All behavioural data was first extracted from ePrime log files and concatenated into one CSV file. Participant reaction times were then extracted and analysed using the following Python script below.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Robert Seymour
Script to analyse the behavioural output of the perspective taking task.
It requires a CSV file in which all eprime data has been merged and pasted
into the same array.
## Import required variables
import csv
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt;
## Location of CSV files
csvfile = ''
output = [];
## Deliniarate the csv file
with open(csvfile) as f:
for line in f:
cells = line.split( "," )
output.append( ( cells[ : ]) )
participant_list = sorted(['2','4','7','9','10','11','13','14','15','17','19','18','20','21','22','25','8','24'])
## Function to Extract RT info from the CSV file
def extract_RT(participant_list,output,perspective_taking_level, angle):
# - participant_list = list of particpants
# output = CSV file
# perspective_taking_level = 1 or 2
# angle = 60 or 160
# RT_list
RT_list = [[] for x in xrange(len(participant_list))]
# For every participant...
for p in range(0,len((participant_list)),1):
# Iterate through list looking for matching condition
for n in range(1,(len(output)),1):
if output[n][1] == participant_list[p] and output[n][32] == '1' \
and output[n][23] == perspective_taking_level and \
output[n][30] == angle:
# Put RT into the RT array
# Remove RT cases 2SD from the median
twostd_val = np.median(RT_list[p])+2*(np.std(RT_list[p]))
RT_list[p] = [x for x in RT_list[p] if x<twostd_val]
return RT_list
## Extract RT
RT_LR_160 = extract_RT(participant_list,output,'vpt2proc', '160')
RT_LR_60 = extract_RT(participant_list,output,'vpt2proc', '60')
RT_VO_160 = extract_RT(participant_list,output,'vpt1proc', '160')
RT_VO_60 = extract_RT(participant_list,output,'vpt2proc', '60')
## Function to make a boxplot for participantxRT data for each condition
def make_boxplot_1(RT_scores,n,participant_list,title):
plt.boxplot(RT_scores,labels = participant_list,showfliers=False)
plt.xlabel('Partipant Code')
plt.ylabel('Reaction Time (msec)')
## Get medians from each participant
def get_group_data(participant_list,RT_scores):
data_median = []
for nnn in range(0,len((participant_list)),1):
return data_median
data_LR_160_median = get_group_data(participant_list,RT_LR_160)
data_LR_60_median = get_group_data(participant_list,RT_LR_60)
data_VO_160_median = get_group_data(participant_list,RT_VO_160)
data_VO_60_median = get_group_data(participant_list,RT_VO_60)
data = [data_LR_160_median,data_LR_60_median, data_VO_160_median, data_VO_60_median]
## Show Bar-Graph
labels = ('LR_160','LR_60','VO_160','VO_60')
group_medians = [np.median(data[0]),np.median(data[1]),np.median(data[2]),np.median(data[3])]
y_pos = np.arange(len(group_medians))
plt.figure(5), group_medians, align='center', alpha=0.4)
plt.xticks(y_pos, labels)
plt.ylabel('RT (ms)')
plt.title('Group median RTs')
## Beeswarm Plot
plt.rcParams[""] = "arial"
from beeswarm import *
beeswarm([[],data_LR_160_median,data_LR_60_median,data_VO_160_median,data_VO_60_median], method="swarm", labels=["","data_LR_160", "data_LR_60","data_VO_160","data_VO_60"], col=["red","red","red","red","red"])
plt.ylabel('RT (msec)',fontsize = 15)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=15)
bp = plt.boxplot(data,labels = ['LR-160','LR-60','VO-160','VO-60'],showfliers=False)
## change outline color, fill color and linewidth of the boxes
for box in bp['boxes']:
# change outline color
box.set( color='#000000', linewidth=1)
# change fill color
#box.set( facecolor = '#1b9e77' )
## change color and linewidth of the whiskers
for whisker in bp['whiskers']:
whisker.set(color='#000000', linewidth=1)
## change color and linewidth of the caps
for cap in bp['caps']:
cap.set(color='#2d3582', linewidth=1)
## change color and linewidth of the medians
for median in bp['medians']:
median.set(color='#0000FF', linewidth=3)
## change the style of fliers and their fill
for flier in bp['fliers']:
flier.set(marker='o', color='#000000', alpha=0.5)
(Dependencies: Spyder, Beeswarm)
* = significantly different from all other conditions (p<.05)
This boxplot to shows participant’s median reaction time (RT) in milliseconds for the 4 conditions of the perspective taking task. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v21.
As in Kessler & Rutherford (2010) performance in the LR-160 condition was accompanied by significantly longer reaction time (RT) compared with all other experimental conditions.