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Domain: Control Flow
Domain: Control Flow
The issue relates to control flow analysis
Domain: Declaration Emit
Domain: Declaration Emit
The issue relates to the emission of d.ts files
Domain: Decorators
Domain: Decorators
The issue relates to the decorator syntax
Domain: Error Messages
Domain: Error Messages
The issue relates to error messaging
Domain: ES Modules
Domain: ES Modules
The issue relates to import/export style module behavior
Domain: Excess Property Checking
Domain: Excess Property Checking
Domain: Formatter
Domain: Formatter
The issue relates to the built-in formatter
Domain: Index Types
Domain: Index Types
Issues with `keyof`
Domain: Indexed Access Types
Domain: Indexed Access Types
The issue relates to accessing subtypes via index access
Domain: Inlay Hints
Domain: Inlay Hints
Domain: Isolated Declarations
Domain: Isolated Declarations
Related to the --isolatedDeclarations compiler flag
Domain: JavaScript
Domain: JavaScript
The issue relates to JavaScript specifically
Domain: JS Emit
Domain: JS Emit
The issue relates to the emission of JavaScript
Domain: JSDoc
Domain: JSDoc
Relates to JSDoc parsing and type generation
Domain: JSX/TSX
Domain: JSX/TSX
Relates to the JSX parser and emitter
Domain: lib.d.ts
Domain: lib.d.ts
The issue relates to the different libraries shipped with TypeScript
Domain: Literal Types
Domain: Literal Types
Unit types including string literal types, numeric literal types, Boolean literals, null, undefined
Domain: Mapped Types
Domain: Mapped Types
The issue relates to mapped types
Domain: Node ESM
Domain: Node ESM
Like ES Modules, but specific to Node.js support (cts, cts, mjs, mts)
Domain: node
Domain: node
Related to node support in some way
Domain: Organize Imports
Domain: Organize Imports
Issues with the organize imports feature
Domain: Outlining
Domain: Outlining
Relates to multi-line regions that editors can collapse
Domain: Performance
Domain: Performance
Reports of unusually slow behavior
Domain: Quick Fixes
Domain: Quick Fixes
Editor-provided fixes, often called code actions.
Domain: Quick Info
Domain: Quick Info
e.g. hover text, tool-tips, and tooltips.
Domain: Refactorings
Domain: Refactorings
e.g. extract to constant or function, rename symbol
Domain: Related Error Spans
Domain: Related Error Spans
Specifying regions for error messages/diagnostics on multiple locations.
Domain: Signature Help
Domain: Signature Help
Information in editor tooltips when invoking a function call
Domain: Smart Indentation
Domain: Smart Indentation
Automatic indenting after a newline (not quite formatter/formatting)
Domain: Smart-Select
Domain: Smart-Select
Range expansion APIs for editors