- Introduction
- Basic usage
- Blade control structures
- Extending Blade
- Themosis directives
- Loop helper
- Poedit
The Blade template engine is bundled with the illuminate/view package. When working with the Themosis framework, you automatically get access to it in order to work out your views.
In order to use the Blade engine, all your view files should use the .blade.php
Previous versions of the Themosis framework used a fork of the Blade engine called Scout. It is now deprecated to use it. For backward compatibility, views using the
file extension are now compiled through the Blade engine. But you'll need to update view statements as{{ }}
double curly braces now escape data causing some layout issues during upgrade.
Here is an example of a basic view, using Blade, stored inside the resources/views
<!-- View stored in resources/views/welcome.blade.php -->
<h1>Hello, {{ $name }}</h1>
<h3>Latest posts</h3>
@foreach($items as $item)
<li>{{ $item->post_title }}</li>
And this view may be returned to the browser like so:
Route::get('home', function ($post, $query) {
$posts = $query->get_posts();
return view('welcome', ['name' => 'Julien', 'items' => $posts]);
In the previous example, we used the @extends
syntax. This function allows you to use layouts:
<!-- Layout stored in resources/views/layouts/main.blade.php -->
<div class="container">
<div class="sidebar">
<p>Sidebar section from the "main" layout file.</p>
This command can include a view file called header.php
or header.blade.php
@include('header', ['title' => 'Documentation'])
Add the @section
and @endsection
statements to overwrite a layout section.
<p>New sidebar content</p>
Add the @@parent
statement in order to keep the content of the parent section defined in the layout view.
<p>Child sidebar content appended to parent's content</p>
Hello {{ $name }}
By default the double curly braces echo the data and escape it.
Hello {!! $name !!}
This is useful when you need to display HTML data like for example a post content.
By default you could write the following statement:
{{ isset($name) ? $name : 'Default' }}
Instead of writing a ternary statement, Blade allows you to use the following convenient short-cut:
{{ $name or 'Default' }}
<p>The value is {{ $value }}.</p>
<p>The value is an array.</p>
<p>Something is wrong, there is no value.</p>
Sometimes it is more readable to use @unless
syntax instead of @if
<p>No editing permission.</p>
The above is the same as:
<p>No editing permission.</p>
@for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
<li>Item {{ $i }}</li>
<p>Show it!</p>
@foreach($items as $key => $value)
<p>This {{ $value }} opens that {{ $key }}.</p>
Check the official documentation for information about the
If you need to display a string that is wrapped in curly braces, you may escape the Blade behavior by prefixing your text with an @
@{{ This is not processed by Scout }}
Check also the verbatim directive for larger text.
{{-- This comment will not be rendered in HTML --}}
Blade allows you to add new compiler statements, called directives by using the directive()
method. The Themosis framework already extends Blade but do not provide a "facade" to access it like in the official documentation.
In order to get the Blade compiler instance, use the following code:
$blade = container('view')->getEngineResolver()->resolve('blade')->getCompiler();
We recommend you to register directives from a service provider. Check the Service provider guide for more information.
Here is an example in order to add a simple directive @menu()
that works as a shortcut to the WordPress function wp_nav_menu()
$blade = container('view')->getEngineResolver()->resolve('blade')->getCompiler();
$blade->directive('menu', function ($expression) {
return '<?php wp_nav_menu('.$expression.'); ?>';
The Themosis framework provides extra directives to help you work with WordPress templates.
The @loop
directive gives you a shortcut to handle the WordPress loop.
In place of typing these statements:
if (have_posts()) {
while (have_posts()) {
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php the_content(); ?>
Simply write this code into your view:
<h1>{{ Loop::title() }}</h1>
{{ Loop::content() }}
The @query
directive provides a shortcut to run custom WordPress loops:
@query(['post_type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => 3])
<h1>{{ Loop::title() }}</h1>
{{ Loop::content() }}
The array you pass inside the @query
statement is equivalent to the one you pass when using the WP_Query
class. Check the WordPress codex to customize your loop query. You can also pass the WP_Query instance to the @query
class used in the examples is a core class to be used only inside the WordPress loop. More informations below.
The @wp_head
directive is a shortcut for `:
The @wp_footer
directive is a shortcut for <?php wp_footer(); ?>
The Loop
helper class provides methods with a simple syntax in order to call WordPress loop functions.
Here is a list of the available methods.
This class only works inside WordPress loop statements. The
class methods always return a result, so use echo statements to output their content.
$id = Loop::id();
<h1>{{ Loop::title() }}</h1>
<em>{{ Loop::author() }}</em>
<em>{{ Loop::authorMeta('email') }}</em>
<article>{{ Loop::content() }}</article>
<aside>{{ Loop::excerpt() }}</aside>
This method accepts two arguments:
- $size: string|array The size of the thumbnail
- $attr: string|array The img tag attributes
{{ Loop::thumbnail('thumbnail') }}
You can also pass a $size
value (string or array) and $icon
boolean value as arguments:
<img src="{{ Loop::thumbnailUrl('thumbnail') }}">
<a href="{{ Loop::link() }}">Read more</a>
@foreach(Loop::category() as $cat)
<li>{{ $cat->name }}</li>
@foreach(Loop::tags() as $tag)
<li>{{ $tag->name }}</li>
Pass the custom taxonomy slug as first argument.
- $taxonomy: string The taxonomy slug.
@foreach(Loop::terms('custom-slug') as $term)
<li>{{ $term->name }}</li>
You can pass a date format string as an argument as well.
<time>{{ Loop::date() }}</time>
The Loop::postClass()
method returns the HTML class
attribute with WordPress generated class terms. You also have the opportunity to add one or more custom classes to the current post or a defined post.
Loop::postClass($class = '', $post_id = null):
- $class: string|array One or more classes to add.
- $post_id: int|WP_Post Given post ID or post object.
Output the post classes:
<article {{ Loop::postClass() }}>
Here is an example of the rendered HTML code with the class attribute:
<article class="post-4 post type-post status-publish hentry">
Note that this function is heavy and may slow your pages if used during the output of a list of posts.
{!! Loop::nextPage() !!}
{!! Loop::previousPage() !!}
{!! Loop::paginate() !!}
By default, Poedit cannot find strings to translate from Blade templates. Here is a list of parameters to add to your Poedit software preferences so it can detect translation strings from your Blade views:
- Open Poedit
- Go to Preferences -> Parsers
- Add a new parser with following settings:
- Language:
- Extension:
*.scout.php, *.blade.php
- Parser command:
xgettext --language=Python --add-comments=TRANSLATORS --force-po -o %o %C %K %F
- An item in keyword list:
- An item in input files list:
- Source code charset:
- Language:
- Click save
In order for this to work, you must have a poedit project correctly setup pointing to the languages
folder of either your theme or custom plugin and define the gettext methods and resources base path. From the catalog preferences, set the sources paths like so:
- Base path:
- Paths:
as well as adding the following gettext methods to the source keywords catalog tab:
and more if needed.