You need a HTTP server with PHP 5.3.2 or higher. For security reasons it should only be accessable to you and those who need to run tests.
Download or fetch PhpFit from https://github.com/metaclass-nl/phpfit
Extract and/or upload the PhpFit files and folders into a folder on your http server
Download or fetch Fit Shelf from https://github.com/metaclass-nl/fit-shelf
Extract and/or upload the shelf subfolder from the fit_shelf folder to a folder on your HTTP server
Edit the examples/config/config.php file on your server and correct the include paths with respect to the location of phpfit on your server.
If necessary create a file with the name from $fitConfig->output and make it writable for the run-web.php script. If no path it should be situated in the same folder as the run-web.php script.
Enter the url on your http server to index.php from the examples folder in your browser
You should see some hyperlinks to some tests from the book and from PHPFIT. Click one (Fig5TestDiscountVariousTables.html is still under develpment and will cause an errror).
Alternatively you may run run-cli.php on the command line with the test file name as the argument.
Make your own fixtures folder and add it to $fitConfig->nameSpacedMap. Be aware that only one folder will be used per (non)namespace for autoloading. fitshelf\ClassLoader does not support arrays with folder paths (if you want that, use Composer or your own ClassLoader). However, PHPFIT can load unnamespaced fixtures (incuding PEAR style prefixed) from aditional folders if you call PHPFIT_FixtureLoader::addFixturesDirectory or from the include path.
Upload you own Fixture files to your fixtures folder
Eventually make aditional folders for the application classes you want to test and add them to $fitConfig->nameSpacedMap or to the include path.
Eventually upload the application classes.
Make your own input folder and add it to $fitConfig->exampleDirs.
Upload your own tests to your input folder.
Enter the url in your browser to index.php from the examples folder on your http server.
Click on one of your own tests
You may explicitly include_once your own type adapters from anywhere,
or you may add your own type adapters to the src/PHPFIT/TypeAdapters so that the ClassLoader will autoload them,
or you may use Composer, see the fit-skeleton package.
- Install PHPUnit
- if you did not already do so, Edit the examples/config/config.php file in the examples/config folder and perform step 7 from "TO INSTALL AND RUN EXAMPLES" above.
- on the CLI, cd to the tests folder
- run phpunit
(on windows you can choose your PHP version with something like: C:\php551\php.exe C:\xampp\php\phpunit but PEAR with phpunit must be in the include path of the php version used)