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An entirely new way to automate your development workflow.

6 results for "sort:popularity-desc" filtered by Mobile Actions Verified Creator


microsoft image/svg+xml

Android App size difference

By microsoft

Creator verified by GitHub

Compares the size of 2 APKs

132 stars

Trigger Mobile Builds with Appflow

By ionic-team

Creator verified by GitHub

GitHub Action for triggering Appflow builds

46 stars

App Shield protect

By Verimatrix

Creator verified by GitHub

Secure your Android and iOS mobile apps with proven in-app protection including obfuscation, device checks and anti-tamper

37 stars

Genymotion SaaS Action

By Genymobile

Creator verified by GitHub

Launch Android devices on Genymotion SaaS. Run your automation tests (Appium, Espresso and others) on those devices

9 stars

NowSecure: Mobile SBOM

By nowsecure

Creator verified by GitHub

Generate a Mobile SBOM for an application and submit to the Dependency submission API

9 stars

Datadog Upload dSYMs

By DataDog

Creator verified by GitHub

Upload dSYM files to Datadog to symbolicate your crash reports

8 stars

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