Pallet lets you up- and download files using your browser with a simple interface.
Much easier to (install, configure and) use than a FTP client
Multiple file upload
One-Click-Access allows giving access to users restricted to a specified period of time, without generating user accounts
Optional read-only access
Skinnable Interface, using modified jQuery themes
Simple setup
Compatible to use Pallet managed files and directories with FTP and LAN at the same time
Allowed file type and file size configurable
LDAP support
File transfer can be secured with SSL
Ruby 1.8.6 (
RubyGems 1.3.1 (
Rails 2.3.5 (
Authlogic 2.0.13 (
ruby-net-ldap 0.0.4 (
rubyzip 0.9.1 (gem install rubyzip)
SMTP or a Sendmail server for sending system emails (only if the system should send emails to newly created users or to One-Click-Access recipients)
JavaScript activated in the browser for active usage (creating directories, uploading files, administration)
Flash for multi-file upload
Clone the repository
git clone git://
Copy all config/*.yml.example to config/*.yml
Edit the DB connection configuration in database.yml
Edit the Settings configuration in settings.yml
Copy all config/locales/particular*.yml.example to config/locales/particular/*.yml
Make changes to mail signature, login message and title prefix in config/locales/particular/*.yml
Start the setup script (will create DB, set random forgery protection secret, create admin account)
rake bootstrap RAILS_ENV=production
Start the server
ruby script/server
If you want to use LDAP authentification:
Edit config/auth.yml, set “enable_ldap” to true.
If you want to send automatic One-Click-Access invitation mails via SMTP:
Adjust config/oca_mailer.yml to your needs. Delete config/oca_mailer.yml to use the built-in system mailer.
If you do want to use x-sendfile (Lighttpd/Apache2) in production environment:
Edit config/settings.yml, set “x_sendfile” to false in production scope.
If you want to use the nginx x-accel-redirect in production env: Uncomment the x_accel_redirect line in config/settings.yml in the production scope.
You should have entered login data to create an admin account during setup. If not, please create an admin account now using the rake task:
rake create_admin_user
Open the Pallet system in your browser and enter the login data for the recently created admin user.
The System Preferences page will appear, where you can adjust the default configuration.
Continue with creating your first pallet.
Now you are ready to easily share files with friends or customers.
Copyright © 2010, MESO Web Scapes, Sascha Hanssen ([email protected]) All rights reserved.
Author: MESO Web Scapes (
License: MIT License
Maintainer: Sascha Hanssen <[email protected]>
Sascha Hanssen <[email protected]>
Mathias Wollin <[email protected]>
Markus Seeger <[email protected]>
Copyright © 2010, MESO Web Scapes, Sascha Hanssen ([email protected]) See MIT-LICENSE.txt in this directory.