- Bug fixes
- Support for space and @ in search value
- Allow case-insensitive entity search
- Update vulnerable dependencies
- Allow support for
when fetching entities
public class CarEntity extends VehicleEntity
private Integer numberOfDoors;
@Entity(name = "vehicle_entity")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "vehicle_type", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public class VehicleEntity
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private Integer numberOfWheels;
//bean config
SearchKey numberOfDoors = new SearchKey("numberOfDoors", "vehicleEntity.numberOfDoors");
Allow query for collections like q=id:[1_2_30]
// filter where id
in 1,2,30
Support for boolean and enum search with the help of the customization functions
searchKeys.add(new SearchKey("role", Role::valueOf));
searchKeys.add(new SearchKey("human", Boolean::new));
Support for child entity @OneToOne
, @OneToMany
, @ManyToMany
(up to one level deep :( )
public class Item {
List<Passport> passports;
Company company;
public class Passport {
String number;
public class Company {
String name;
public class ApiSearchConfig {
public SearchConfigurer<Item> getSearchKeysForItem() {
return new SearchConfigurer<Item>() {
public List<SearchKey> getSearchKeys() {
List<SearchKey> searchKeys = new ArrayList();
searchKeys.add(new SearchKey("name"));
searchKeys.add(new SearchKey("pno", "passports.number"));
searchKeys.add(new SearchKey("company", "company.name"));
return searchKeys;