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List of tasks that needs to be done

This is a global todo list of this repository which applies to several or all scripts.

For smaller todo's local to specific scripts and files see individual files, you can use workspace
recommended extension todo-tree to navigate TODO, HACK, NOTE and other tags.

Some todo's listed here are duplicate of todo's inside individual scripts, this is intentionally for important todo's to make is easier to tell where to look at while resolving this list.

Todo's in this file are categorized into the following sections:

  1. Recurring Never ending or repeating work
  2. High priority Should be resolved ASAP
  3. Medium priority Important or worth considering
  4. Low priority Not important
  5. Done Already resolved and kept here for reference.

Table of Contents


  1. Modules

    • 3rd party scripts and modules need to be checked for updates or useful changes
    • Search-Installation function is hungry for constant updates and improvements
  2. All scripts

    • Resolving existing and enabling new or disabled PScriptAnalyzer warnings
    • Spellchecking files
    • Move duplicate and global todo's from scripts here into global todo list
  3. Code style and design

    • Limit code to 100-120 column rule where possible.
  4. Release checklist

    • Comment out private exports in (*.psd1) files
    • Run each module individually with -Verbose -Debug -Force and also with Import-Module -Name *.psd1 to ensure expected module load behavior
    • ProjectSettings.ps1 disable variables: Develop, ForceLoad
    • ProjectSettings.ps1 restore variables: TestUser, TestAdmin, DefaultUser, TestDomain
    • ProjectSettings.ps1 verify auto updated variables: ProjectCheck, ModulesCheck, ServicesCheck
    • Increment project version in all places mentioning version: (*.psd1, ProjectSettings, CHANGELOG, scripts, New-PSScriptInfo, templates, PssaTestModule helpinfo and this release checklist)
    • Run PScriptAnalyzer and resolve issues.
    • Confirm Deploy-Firewall.ps1 master script calls all rule scripts
    • Test machine should have 2 standard, 2 administrator and 2 MS accounts of which 1 disabled account, all of which, with different username from host system for best test results.
    • Verify there aren't any hardcoded paths such as C:\dev\GitHub pointing to your root directory
    • Run all tests in both release and develop mode, both Desktop and Core editions
    • Run master script on all target OS editions
    • Revisit and update
    • Revisit and cleanup
    • Update markdown help and help content, run: Update-HelpContent.ps1
    • Verify links to repository are pointing to master except if develop branch is wanted, links should be then tested on master branch with Test-MarkdownLink.ps1. There are 3 kinds of links to check:
    • Run module manifest test
    • Update software and module versions in ProjectSettings.ps1
    • Cleanup repository:
    • git clean -d -x --dry-run git clean -d -x -f
    • git prune --dry-run git prune
    • git repack -d -F
    • Create and publish a new tag:
    • git tag -a v0.16.1 -m "Windows Firewall Ruleset 0.16.1" -s
    • git tag -v v0.16.1
    • git push origin v0.16.1
    • Generate SHA Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path FILENAME
  5. Documentation

    • Updating documentation, comment based help and rule description
    • Cleanup global and script scope TODO list
    • Remove ?view=powershell-7.1 and similar from reference links
  6. Test

    • Test everything on Windows insider channels, hopefully catching up with new OS releases

Table of Contents

High priority

  1. Modules

    • Need to see which functions/commands may throw and setup try catch blocks
    • Revisit parameter validation for functions, specifically acceptance of null or empty
    • Registry drilling for some programs are complex and specific, such as for NVIDIA or OneDrive, in these and similar cases we should return installation table which would be used within rule scripts to get individual paths for target programs.
    • Finish pipeline support, use begin/process/end blocks to make functions work for pipeline as needed, revisit parameter arguments and aliases for this purpose.
    • Some function variables such as ComputerName take an array of values, make sure this functionality actually makes sense, and also for naming consistency for ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName
    • If there is Path parameter then also LiteralPath is required
    • Run Get-Command -Syntax for each function and script to verify parameter set names are as expected
    • Compatibility module takes long time to load, need to add streams to module
    • Functions which make use of remoting should implement parameter sets for Credential and Session to be able to specify either PS session or computername + credential
    • Verbose and Debug preferences are not inherited into Invoke-Command scriptblock, see issue in Config\ProjectSettings, a workaround is needed and also needed to test other preference variables, perhaps Get-CallerPreference script can help.
    • Log files generated in remote session should be saved locally
    • We allow specifying . and localhost for $Domain however it get's translated into NETBIOS name in several places?, . and localhost should be used to avoid going trough network stack. Write-* streams and $PolicyStore should probably be updated and tested for this change as well.
  2. Scripts

