The sensor-level time-frequency analysis was computed using the following script:
% This is a script to run TF statistics at the sensor level.
% Data from the 4 experimental conditions is loaded into Matlab, and
% time-frequency representations calculated using a Hanning Taper.
% Participant's data is loaded into 4 grand-average arrays, and
% non-parametric statistics are calculated.
% Finally grand averages from the arrays for illustrative purposes.
% Written by Robert Seymour - December 2016
%% Prerequisites
subject = sort({'DB','MP','GR','DS','EC','VS','AE','SY','GW',...
grandavgA = []; % variable to hold han_taper_LR_hard_comb
grandavgB = []; % variable to hold han_taper_LR_easy_comb
grandavgC = []; % variable to hold han_taper_VO_hard_comb
grandavgD = []; % variable to hold han_taper_VO_easy_comb
for i=1:length(subject)
%% CD to correct place and load in data (PC-relevant)
%% Downsample
cfg = [];
cfg.resamplefs = 250;
cfg.detrend = 'no';
data_LR_hard_ds = ft_resampledata(cfg,data_LR_hard);
data_LR_easy_ds = ft_resampledata(cfg,data_LR_easy);
data_VO_hard_ds = ft_resampledata(cfg,data_VO_hard);
data_VO_easy_ds = ft_resampledata(cfg,data_VO_easy);
%% Redefine trial to make sure time-points are equivalent
cfg = [];
cfg.toilim = [-1.0 1.5];
data_LH_hard_poststim = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, data_LR_hard_ds);
data_LH_easy_poststim = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, data_LR_easy_ds);
data_VO_hard_poststim = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, data_VO_hard_ds);
data_VO_easy_poststim = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, data_VO_easy_ds);
clear data_LH_easy_comb data_LH_hard_comb data_LH_easy_filtered
clear data_LH_hard_filtered data_LR_easy_ds data_LR_hard_ds
%% Time-Freq Analysis on the Gradiometers
cfg = [];
cfg.output = 'pow'; = {'MEGGRAD'};
cfg.method = 'mtmconvol';
cfg.taper = 'hanning';
cfg.foi = 0:1:30; % analysis 1 to 30 Hz in steps of 1 Hz
cfg.t_ftimwin = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).*0.5; % length of time window = 0.5 sec
cfg.toi = -1.0:0.05:1.0; % time window "slides" from 0 to 1 sec in steps of 0.05 sec (50 ms)
disp(sprintf('Time of interest = %s',cfg.toi));
cfg.keeptrials = 'no';
han_taper_LR_hard = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data_LH_hard_poststim);
han_taper_LR_easy = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data_LH_easy_poststim);
han_taper_VO_hard = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data_VO_hard_poststim);
han_taper_VO_easy = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data_VO_easy_poststim);
% Since the data is of equal length we equalize the time axis of pre and post stimulus segments
% as well as assuring that both frequency dimensions are also the same.
han_taper_LR_easy.time = han_taper_LR_hard.time;
han_taper_VO_hard.time = han_taper_LR_hard.time;
han_taper_VO_easy.time = han_taper_LR_hard.time;
% Add partiicpant label so we can keep track for later
han_taper_LR_easy.subject = subject{i};
han_taper_LR_hard.subject = subject{i};
han_taper_VO_hard.subject = subject{i};
han_taper_VO_easy.subject = subject{i};
% Combine the gradiometers
cfg = [];
han_taper_LR_easy_comb = ft_combineplanar(cfg, han_taper_LR_easy);
han_taper_LR_hard_comb = ft_combineplanar(cfg, han_taper_LR_hard);
han_taper_VO_hard_comb = ft_combineplanar(cfg, han_taper_VO_hard);
han_taper_VO_easy_comb = ft_combineplanar(cfg, han_taper_VO_easy);
% Put into corresponding array
grandavgA{i} = han_taper_LR_hard_comb;
grandavgB{i} = han_taper_LR_easy_comb;
grandavgC{i} = han_taper_VO_hard_comb;
grandavgD{i} = han_taper_VO_easy_comb;
cfg = []; = grandavgA{1, 1}.label;
cfg.latency = [0 1];
cfg.frequency = [1 30];
cfg.method = 'montecarlo';
cfg.statistic = 'ft_statfun_depsamplesT';
cfg.correctm = 'cluster';
cfg.clusterstatistic = 'maxsum';
cfg.minnbchan = 2;
cfg.tail = 0;
cfg.numrandomization = 1000; %1000 randomisations
% Prepare neighbourhood relationships
cfg_neighb.template = 'neuromag306cmb.lay';
cfg_neighb.method = 'distance'; = 'yes';
cfg.neighbours = ft_prepare_neighbours(cfg_neighb, grandavgA{1, 1});
% Prepare Design Matrix
nsubj=numel(grandavgA);,:) = [1:nsubj 1:nsubj];,:) = [ones(1,nsubj) ones(1,nsubj)*2];
cfg.uvar = 1; % row of design matrix that contains unit variable (in this case: subjects)
cfg.ivar = 2; % row of design matrix that contains independent variable (the conditions)
[stat_LR] = ft_freqstatistics(cfg, grandavgA{:}, grandavgB{:});
[stat_VO] = ft_freqstatistics(cfg, grandavgC{:}, grandavgD{:});
% Plot the results of this analysis
cfg = [];
cfg.layout = 'neuromag306cmb.lay';
%cfg.maskparameter = 'mask';
cfg.parameter = 'stat';
ft_multiplotTFR(cfg, stat_LR)
ft_multiplotTFR(cfg, stat_VO)
% A prominent cluster of greater (3-6Hz) theta-band power was found in the
% LR-hard verus LR-easy condition. We therefore need to visualise this by
% computing the grandaverage and plotting using Fieldtrip's inbuilt
% plotting functions.
%% Grandaverage for plotting
% Path to plot_tfr_ps_theta.m script
addpath('D:\scripts\Perspective Taking\Perspective-Taking-MEG-Analysis');
subject = 'Group N=14';
% Compute Grand-averages
cfg = [];
[grandavg_LR_hard] = ft_freqgrandaverage(cfg, grandavgA{:});
[grandavg_LR_easy] = ft_freqgrandaverage(cfg, grandavgB{:});
[grandavg_VO_hard] = ft_freqgrandaverage(cfg, grandavgC{:});
[grandavg_VO_easy] = ft_freqgrandaverage(cfg, grandavgD{:});
% LR-hard>LR-easy ; VO-hard>VO-easy
cfg= [];
cfg.parameter = 'powspctrm';
cfg.operation = 'subtract';
[freqdiff_LR] = ft_math(cfg,grandavg_LR_hard,grandavg_LR_easy);
[freqdiff_VO] = ft_math(cfg,grandavg_VO_hard,grandavg_VO_easy);
% Plot Theta-band (3-6Hz) activity, 0-0.65s, using function plot_tfr_ps_theta
plot_tfr_ps_theta(freqdiff_LR,'pilot Group','LR_hard versus LR_easy')
plot_tfr_ps_theta(freqdiff_VO,'pilot Group','VO_hard versus VO_easy')
(Dependencies: MATLAB, Fieldtrip, plot_tfr_ps_theta.m)