- As easily and as robustly as possible, convert a standard Windows system to dual boot with Linux without the need for a USB drive or firmware changes.
- Linux to be configured the same as Windows with similar applications.
This is subject to change over time.
- Runs from Windows as exe file
- Written in Powershell and Python
- YAML configured
- Opinionated, limited, non-robust
- Requires: Powershell 1.0, Win 10 64bit, Single OS(win), single disk, C:, EFI
- Installs: Dual boot, Linux Mint 64bit w/Cinnamon
- Auto-Configure basics: user account, locale, lang
- No support: XP/7/8, MBR, Bitlocker, AD, 32bit, LVM
- Run as exe as administrator (ps2exe)
- Add Support: Other Ubuntu variants, Full disk, MBR convertion
- Port config: wifi passwords, locale, Chrome/Firefox settings
- Limited efi backup/restore/revert functionality. before.cfg, after.cfg
- Add support: Windows 7/8, MBR, flexible partitioning, 32 bit Windows, Bitlocker, Full disk
- Choice of several Debian/Ubuntu based distros
- Port settings and apps
- Plugins and flexible configuration to make it easy for others to help
- Buttons to go to web sites for help: google search, ubuntu support
- LVM and/or partition util?
- Desktop icons: efi recover, OS in VM, reboot, browse files
- VirtualBox Linux host runs Windows partition.
- Keyboard layout preseed/import
- Detect accidental Linux MBR install. Fix and/or replace.
- Nvidia options: restrict distro list, install driver, disable nvidia, do nothing.
- Laptop specific packages and settings
- Add useful secondary repos and other common distro tweaks
- Autoupdates checkbox
- Tunic welcome app
checkbox.- Detect SATA mode RAID. Inform user to set to AHCI.
- Troubleshooting screen, if tunic was used before (to completion).
- USB/PXE Tunic. Meant for multiple machines. Can save inputs to USB file for use on subsequent machines.
- OEM Tunic. Useful as initial installed launchpad OS. Wifi required. Pi spin.
- Enterprise Tunic. Uniform PXE/USB installations.
- Distro Tunic. Regular app for specific distro.
- Tunic for MacOS/Linux/RaspPi/ChromeOS.
- Tunic for Android. Similar to Termux.
- Evil Tunic. Auto-install. No user password. iso and exe variants.
- Import apps from Windows to OSS Windows
- Cleanup disk
- Install Linux in a VM
- Full convert from Windows to Linux
- Install existing Linux partition as VM
- Uninstall Linux dual boot
- Install WSL to partition. Boots Ubuntu and chroot to WSL.
- Convert Linux VM to a partition
- Run Linux in file on ntfs/ext4 loopback
- Auto-repair Linux nvram entry. Auto-reboot, if linux was default and last booted OS.
- "Reboot to Linux" shortcut
- EFI/Grub/boot menu restore or repair
- Make persistent USB
- Shrink/Split/merge/move partitions.
- Shrink windows/expand Linux
- Backup/Restore MBR/EFI
- Make Live USB
- Live USB with multiple distros
- Convert Windows Partition to VM and delete from grub/nvram
- Distro hop switcher
- Import settings/apps from Windows to Linux
- Remove Windows
- Install Windows after Linux
- Install Windows into VM
- Install another Linux distro over current.
- Recovery partition/chroot. Non-LVM. Alpine. Grub, LVM tools and scripts.
- Convert to LVM
- Fast EFI boot (fwbootmgr -> efistub w/ ext4,lvm efi drivers)
- Decimate Windows. Delete all except user files. defrag, shrink.
- access WSL from Linux. /mnt/wsl. v1 read only. v2 mount the VM disk.
- "Reboot to Windows" shortcut
- Before start of install, remove custom grub by Tunic.
- Grub timeout. Boot back to windows and remove tunic's grub.
- Windows Task on boot that reinstalls Grub's NVRAM entry, if missing.
- Windows Task on boot that removes custom grub by Tunic.
- NVidia warning. Recommend PopOS. Disable opt-out. Driver package.
- Model/Vendor specific workarounds for various issues.
- Theming/ricing
- Support for: Windows Vista/XP, 32bit w/MBR, MBR
- AD domain login
- Fully remove Windows with option to convert to VM
- Minimal distro default if <=2GB.
- Non-debian distros.
- Distro switcher. Add multiple distros into menu.
- Assist with backup
- Warnings/help for known problematic hardware
- MacOS to Elementary OS
- Install grub from single source (ubuntu 18.04 + grub-for-windows)
- Re-enable swap. fix caption
- Auto-Resume from reboot
- Disable swap without reboot
- Install powershell if not available
- Help with backup/clone
- Vagrant
- Linux host. Possible WSL/Cygwin support.
- Download ISO and place in a cache directory.
- Plugins how-to
- contribute.md
- support
- how to write a ticket: .log file
- Work in branch
- Suggest: ticket first with "thumbs up" from me.
- Follow standards
- .editorconfig
- lint check
- grub syntax checker
- Administrator
- enough space
- 64 bit
- Not on battery
- EFI/GPT/MBR, no secure boot
- Windows 10
- Powershell libs available
- Command line apps available
- Bitlocker
- Compatibility (some day)
- Detect nvidia. Give options with caveats.
- Backup
- Upgrade firmware
- Might brick your machine
- Limited support
- grub.cfg + initrd.lz - Undo installation (up to this point)
- MBR vs EFI
- Test on Windows 7
- Bitlocker
- Secure boot
- VirtualBox in VirtualBox. Nested VBox only supports 32bit OSes
- Download VMs from Microsoft
- Install apps in Windows
- Cache file downloads (option)
- Scenarios: MBR/EFI, Win 7/10
- Scripted.
- Limit phases. Use snapshots for start phase.
- Clean
- Create new parition
- Copy ISO to partition (not including MBR)
- Modify ISO partition to include seed files
- Copy grub files to efi partition
- Reboot to Linux
- If Windows VM, disable ignore flush, enable host cache. https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/4651
- Immediately uninstall tunic grub during start of install
- Disable nouveau