    • Auto detect interfaces, ex. to be used with -InterfaceAlias parameter
    • null corectness, in specific cases just if (something) doesn't work as in other languages, ex. $RegKey.GetValue("name") may return 0 or "" which is $false but valid value.
    • Detect if a script was run manually, to be able to reset errors and warning status, or to conditionally run gpuupdate.exe
    • Make it possible to deploy firewall to remote computers
    • For remoting ComputerName parameters are needed, this could be also specified/learned with/from PolicyStore parameter
  3. Rules

    • Paths to fix: visio, project
    • Rules to fix: vcpkg, msys2, internet browser (auto loads)
    • Rules to update: nvidia, sql server, steam, visual studio, office
    • Rule display name, we need some conventional way to name and to name them uniquely for sortability reasons and to make them easy to spot in firewall GUI, -Name and -Group parameter vs -Display*
    • Rules for dropped UDP traffic generated by System
    • Some rule defaults are biased or relaxed for troubleshooting purposes, ex. Edge Chromium SSDP, such rules should be either removed or explicitly blocking
    • Some programs searches assume userprofile, but same program can also be installed system wide.
    • Need better and unified approach to write rule descriptions, because comments must not be formatted, formatting would be visible in GUI.
  4. Test and debugging

    • Use try/catch or something similar in test scripts to avoid writing errors and write information instead, so that Invoke-AllTests.ps1 gets clean output, see Get-SystemSKU test
    • Program search test cases should test for either always installed program or certain failure
    • Unit test should have TestData which can be used to test pipeline support or to reduce the size of unit tests, another benefit is that tests will be easier to update to work on updated data.
    • Some test case outputs will be messed up, ex. some output might be shown prematurely, while other won't be shown until 3-4 more test cases run. For an example, see Get-UserGroup test or Invoke-AllTests.ps1
    • A special unit tests should exist to test pipeline of module functions and scripts if applicable.
  5. Code style and design

    • Revisit functions test for valid implementation of -Confirm, -Force and -WhatIf, Confirm for ShouldProcess, Force for ShouldContinue and WhatIf should not do anything. For test to be valid, a combination of these parameters should be specified.
  6. Partially fixed, need testing and/or improvements

    • Most program query functions return (or could return) multiple program instances, need to select latest or add multiple rules.
    • Finish implementation for rule import/export, including rules without group (user made rules)
    • Revisit function parameters, their types, aliases, names are singular, consistent etc..
  7. Other

    • Need convention for Write-* commandlets, when to use which one, and also convention for quoting and including local variables in the stream, some places are missing streams while others have too many of them. Somewhere the same (ie. debug stream) can be put into 2 places in call stack, which one to chose?
    • Need global setting to allow more detailed warnings, which will list at a minimum function name where the warning was generated, or this additional data could be logged but not displayed.
    • When using PS Core, WinRM configuration will cause ghost consoles to pop up, to dismiss them one needs to minimize them (but not close) manually on taskbar (this is a known PS Core issue)
    • Repository initialization fails when hardware NIC is shared with virtual adapter configured in Virtual switch manager (external switch) when and networking over default switch does not work.
    • Need to test the behavior and errors when deploying on public network.
    • Document needed for VM network configuration, ex. if a computer has 2 adapters where one is used for internet and another is either bridged to VM or switched to VM, (switching won't work with 2 adapters out of the box and needs advanced setup)

Table of Contents

Medium priority

  1. Modules

    • Provide the following keywords in function comments: .COMPONENT .ROLE .FUNCTIONALITY
    • DefaultParameterSetName for functions with parameter sets is missing but might be desired, on another side many functions name default parameter set name to None which isn't descriptive.
    • Revisit function return statements, return keyword or Write-Output should be preferred for visibility
    • VSSetup module is likely no longer needed, changes require testing with multiple VS instances
    • Line numbers for verbose and debug messages
    • Use default error (thrown object) description in catch blocks instead of custom message if possible, see Set-Permission.ps1
    • Functions which use ShouldProcess must not ask for additional input, but use additional ShouldProcess instead.
    • Write-Error will fail if -TargetObject is not set, in cases where this is possible we should supply string instead. See ComputerInfo\Select-IPInterface for example
    • When drilling registry for programs in user profile we need to load hive for offline users into registry, see implementation for OneDrive
    • A few functions (or module) for export/import of configuration into variety of file formats
    • Several module functions and scripts use nested functions, consider converting to either scriptblocks or filters.
    • Test each module function as if module only is used, to make sure it's self sufficient, ex. Initialize-Service function will fail. A major issue to solution is module interdependency and dependency on global variables.
    • Module files (*psm1) could generate hashes for scripts to be dot sourced, and compare result to predefined hashes to ensure scripts were not modified externally, or sign whole module.
    • Each module when imported must work on their own without having to initialize entire repository, for this to test import all modules in clean environment and run individual functions.
    • Log files are messy and not all lines or properties are fully expanded, to fix this likely each individual property needs to be expanded prior to writing file
  2. Scripts

