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Static Website with React

Make a static website with React and deploy it with a single command using cdk.

Getting started

Run npm ci to get setup.

Have a look at the React code in ./src. Maybe change the content in App.tsx.

To view your React app locally, run npm start and open the printed URL in a browser.

Once you are happy, deploy your app with npx cdk deploy. If you haven't used the CDK in your account before, you will have bootstrap the account first (typically by running npx cdk bootstrap) and sort out permissions. Please refer to the official AWS CDK documentation to get started.

As part of the deployment, a URL will be displayed. Open it to view your deployed website!

Clean up

Don't forget to tear everything down with npx cdk destroy - otherwise you will incur costs.

Additionally, Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics creates a number of dependent resources that are not automatically removed when you destroy the stack. These are documented in this AWS blog post.

Useful commands

  • npm install start with this
  • npm test perform the jest unit tests
  • npm start serve the website on localhost
  • npx cdk bootstrap setup your AWS environment
  • npx cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • npx cdk destroy destroy this stack to ensure you don't incur any costs
  • npx cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • npx cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template