componentType: default +optionType: deployment +headingText: Install with NuGet +descriptionText: "" --- -This document explains how to install the .NET agent using NuGet. - -## Install agent using NuGet [#nuget] - -The [NewRelic.Agent NuGet package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NewRelic.Agent) places the New Relic agent in your application's build output directory so that the agent gets deployed with your application. - -Before installing the agent using NuGet, understand these important points: - -* In order to configure environment variables and directory permissions, you must have access to the systems where you are deploying your applications. -* If you're using NuGet to update an existing .NET agent, this will overwrite previously made changes to [`newrelic.config`](/docs/agents/net-agent/configuration/net-agent-configuration). To preserve changes, first save the config file outside of your project, then restore it after updating. - - - The agent's `logs` folder gets created as a subfolder of the `newrelic` folder in your application's build/publish output directory. The `logs` folder gets created with default permissions, meaning that it may not be writable by the agent if your app is run by a different user than the user who built/published the app. Make sure that the user your app runs as can write to the `logs` folder. - - -Here's an example of using NuGet via Visual Studio to install the .NET agent: (You can also find a similar example in our [.NET agent samples repository](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples). +Here's an example of using NuGet via Visual Studio to install the .NET agent: (You can also find a similar example in our [.NET agent samples repository](https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-dotnet-examples)). 1. Open your Visual Studio solution, or create a new one by selecting **File > New > Project**. For multi-project solutions, be sure to select the correct project (for example, a specific website project). 2. Open the [Package Manager console](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/package-manager-console) by selecting **Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console**. Set your project as the default project. @@ -97,6 +76,4 @@ Here's an example of using NuGet via Visual Studio to install the .NET agent: (Y For more details on these variables, as well as correct values for other installation scenarios, please see [understanding .NET agent environment variables](/docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables/). -If your application is receiving traffic, data should appear within a few minutes. If it doesn't, see [No data appears](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). - - +If your application is receiving traffic, data should appear within a few minutes. If it doesn't, see [No data appears](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/install/dotnet/installation/wcf-enable.mdx b/src/install/dotnet/installation/wcf-enable.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a3c388ecccb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/install/dotnet/installation/wcf-enable.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +--- +componentType: default +optionType: deployment +headingText: Enable the agent (optional) +descriptionText: "" +--- + +For self-hosted WCF applications (hosted as a custom Windows Service, a console app, or a Windows Forms app), you must explicitly enable the agent for your application(s). Here are instructions for .NET Framework and .NET Core: + + + + .NET Framework + .NET Core + + + + + +Enable the agent for your application with one of the following methods: + + + + In the application's config file, add a new `appSetting` with a key named `NewRelic.AgentEnabled` and a value of `true`. For example, if the application name is `DataServices.exe`, edit `DataServices.exe.config` to: + + ```xml + + + + + + + ``` + + + + You can use the [`newrelic.config` file](/docs/agents/net-agent/configuration/net-agent-configuration) (either global or local), to choose what applications to monitor. In the configuration file, add an `instrumentation` element with a child `application` element for each application. In the instrumentation element, provide the base file name, with extension, you want to instrument (for example, ``). + + For example: + + ```xml + + + + + + + ``` + + + + You can use a [local `newrelic.config` file](/docs/agents/net-agent/configuration/net-agent-configuration#local) to monitor an application: + + * Place the `newrelic.config` file in the directory containing the application's executable file. + * Set the `agentEnabled` attribute to true. + + For example: + + ```xml + + ``` + + + + + + + +For .NET Core, you must configure your application to be monitored by setting the following environment variable: + +```ini +CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 +``` + +We recommend setting the environment variables for each application you want to instrument. If you set them globally, you might instrument .NET processes other than your apps. + +For details on setting environment variables per process instead of system-wide, see [this Support Forum forum post on setting variables](https://discuss.newrelic.com/t/setting-net-core-agent-environment-variables-per-process/157750). + +### .NET Core and custom instrumentation [#custom-instrumentation] + +ASP.NET Core apps are automatically instrumented, but for other .NET Core frameworks, you must custom instrument your app. For how to do that, see [Custom instrumentation](/docs/agents/net-agent/custom-instrumentation/introduction-net-custom-instrumentation). + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/install/dotnet/installation/wcf.mdx b/src/install/dotnet/installation/wcf.