    • "Access is denied" randomly while loading rules, need some check around this, ex. catching the error and ask to rerun the script.
    • Make possible to apply or enable only rules relevant for current firewall profile
    • See if adding #Requires -Modules to scripts will help to remove module inclusions and to auto load variables
    • Make $WhatIfPreference for rules, we should skip everything except rules.
    • Verify Select-Object -Last 1 is used instead of -First 1 to get highest value
    • Rules for services, need to check services are networking services, if not write warning, could be implemented in Test-Service function
    • Parameter HelpMessage for mandatory parameters
    • Rule scripts should have a .LINK section to program and repository.
  3. Rules

    • Some rules are missing description
    • Make rule display names and groups modular for easy search, ex. Group - Subgroup, Company - Program. This can also prove useful for WFP state logs to determine blocking rule.
    • Some rules apply to both IPv4 and IPv6 such as qBittorrent.ps1, for these we should probably group them into Hybrid instead of explicit IPv4 or IPv6 directory which are supposed to be IP version specific rules.
    • Need to verify rule display group to include IPv4 or IPv6 in cases where these rules apply to specific IP version to avoid confusion to which IP these rules apply.
    • We handle mostly client rules and no server rules, same case as with IPv4 vs IPv6 grouping model, we should define a model for server rules (not necessarily Windows Server, workstation PC can also act as a server)
    • Rules for programs (ex. OneDrive in userprofile) which apply to multiple users should assign specific user to -LocalUser instead of assigning user group, there are duplicate todo's accross code about this, this also applies to todo's about returning installation table to rule scripts.
    • If target program does not exist conditionally disable rule and update rule description, insert comment into rule name that the rule has no effect, or write a list into separate log file.
    • Rule scripts with multiple rulesets should implement parameters to specify which rulesets to load. ex. rule script for PowerShell has rules for Core, Desktop and ISE.
  4. Test and debugging

    • Move Ruleset.IP, Ruleset.PolicyFileEditor and Ruleset.Compatibility tests into test directory, clean up directory add Write-* streams
    • Many test cases are local to our environment, other people might get different results
    • There is no test for Get-Permutation in Ruleset.IP
    • Module Ruleset.Compatibility is missing multiple tests
    • Some Pester tests are out of date and don't work well with Pester 5.x
    • A function to detect and confirm file line endings
    • Several unit tests to succeed need local HTTP enabled WinRM server, ex. when using -Domain parameter to contact HTTP enabled WinRM server
  5. Code style and design

    • Indentation doesn't work as expected for pipeline operators, currently using "NoIndentation", also there is no indentation for back ticks.
    • Set code regions where applicable
  6. Documentation

    • Update with a list of incompatible parameters for reference
    • contains missing mappings
    • contains no info about compartments and IPSec setup
    • Universal and quick setup to install all required modules for all hosts and all users.
    • Modules should have a readme inside their root directory pointing to Help subdirectory, see Ruleset.Compatibility for an example, however all language specific files should be inside specific language directory.
  7. Other

    • There are many places where Write-Progress could be useful
    • Need to test using all authentication options

