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Folders and files

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Hi level solution

DB structure

db strcuture

Service Specification

  • Expectation

    • id
    • parent_id
    • description
    • user_id:
    • role: customer, manager
  • Requirements

    • id
    • description
    • input: Model
    • output: Model
  • Component

    • id
    • parent_id
    • object_type: file, class, function, url
    • value
  • Environment

    • id
    • type: local, remote, vm
    • object_type: file, class, function, url
    • value
  • Implementation

    • id
    • Expectation_id
    • Requirements_id
    • Component_id
    • Environment_id
    • Stage: prototype, local, test, production

Service Implementation

  • Object

    • id
    • parent_id
    • value
    • Type: domain, url, host,
  • Query

    • id
    • input: Statement_id
    • output: view_id

Adapter API

  • Model

    • id
    • object_name: domain, url, host,
    • object_type: file, class, function, url
    • object_format: json, html, yaml, text, string, integer, bool
    • position
  • Statement

    • id
    • SQL
    • URI
    • PARAMS
    • description

How to use?

Build Prototype

  • Preparing specification based on customer expectations
  • Creating Requirements based on customer expectations
  • Creating Component based on Requirements defined based on the customer expectations

Run Prototype

  • SELECT query on Implementation table to get the the list of Components necessary to deploy the code

Customer usage

  • ask for Object through select query
  • INSERT the question to Query
  • as output show the thete through View template