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a94d70454f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/install/dotnet/installation/wcf.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +componentType: default +optionType: deployment +headingText: Enable for WCF +descriptionText: "" +--- + +Enable or disable ASP.NET compatibility mode in your WCF application depending on which type of events you want monitored: + + + + When ASP.NET compatibility mode is **enabled**, the .NET agent instruments ASP.NET pipeline events as well as WCF events. In this mode, the agent provides you with a full view of your application stack. + + + + When ASP.NET compatibility mode is **disabled**, the .NET agent only instruments WCF events. Any activity that occurs as part of the ASP.NET pipeline will not be captured, such as agent API calls that are made outside of a WCF transaction. + + + +If your application is receiving traffic, data should appear within a few minutes. If it doesn't, see [No data appears](/docs/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-net). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/nav/apm.yml b/src/nav/apm.yml index 02f4958c019..4fc07e517c2 100644 --- a/src/nav/apm.yml +++ b/src/nav/apm.yml @@ -301,8 +301,19 @@ pages: pages: - title: Introduction to .NET monitoring path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/getting-started/introduction-new-relic-net - - title: Install the .NET agent - path: /install/dotnet + - title: Installation + path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation + pages: + - title: Install the .NET agent + path: /install/dotnet + - title: Advanced installation + path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/net-agent-install-resources + - title: .NET agent environment variables + path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables + - title: How to verify the checksum of .NET agent downloads + path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/how-verify-checksum-net-agent-downloads + - title: Uninstall the agent + path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/installation/uninstall-net-agent - title: Update the agent path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/installation/update-net-agent - title: Compatibility and releases @@ -326,25 +337,6 @@ pages: path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/getting-started/8x-to-9x-agent-migration-guide - title: .NET OpenTracing to AWS Lambda layers migration guide path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/getting-started/opentracing-to-layers-migration-guide - - title: Other installation - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation - pages: - - title: Install with NuGet - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-using-nuget - - title: Install for Docker - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-docker-container - - title: Install on AWS Elastic Beanstalk - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/install-guides/install-net-agent-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk - - title: Install for WCF - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/install-net-agent-windows-communication-foundation-wcf - - title: .NET agent environment variables - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/understanding-net-agent-environment-variables - - title: Install resources (advanced) - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/net-agent-install-resources - - title: How to verify the checksum of .NET agent downloads - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/other-installation/how-verify-checksum-net-agent-downloads - - title: Uninstall the agent - path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/installation/uninstall-net-agent - title: Configuration path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/configuration pages: @@ -444,15 +436,15 @@ pages: path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/troubleshooting/agent-changes-content-type-header-wcf-apps-net - title: 'Azure Cloud Services troubleshooting: No data appears' path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/azure-cloud-services-no-data-appears - - title: 'Azure Web Apps troubleshooting: Issue with Always On' + - title: 'Azure Web Apps: Issue with Always On' path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/azure-web-apps-using-always-no-data-appears - - title: 'Azure Web Apps troubleshooting: Unable to open log file' + - title: 'Azure Web Apps: Unable to open log file' path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/azure-web-apps-unable-open-log-file - - title: 'Azure Web Apps troubleshooting: Profiler .dll locks during deployment' + - title: 'Azure Web Apps: Profiler .dll locks during deployment' path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/azure-web-apps-profiler-dll-locks-during-deployment - - title: 'Azure Web Apps troubleshooting: App Insights conflict' + - title: 'Azure Web Apps: App Insights conflict' path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/no-data-reporting-microsoft-application-insights - - title: 'Azure Web Apps Troubleshooting: Issue with Azure Pipelines' + - title: 'Azure Web Apps: Issue with Azure Pipelines' path: /docs/apm/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/azure-pipelines-wipes-out-newrelicazurewebsitesextension-directories - title: Node.js monitoring path: /docs/apm/agents/nodejs-agent