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GitHub Action

Kubernetes Security Config Watch

v1.0.0 Latest version

Kubernetes Security Config Watch

sysdiglabs image/svg+xml sysdig_Vert_Color_Logo_RGB_MED

Kubernetes Security Config Watch

Run security privilege comparison against Kubernetes workloads when a PR is open


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Kubernetes Security Config Watch

uses: sysdiglabs/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in sysdiglabs/k8s-security-configwatch

Choose a version

Kubernetes Security Config Watch

This Git Action run security lint check against Kubernetes workloads in Git workflow (PR open, commit pushed etc.).



Required The source directory for k8s workload yaml. (master branch)


Required The target directory for k8s workload yaml. (PR branch)

Use Cases

  1. Integrate the k8s-security-lint action into the git workflow.
  2. Examine the following security attributes changes in k8s workload YAMLs in a PR:
  • Privileged
  • HostPID
  • HostIPC
  • HostNetwork
  • Capabilities
  • ReadOnlyRootFileSystem
  • RunAsUser (root/nonroot)
  • RunAsGroup (root/nonroot)
  • volume types
  1. Define your own criteria based on the lint result, for example:
  • Send lint report to slack channel if privileged mode is set to true
  • Fail the check on the PR if some host level namespaces are enabled. (hostNetwork etc.)
  • Assign extra reviewers (security architect/engineer) to the PR.

Example Usage in Git workflow

# checkout master branch
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
      ref: master
      path: master
# checkout PR branch
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
      path: candidate
      ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
# pass the yamls directory to k8s-privilege-check git action
- name: Kubernetes Security Lint
  uses: sysdiglabs/[email protected]
    sourceDir: '/master/yamls'
    targetDir: '/candidate/yamls'
# evaluate escalation report
- name: Post Privilege Check
  run: |
    echo ${{ toJSON(steps.k8s_privilege_check.outputs.escalation_report) }}
    # slack
    # or other git action like adding another reviewer



  "total_source_workloads": 2,
  "total_target_workloads": 2,
  "total_source_images": 2,
  "total_target_images": 2,
  "escalation_count": 2,
  "reduction_count": 1,
  "escalations": [
      "name": "nginx",
      "kind": "Pod",
      "namespace": "default",
      "file": "nginx.yaml"
      "name": "my-busybox",
      "kind": "Pod",
      "namespace": "psp-test",
      "file": "busy-box.yaml"
  "reductions": [
      "name": "my-busybox",
      "kind": "Pod",
      "namespace": "psp-test",
      "file": "busy-box.yaml"
  "new_privileged": {
    "status": "Escalated",
    "previous": "false",
    "current": "true",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "nginx",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "default",
        "file": "nginx.yaml",
        "image": "kaizheh/nginx"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "removed_privileged": {
    "status": "Reduced",
    "previous": "true",
    "current": "false",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "my-busybox",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "psp-test",
        "file": "busy-box.yaml",
        "image": "busybox"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "new_hostIPC": {
    "status": "Escalated",
    "previous": "false",
    "current": "true",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "my-busybox",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "psp-test",
        "file": "busy-box.yaml"
        "name": "nginx",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "default",
        "file": "nginx.yaml"
    "workloads_count": 2
  "removed_hostIPC": {
    "status": "Reduced",
    "previous": "true",
    "current": "false",
    "workloads": [],
    "workloads_count": 0
  "new_hostNetwork": {
    "status": "Escalated",
    "previous": "false",
    "current": "true",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "nginx",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "default",
        "file": "nginx.yaml"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "removed_hostNetwork": {
    "status": "Reduced",
    "previous": "true",
    "current": "false",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "my-busybox",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "psp-test",
        "file": "busy-box.yaml"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "new_hostPID": {
    "status": "Escalated",
    "previous": "false",
    "current": "true",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "nginx",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "default",
        "file": "nginx.yaml"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "removed_hostPID": {
    "status": "Reduced",
    "previous": "true",
    "current": "false",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "my-busybox",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "psp-test",
        "file": "busy-box.yaml"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "new_volume_types": {
    "hostPath": {
      "status": "Escalated",
      "previous": "",
      "current": "hostPath",
      "workloads": [
          "name": "nginx",
          "kind": "Pod",
          "namespace": "default",
          "file": "nginx.yaml"
      "workloads_count": 1
  "removed_volume_types": {},
  "new_capabilities": {},
  "reduced_capabilities": {
    "SYS_ADMIN": {
      "status": "Reduced",
      "previous": "SYS_ADMIN",
      "current": "",
      "workloads": [
          "name": "my-busybox",
          "kind": "Pod",
          "namespace": "psp-test",
          "file": "busy-box.yaml",
          "image": "busybox"
      "workloads_count": 1
    "SYS_CHROOT": {
      "status": "Reduced",
      "previous": "SYS_CHROOT",
      "current": "",
      "workloads": [
          "name": "my-busybox",
          "kind": "Pod",
          "namespace": "psp-test",
          "file": "busy-box.yaml",
          "image": "busybox"
      "workloads_count": 1
  "new_run_user_as_root": {
    "status": "Escalated",
    "previous": "non-root",
    "current": "root",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "nginx",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "default",
        "file": "nginx.yaml",
        "image": "kaizheh/nginx"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "removed_run_user_as_root": {
    "status": "Reduced",
    "previous": "root",
    "current": "non-root",
    "workloads": [],
    "workloads_count": 0
  "new_run_group_as_root": {
    "status": "Escalated",
    "previous": "non-root",
    "current": "root",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "nginx",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "default",
        "file": "nginx.yaml",
        "image": "kaizheh/nginx"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "removed_run_group_as_root": {
    "status": "Reduced",
    "previous": "root",
    "current": "non-root",
    "workloads": [],
    "workloads_count": 0
  "new_read_only_root_fs": {
    "status": "Reduced",
    "previous": "false",
    "current": "true",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "my-busybox",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "psp-test",
        "file": "busy-box.yaml",
        "image": "busybox"
    "workloads_count": 1
  "removed_read_only_root_fs": {
    "status": "Escalated",
    "previous": "true",
    "current": "false",
    "workloads": [
        "name": "nginx",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "namespace": "default",
        "file": "nginx.yaml",
        "image": "kaizheh/nginx"
    "workloads_count": 1

The above escalation report is generated in PR