- mark constructors as const following Dart best practices
- Added PositiveInt and PositiveDouble classes which are final and can't be extended or implemented.
- PositiveNum marked as sealed now
- PositiveNum.create() now is a factory that creates either PositiveInt or PositiveDouble.
- Updated tests, documentation, description, and example
- Small update of the description in pubspec.yaml
- Re-wrote the project description to more informative
- Added 1 more test (to ensure that PositiveNum can be created from a reference with num, int, or double type)
- Refactored tests (use final instead var, use const instead of final, rename elements)
- Fixed typos
- Update project description, Readme, typos in test, text in example
- Refactor/ use destructuring of records
- Verify Github actions complete successfully when code is compiling
- Verify Github actions fail when code is not compiling
- Configure the "publish" workflow to pub.dev
- Add Github Actions
- Skip the 1.0.2 version
- Upload License.
- Update README.md
- Initial version.