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94 lines (60 loc) · 2.46 KB

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94 lines (60 loc) · 2.46 KB


  • Patch changes

Fixed Undefined name 'Units' bug

Swedish locale sv contributed by Erik Carlsson


  • Major changes

Unit of time are now in enums. Examples, previously startOf("day") can now be set as startOf(Units.DAY) String escape changes to use square braces []. Examples, previously

Jiffy().format("yyyy 'escaped' yyyy"); and now updated to Jiffy().format("yyyy [escaped] yyyy");

Added Indonsia local id by ampersanda and Turkish local tr by iozozturk


  • Added more string parsing functionality. See below
Jiffy("1995/12/25"); // A calendar date part separated by slash "/"
Jiffy("19951225"); // Basic (short) full date
Jiffy("1995-12-25 12:00:00.000"); // An hour, minute, second, and millisecond time part
Jiffy("1995-12-25T12:00:00.000"); ISO dart format
Jiffy("1995-12-25T12:00:00.000Z"); ISO dart format (UTC)
  • Added support to Polish locale pl added by leszekkrol


  • Minor bug fixes on the following

Bug fix to support startOf and endOf for locales

Bug fix on week getter

By MrCasCode


  • Minor bug fixes on ordinal date formating


Jiffy([2014, 4, 23]).format("EEEE MMMM do, yyyy"); // Wednesday April 23o, 2014


Jiffy([2014, 4, 23]).format("EEEE MMMM do, yyyy"); // Wednesday April 23rd, 2014


  • Ordinal date parsing and formating In Jiffy you can now parse and format with ordinal date. e.g
Jiffy().format("MMM do yyyy"); // Oct 19th 2019
  • It also supports locales for the following

"en", "es", "fr", "frch", "frca", "it", "itch", "ja", "ko", "pt", "ptbr", "zh", "zhcn", "zhhk", "zhtw", "de", "deat", "dech"

  • Added daysInMonth method to get number of days for specific months .e.g
Jiffy([2016, 1]).daysInMonth; // 31
Jiffy([2016, 2]).daysInMonth; // 28
Jiffy([2017, 2]).daysInMonth; // 29


Added params to add and subtract methods by yongjhih Example

Jiffy().add(days: 1);
Jiffy().add(years: 2, months: 1, duration: Duration(days: 1, hours: 30));


Add more functionality to parsing. These are

  • Array parsing Jiffy([2019, 10, 21]);
  • Map parsing Jiffy({"year": 2019, "month": 10});
  • Dart DateTime parsing Jiffy(;
  • String parsing Jiffy("2019-10-21");


  • Initial version, created by Stagehand