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This is a general documentation for EECS 448 Pixelland game.

This guide contains information on getting the development and production server up, as well as information about tools used in the process of development and works cited.

Video Demo

Time Estimate

Time estimate and actual accounting of time taken.


Clone this repository

git clone

To start a development server, navigate to the inner eecs-448-project-3 directory and run this command to start a static server (assuming you have python installed):

python -m http.server 8000

Now, navigate to http://localhost:8000 and start hacking away!


Development and Debug Mode

Special booleans DEVELOPMENT and DEBUG are set to true if they are provided in the query string. These values are available in every file and can be used to customize behaviour of views/components. Note, if DEBUG is enabled, DEVELOPMENT is automatically enabled too.

Example usage:

This would default to the rainbowland map. You can select a different map though the map get parameter. For example: https://localhost:8080/?development&map=minecraft

If you don't have python installed, you can use any one of these static web servers

Testing Map Generation

A hidden "test" map is available for testing map generation.

Is is available at this URL: https://localhost:8080/?development&map=test

It allows to adjust map generation parameters and see the result in real time.

Explanation of how to use this map is provided in the Project Demo Video.

Dependency update alerts

Once a month, GitHub's Dependabot checks for out-of-date development dependencies and outdated GitHub Actions and automatically opens Pull Requests for updating dependencies.

Security Scanning

On the 15th and 29th of every month, CodeQL scans all JavaScript files for potential security vulnerabilities and sends immediate alerts if issues are detected.

Detect stale issues

Issues that have been stale for a while are closed automatically on the first of every month

Pre-commit hooks

This project uses hooks, which run code linters and validators before every commit. Instructions for configuring pre-commit hooks can be found in .pre-commit-config.yaml

Besides, pre-commit, you would need to install development dependencies for all hooks to work properly:

npm i  # install development dependencies


Clone this repository

git clone

Configure a reverse proxy (e.x Nginx) that would serve eecs-448-project-3 folder on a public URL and handle the SSL certificate. Have players connect to the public instance to play with each other.

Documentation Generation

Documentation can be auto-generated with the tool Documentation.js. To install documentation.js globally using npm:

npm install -g documentation

The generated documentation files will be found under docs-gen and are compiled to html. This documentation framework follows JSDoc tags - all supported tags and formatting can be found here on JSDoc's website.

To generate new documentation recursively for all files within the eecs-448-project-3 directory, start in the root of the repository and run:

documentation build eecs-448-project-3/** -f html -o documentation/auto-docs-gen

Open docs-gen/index.html in your browser to view the static docs.

Modeling Diagrams, Design Paradigms, Design Patterns, Prototype Architecture, and Requirements Artifacts

Issue Tracking

Use a defect tracking tool to manage software defects in your project.

Github has a robust, flexible, built-in system for creating, tracking, and resolving issues. Any contributor to this project can open an issue, and Github keeps track of all the relevant information in a comment stream within that issue.

Fixed issues:

Backlog of issues:

Code Review Document:

Code Review

Design Pattern

For the third project we decided to follow a factory method style of design pattern. The factory method design pattern consists of a parent class, known as a superclass, and its subclasses, which allow for the alteration of types within the objects created. This provided us with several advantages over some of the other design patterns. First, the factory method is a flexible choice. It allows us to create a superclass from which objects, or products, inherit certain properties of the special factory method. This idea goes hand-in-hand with our component-level design, as many of these objects require similar methods, in spite of their varying types. For example, when creating entities such as allies and foes, these objects may be different types, but down the chain-of-command they inherit alike properties, and they each have access to the same methods as one another. Second, for the continuation of project 3 into project 4, the factory method is incredibly forgiving when expanding the scope of the codebase. This was an important aspect of which design pattern we chose because we knew beforehand we were going to have to make additions to many parts of our codebase for the final part of the project. Returning later and adding additional types of products is quite easy in this design pattern. Lastly, the factory method provides us with some general quality-of-life features which were beneficial to the process of creating our game. We had used this pattern previously when we created Battleship, so it was something that we were all comfortable with. It is also relatively easy to follow the superclass down to the furthest subclass in the chain-of-command. Given the advantages that the factory method design pattern provided us with, we felt like it was the most suitable for our needs.

Design Paradigm

For the final project, we stayed consistent with our Javascript implementation of Battleship and followed a component-level design paradigm. By definition, component-level design is such that you create foundational building blocks for the whole system - building blocks which are "portable, replaceable, and reusable." While our game is written in a functional language (Javascript), we follow this more abstract, component-based design model as it informs extensibility for the future. The basic components of the game (ie, the game grid, the player, the map, and the control mapping) are all clearly defined along with the functionality and their relationships with one another. Down the line, this clear, structured approach can enable us to alter or add on to the functionality of specific components (add more maps, different keys, a two+ player mode, etc) without refactoring large sections of the code base.