Table of Contents

Low priority

  1. Modules

    • Write-Error streams should be extended to include exception record etc.
    • Write-Error categories should be checked, some are inconsistent with the actual error
    • Some executables won't be found in cases where installed program didn't finish installing it self but is otherwise present on system, examples such as steam, games with launcher, or built in store apps, we can show additional information about the failure in that case.
    • Since the scripts are run as Administrator, we need a way to check who is the actual standard user, to be able to check for required modules in user directory if not installed system wide.
    • Checking local or remote computers will be performed multiple times unnecessarily in call stack slowing down execution.
    • There should be at least 3 .EXAMPLE comments, in the form of:
      PS> Get-Something
      <blank line
      Something output
    • A function or searchable table is needed with a list of executables that don't exist on specific editions of Windows to prevent loading rules for missing programs or services.
    • Modules should have updatable help, and, there is no online version for about module topics
    • Use Module-Qualified Cmdlet Names to avoid name colision
    • Add SHA signature to scripts and modules
    • For completness, specific functions could operate on persistent store firewall, currently some functions are GPO only or not tested for persistent store or other stores
    • Verbose, debug, WhatIf and Confirm when enabled for module will work only for module Write-* streams, to make it work also for built-in commandlets it's needed to specify -Verbose to each, thus suggested design is to make a conditional global variable which will be used to initialize function scope variable, ex how to handle verbose:
    # Initialize function scope variable
    [bool] $VerboseFlag = $PSBoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $VerbosePreference
    $Params = @{ Verbose = $VerboseFlag }
    # Use function scope verbose flag on each built-in commandlet
    New-PSSession @Params
    # TODO: See also Copy-WinModule.ps1 which already implements this although only partially
  2. Scripts

    • Test if already loaded rules are pointing to valid program or service, also functions to query rules which are missing Owner, InterfaceType and similar parameter to easily detect rule weaknesses.
    • Script to scan registry for rules installed by malware or hackers, ex. those not consistent with project rules.
    • Count invalid paths in each script for statistical purposes
    • Measure execution time for each or all scripts.
    • Set-NetFirewallSetting is used, but only with a subset of parameters, other parameters are meaningful only with IPSec
    • Write a set of scripts or a module for network troubleshooting, such as WORKGROUP troubleshooting additionally scripts to generate audit logs and reports.
    • Replace -Tags "TagName" with global variable, more granular tags are needed
    • All streams same convention: (ex. doing something $Variable v$Version instead of doing $Variable $Version), also same convention regarding quotation of variables with '' (single quotes)
    • Write a script to add right click context menus for Windows PowerShell
    • Adjust all scripts according to design in templates
    • First time user warnings and notices should be reduced, ex. handled with code if possible
    • Progress line or percentage in script context for master script
  3. Rules

    • Apply local IP to all rules, as optional feature because it depends if IP is static
    • Many rules are compatible for older system, and can be configured to specify platform for ex. Windows 7 or 8
    • some rules such as Nvidia drivers won't work in virtual machine since driver was not installed or no hardware access
  4. Test and debugging

    • Convert tests to use Pester if possible or separate them into pester tests and "experiment" tests
    • Testing with ISE, different PS hosts and environments
    • Test cases to test templates
    • Some tests are very out of date because rarely useful, ex. TestProjectSettings
    • Almost all tests need more test cases and consistency improvements
    • Function to test consistence of comment based help
  5. Code style and design

    • For variables with no explicitly decalred type, put "Typename" comment above them from Get-TypeName or Get-Member output
    • After ensuring scripts can't run without edition or version check use newer $PSEdition instead of older and longer $PSVersionTable.PSEdition
    • The "homepage:" comment license notice can be omitted from scripts and replaced with .LINK
  6. Documentation

    • Manage GPO does not contain enough documentation
    • Predefined rule list in is out of date
    • Several rule scripts contain duplicate comments, need to try to keep them in one location and and referencing them from other related scripts or single location
    • Markdown documentation should have shorter line width rule than scripts, ex. 80, because not everybody has same monitor width and browsers will auto adjust web page.
  7. Other

    • Test for 32bit powershell and OS, some rules are x64 OS specific, x86 specifics may be missing
    • mTail coloring configuration contains gremlins (bad chars), need to test and deal with them
    • Important Promt's should probably not depend on $InformationPreference
    • See how, could we make use of Plaster for template generation
    • Just like there is PSScriptAnalyzer to analyse code, there is also a need to develop a script or module to analyze code performance.
    • Running the following will make network icon in taskbar show "No Network" if physical NIC is shared with virtual switch, seems like some special rules are missing, see FAQ for manual solution
    ipconfig /release
    ipconfig /renew

