- Get heightmap
- Journeyman's tent/dock/road. Place a tent/dock/road at 6 edges of a map. This is a link to the next adjacent map.
- Allow hexagonal map shape?
- Fill map algorithm
- Create Plants
- Create Animals
- Repeat X times(Stepping through an algorithm many times will give the appearance of randomness and naturalness)
- Sending troops next to it takes them off the present map and moves them to the next adjacent map.
- To move the vision of one map to the next, click on the tent, an option will appear saying "move to next map".
- When a map is referenced, the Engine will search for an existing instance of a map identified by that location, if found, it will be used, otherwise it will be created and saved.
- Any map that is modified from it's original state must be saved in order for changes to persist.
- In the pregame menu, an MMO option will be available.
- In the pregrame screen you can view your existing colonies and select where in the world you want to go.