Following the component-level design paradigm also gives us the freedom to establish other layers of abstraction. Due to the nature of the game, we designed it such that components would exist under the umbrella of certain " views." If the game is just beginning, the user would be met with a Menu View that makes connections to other neccessary components for that view, such as to the Person component in a character selection screen. If the user is playing the game, then the Canvas View would be rendered and would establish all of the conections to components required for gameplay. Ultimately, the "views" are simply components with our usecase/abstraction built in to their definition. In following the component-level design paradigm, we can do what we consider to be the most logical and fitting method of development for this video game.

Prototype Architecture

As outlined above, using the component-level design paradigm informed the basic client-server software architecture for our game. At its base, our game is simply a web application. The client interacts with the web page using basic inputs (mouse, keyboard), but it does not save the user's world and gameplay data to any form of database server-side. It stricly adheres to a basic client-server architecture, as outlined in the class lecture slides; that is, the communication of the host server and the requesting clients happens over HTTPS. Our project is hosted on Github, and as such Github Pages exists as our web server. Anyone can access this server through a modern web browser and play our game.

In a more granular sense, we can describe our game as following an MVC architecture pattern. MVC stands for "Model-View-Controller," and as the name would suggest, MVC-driven software is primarily built around models (in our case, "components") which house core game functionality and logic. The views are the front-end UI designs that enable user interaction with models - but this user interaction cannot happen without a controller to mediate between the two in a traditional MVC pattern. For our implementation, the views create and handle any necessary objects for that view, and ultimately destroy them. There is no explicit controller to handle communication.

Overall, our software architecture follows standard MVC design patterns as would be expected from a traditional web app, but it molded to fit our needs in making a JavaScript-based video game. Furthermore, we necessarily follow the client-server architecture so that people can reach and play our game.

Deployment Plan

- What are the steps required to deploy your project?
- Who is the potential market?
- What will it cost to deploy it?
- Example costs include
    app store costs
    costs to get your game on XBoxLive
    costs to print disks for distribution
    costs to buy domains
    costs to attend conventions and conference and set up booths

As an indie game development studio, our primary goal is to have our game be accessible, while still turning a profit - a goal that is made easier by the fact that Pixelland was written in Javascript. Our most obvious platform for deployment is on the web; we could initially host the game on some of our team's own server hardware, then as the need arises and cash-flow increases with popularity, it may become feasible to switch over to something more dynamic, like AWS instances. The aforementioned cash-flow would be based around a subscription, pay-for-access model; paying a small monthly fee gives you access to all gameplay features, maps, and updates. Overtime, this cash-flow helps pay our developers, cover hosting costs (including cloud storage for worlds), and enables the growth of Pixelland as a whole.

The creation of Pixelland was inspired by the notion of "undying imagination," and this philosophy just as well informs our approach to marketing Pixelland. We believe that it is a game for all - enjoyment is there to be had regardless of age or aptness to playing video games - it is a world to let your imagination run free. Being playable from a web browser means that it is relatively accessible, regardless of if you run Linux, MacOS, or Windows. The gameplay is straightforward and easy to grasp for anyone. Ultimately, all of these things mean that we have a large potential market to work with; one that exists in a distinctly gray area. We cannot clearly define what our market is because our game is one that is not meant to appeal to any particular group of people. In having no clear, specific market pool, our marketing strategy is forced to be less concrete. Where and how we spend money on spreading word of our game is not clearly defined. As such, we would not be allocating much of our budget to large marketing campaigns; instead, we could generate hype through various social media platforms (ie, Reddit), and use that initial pool of customers as a jumping-off point.

There will be other initial costs to supporting our game's launch: it was already described that we could avoid a high starting cost of hosting by using our own server hardware to support the people who initially want to pay-to-play Pixelland. Using rudimentary estimates of our game's popularity, we can gauge if it is necessary to also set up some elastic AWS instances alongside our own servers. Being cautiously prepared is important, but also can be costly if not done right. Next, a domain (ie. would only represent a small fraction of cost. Google Domains offers that exact domain for just twelve dollars per year. Now, assuming we have money to spare after bearing the initial infrastructure costs, all that is left to do is find people that want to play the game, or platforms on which we can spread the word. It would make sense to release Pixelland around the time that some indie game development conferences are happening - this would enable our team to show off the game and garner support for its release. The associated costs to attending conventions, while non-trivial, is not as considerable as the cost of time spreading news of our newly releasing game to the public. For our team of five, those costs might reach about $1500 dollars per person, considering flight tickets, hotels, convention tickets, etc.

Maintenance Plan

For Project 4, our group created an HTML5 Canvas-based web application titled "Pixelland". To maintain Pixelland over the course of the next year, several costs need to be taken into account.

First and foremost, as previously mentioned, this game is a web application, so it will most likely need to be hosted using a domain, where, according to, web hosting, or shared hosting, costs on average $3.06/month for an entry-level service. Depending on our expected user traffic, we could also opt for a more expensive — though more flexible and secure — option, such as VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting. The advantages for our game to be hosted on a virtual private server are increased reliability, dedicated resources, increased efficiency, and improved performance. These options do come at a price, however, as these services tend to cost $15.47/month, on average, for an entry-level VPS, and can be as expensive as $25.66/month.