Table of Contents


  1. Modules

    • Importing modules from within modules should be imported into global scope
    • Versioning of module should be separate from project versioning
    • Modules are named "AllPlatforms" or "Windows" however they contain platform specific or non platform specific functions, need to revisit naming convention
    • Some functions return multiple return types, how to use [OutputType()]?
    • User canceling operation should be displayed with warning instead of debug stream
    • 3rd party modules should be integrated by separating code and generating new GUID to avoid confusion due to different versioning and new code
    • Need to check if WinRM service is started when contacting computers via CIM
    • 3rd party modules are not consistent with our own modules
    • There are breaks missing for switches all over the place
    • Revisit code and make consistent PSCustomObject properties for all function outputs, consider using formats for custom objects
    • Revisit naming convention for ConvertFrom/ConvertTo it's not clear what is being converted, some other functions also have dubious names
    • Change bool parameters to switch where possible
    • Test-Executable function could optionally check for "VirusTotal" hash
    • It should be possible to optionally deploy firewall for Administrator, ex. on server computer there could be no standard users.
    • For functions which use remoting and call other functions which use remoting there must be well established way whether to specify -CIM switch, so that for localhost -CIM is not used
    • localhost != [System.Environment]::MachineName because localhost needs to resolve with WinRM
    • Need a function to generate a list of files included in module and to perform comparison with manifest FileList entries
  2. Scripts

    • Information output is not enabled for modules and probably other code
    • Use Get-NetConnectionProfile to aks user / set default network profile
    • Take out of deprecated scripts what can be used, remove the rest
    • We should add Scripts directory to PS scripts path in ProjectSettings
    • Specify on which adapters Windows firewall is filtering data, see option in Windows firewall in control panel
    • Apply only rules for installed executables, Confirm-Executable function
    • For individual runs of rule scripts we should call gpupdate.exe
    • Instead of Approve-Execute we should use ShouldProcess or ShouldContinue passing in context variable and setting help if this is possible.
    • Installation variables must be empty in development mode only to be able to force program searches, for release providing a path is needed to prevent "path fixed" info messages
    • Need variables that would avoid prompts and set up firewall with minimum user intervention
    • If there is change in remoting parameters PowerShell needs to be restarted, also running remoting tests requires change in Domain parameter which is currently mutually exclusive with local test cases. This must be avoided so that PS restart is not needed and tests should work.
    • Scripts\Remoting scripts must be part of Ruleset.Initialize module
  3. Rules

    • rules to fix: qbittorrent, Steam
    • Rules for NVIDIA need constant updates, software changes are breaking
    • Allow unicast response to multicast traffic option is there but we have multicast specific rules, so it is a bad desing since we break the builtin feature, also it's not clear what effects does does this option provide.
    • Setting up WORKGROUP doesn't work with this firewall
    • Module functions and rules for OneDrive are partially fixed, needs design improvements
    • Variable to conditionally apply rules for Administrators
    • Need to update the order of rule parameters to be consistent.
    • Store app rules for administrators, probably only those that break important functionalities
  4. Testing and debugging

    • Needed global test variable to set up valid Windows username which is performing tests
    • Some tests fail to run in non "develop" mode due to missing variables
    • A lot of pester tests from Ruleset.IP module require private function export, make sure the rest of a module works fine without these private exports
    • For Write-Debug, $PSBoundParameters.Values check if it's in process block or begin block, make sure wanted parameters are shown, make sure values are visible instead of object name
    • Unit tests for private functions in Ruleset.Firewall module are missing
    • Unit tests for Ruleset.Logging include scripts are missing (no longer clear what this means, it was likely fixed by the way)
    • A function to test for duplicate GUID's in scripts that use them
    • Test script need to test PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1 and each of the rules
  5. Documentation

    • .INPUTS and .OUTPUTS are not well described, these apply only to pipelines
    • Links in markdown files should be handled with reference links instead of inline links with relative paths, this way there is a minimum need to update them, also markdown formatting will be much easier.
    • Several comment based documentation is either missing comments or comments are out of date.
    • Windows 10 is the last major version
  6. Code style and design

    • Separation of comment based keywords so that there is one line between a comment and next keyword
    • Need convention for variable naming, such as Group, Groups or User vs Principal, difference is that one can be expanded property and other could be custom object. Many similar cases for naming.
    • A helper script to recursively invoke PSScriptAnalyzer formatter for entire repository
  7. Other

    • Some cmdlets take encoding parameter, we should probably have a variable to specify encoding
    • HelpUri is valid only when there are no .LINK entries and when there is no help content installed
    • Need document for naming convention breakdown probably with links to best practices, a few similar documents would be great too.
    • Any function that depend on "Users" group will fail if there are no users, just Administrator

Table of Contents