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Instant AI code reviews

  • Speed up your code review process
  • Improve your code quality and ensure high quality code
  • Spend less time on reviews
  • Accelerate development velocity

What is Sourcery

Sourcery is an automated code reviewer that will review any pull request in any language to provide instant feedback on the proposed changes.

Every review will include a summary of the changes, high level feedback, and line by line suggestions/comments (where relevant).

Our goal is to provide you with the type of code review you would expect to get from a colleague. We're not there yet, but we're continually working to get our reviews closer to that point.

Privacy & Security

We use OpenAI LLMs for our code reviews. Because of this, we need to send them sections of your code (typically the diff of the PR).

However, none of your code is stored by us or by any third party for more than 30 days, and none of your code is used to train any AI models.

Sourcery screenshot

Pricing and setup

Sourcery logo preview


Instant AI review of individual public and private repos

For personal accounts only

  • Line-by-line reviews of all changes in the pull request
  • Unlimited public and private repositories
$10 / month

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information.

Sourcery is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support contact.