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New Commands

DeplayGo edited this page Aug 8, 2021 · 5 revisions
AllHackingTools adds new commands for the terminal! All commands below
msdconsole : start AllHackingTools
msdServer  : Check AllHackingTools server
msdc       : start AllHackingTools 
Theme      : Select Termux Theme
Standart   : Select default keys
edit       : Select nano keys

Others commands:

system : View My System
sys    : View My System

Fonts Commands:

figlet -f puffy  AND  toilet -f puffy
figlet -f poison  AND  toilet -f poison
figlet -f avatar   AND  toilet -f avatar
figlet -f modular  AND  toilet -f modular
figlet -f crazy   AND  toilet -f crazy
figlet -f bloody  AND  toilet -f bloody
figlet -f rusto   AND  toilet -f rusto
figlet -f real   AND  toilet -f real
figlet -f pagga  AND  toilet -f pagga
figlet -f block  AND  toilet -f block
  • system desing
  • Mix Tools
  • technical support
  • In a real break-in
  • multi terminal
  • terminal customization
  • selection of editions
  • multifunctional settings
  • fast download i system
  • Automatic
Now when you write the qiq command in the terminal. Many other teams will show you
The main commands should be written without a space, with a drawing, for example: qiq-install
When you write qiq-install, it will write to you Enter module name to install and write the name of the module you want to download, for example: git, python, wget

I tell at once, here qiq commands can be obsolete.

>>> qiq-help      :view more qiq info
>>> qiq-update    :update qiq
>>> qiq-version   :view qiq version
>>> qiq-author    :view qiq author
>>> qiq-install   :install packages
>>> qiq-remove    :remove packages
>>> qiq-reinstall :reinstall packages
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└─┐└┌┘└─┐ │ ├─ │││  │  │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐
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>>> qiq-proces    :view system process
>>> qiq-smalltext :create small logo
>>> qiq-bigtext   :create big logo
>>> qiq-rgb       :create medium colored logo
>>> qiq-rcolor    :create medium rainbow logo
>>> qiq-mysystem  :view my system
>>> qiq-home      :cd to derictory
>>> qiq-usr       :cd to derictory
>>> qiq-bin       :cd to derictory
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┆  ┆┆─┘┆─┘┴─┘ ┆   ┆└┘┴─┘└┴┆  └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘
>>> figlet -f Puffy   :no description
>>> figlet -f Bloody  :no description
>>> figlet -f Poison  :no description
>>> figlet -f Block   :no description
>>> figlet -f Avatar  :no description
>>> figlet -f Crazy   :no description
>>> figlet -f Modular :no description
>>> figlet -f Basic   :no description
>>> figlet -f Rusto   :no description
>>> figlet -f Pagga   :no description
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>>> qiq-AllHackingTools :Install AllHackingTools
>>> qiq-FreeProxy       :Install Free-Proxy
>>> qiq-AdminHack       :Install AdminHack