Some more costs we would most likely encounter are those that come with producing a mobile application. While our game is currently only available through a browser, we feel as if the transition to a mobile application makes sense for our style of game, as well as our vision for where we would want the direction of this project to go. Without including the cost of developing the mobile application, and solely focusing on the cost it takes to host an app on the Apple App Store, as well as the Google Play Store, the cost over the course of the next year will be $124 without tax. This comes from the yearly payment of $99 to Apple, and a one-time installment fee of $25 to Google. Obviously to continue hosting our application on the App Store would mean a yearly fee of $99, however in regards to the one year frame-of-reference, we would only need to include the single yearly fee. Aforementioned was the oversight of developmental costs, which would most likely greatly increase the cost of our project for two reasons. First, not all of our team members have experience in this field, meaning that there would be a learning curve, and this costs time. Second, as a result of the lack of knowledge, it would most likely be in our best interest to hire entry-level developers to the team, which again would greatly increase the cost of production. For practical purposes, we can make an extremely approximated estimation that we would hire anywhere from 1 - 3 people for this task, making around $10 - $20 an hour, meaning that if the process was to take a total of 100 hours of labor, we could incur costs anywhere from $1000 to $6000. Obviously this isn't the hourly wage of a senior developer, nor is this an accurate representation of what may actually occur; these numbers solely serve as a placeholder. In comparison to other costs we have seen, this would be by far the most costly and would only rise if we further wanted to spread the accessibility of our game.

The final major cost we would encounter would be the cost of hiring additional developers to expand the scope of our project, and not just to implement the mobile application. Pixelland as it stands is currently a framework for a much deeper game, one which we envision to be expanded in terms of both features and functionality. Some of these features include a larger map, a combat system, foreign entities, etc. While our team would be capable of completing these on our own, it would most likely be in our best interest to expand the team to create a better work to cost ratio, especially within a year's time. As previously mentioned, it is quite hard to estimate the amount of people which would need to be hired, as well as the cost for each individual, and there are many factors that we would need to take into account before we actually hired anyone.

Integration Strategy

Throughout the duration of the semester, our team's integration strategy tended to align with the "all-at-once" method, as we tested each individual component before integrating them into what is now our codebase. While it is evident that there are several obvious weaknesses to this strategy, some of which concern the difficulty to find faults and detect major design flaws, the organization of our code, as well as the communication between our teammates, aided in the process of integration. In our web-based application, each component - the map, player, controls, etc. - is clearly defined in both its functionality, as well as its role as a piece of the system. Before we even started working on our project, we created an organizational structure of code which would prove to be quite useful for this process of integration. Much of the work between teammates occurs within these components, and much of the testing for these components within their individual scopes. Once the testing of components is complete, they are inserted to the source code, where additional testing is done to ensure the integration process is working as intended. While this method may not be as strong at detecting design faults or bugs early in the process, we felt it was certainly adequate enough, and we were satisfied with how our process of integration went. In hindsight, it was also quite helpful that we had previous experience with integration from projects which occurred earlier in the year, such as Project 1. Had we performed a similar method to our current one and seen it fail, there is no question that we would have adjusted our integration process, however, for the scope of our project, this is merely a hypothetical.

Generated UML Diagram

We generated a UML diagram using a plugin for the JetBrains Ultimate IDE. The plugin generates class diagrams that follow the latest EMCAScript 6 class standard. We have chosen to omit the field descriptions for each class in order to maintain readability.

UML Diagram

Project Requirements

We've gone with a collection of features approach for our requirements, and they can be found here.

Time Estimate

To aid in estimating our time-estimate, we loosely followed the Lines of Code approach. We had a series of brainstorming meetings where we discussed plans for our project, focusing on potential features. We talked about how difficult these tasks would be, and estimated how long they would take based on their perceived difficulty. This helped us create our general outline for our time estimate, including how many lines of code each section may have. This organized our outline, provided us with a time estimate, and helped us set priorities and divide the work. We were also most comfortable with this method, and even though it has some obvious disadvantages, such as unreliability, it still provided us with a rough approximation of how long the project would take. Similar to how we chose our design pattern, we had also previously used this method, and the results had been satisfactory.

Works Cited

Code References

  • The boilerplate for a starter project was copied from here. Then, it was modified to remove dependency on Next.js, React and Tailwind.CSS
  • Game board is rendered using table elements for the sake of accessibility, but it is styled as a grid, for the sake of convenience. User-agent table styles reset was copied from here (with modifications)
  • Basic OOP implementation of MVC was inspired by Backbone.js (except, we simplified and modernized it)
  • String hashing algorithm copied from here.

Documentation References

Tech stack

  • JavaScript
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Stylelint

Tools Used

Tools used in the process of development

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Vim
  • PyCharm
  • Visual Studio CODE
  • Documentation.js


This code is available under MIT Licence