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Ext.ux.DatePickerPlus - Enhanced DatePicker Component for ExtJS 3.x / 2.x

Official Repository

Marco "[Lubber]" Wienkoop

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Ext.ux.DatePickerPlus works in all forms: Standalone, as a DateMenu and as a DateField (in this case its the new Ext.ux.form.DateFieldPlus Widget) Main Features:

  • MultiMonth
  • Multiselection with CTRL and SHIFT-Key as usual behaviour
  • Weekend, Holidays and custom CSS days
  • Weeknumber display
  • Localization Support (example Files included)
  • Quicktip support
  • Undo Function of date selection

This small library is especially useful if you want to provide something in one single js file without copying all dependency libraries into it, but still rely on external resources/CDNs, so your single js file stays small and the user does not need to implement or even know what other dependencies are needed to be embedded
So this library is tiny enough to be embedded into your own single-js file library


Implement one script tag after including ExtJs.

<script type="text/javascript" src="ext.ux.datepickerplus-min.js"></script>

If needed, implement appropriate language file afterwards

<script type="text/javascript" src="ext.ux.datepickerplus-lang-de.js"></script>

API Documentation

Config Items

clickRepeaterConfig: (usable when showPrevNextTrigger is true)
Provide some clickRepeaterConfig to the trigger buttons

showPrevNextTrigger: (DateFieldPlus only and not with multiselection)
To display 2 buttons next to the DateFieldPlus to select next/previous day(s)

prevNextTriggerType: (DateFieldPlus only not with multiselection)
values: "m": means +/- month (valid End of month will be considered) any numeric value: means amount of +/- days

defaultValue (DateFieldPlus only)
A String in Dateformat or a DateObject that will be used as initial value when open the picker on an empty datefieldplus

prevNextDaysView: String/Boolean (default "mark")
values: "mark" : selected days will be marked in prev/next months also "nomark" will not be marked and are not selectable false: will hide them, thus are not selectable too Note: When using anything other than "mark", week or monthclick will not select days outside the current month!

styleDisabledDates: Boolean (default false)
To be able to set custom style dates (eventdates/weekends..) on disabled dates also

eventDatesSelectable: Boolean (default false)
To disable event-dates selection if desired (even if the dates are not disabled at all)

disableSingleDateSelection: Boolean (default false)
To force user to use week- or monthselection only

stayInAllowedRange Boolean (default true)
When setting minDate/maxDate, this will prevent to change months outside the allowed daterange (suggested by descheret)

summarizeHeader: Boolean (default false)
To add an optional global header when using multimonth display containing the month range (e.g. january 2008-october 2008)

allowMouseWheel: Boolean (default true)
Self explaining...

multiSelectionDelimiter: String (default ',')
For Datefieldplus and Multiselection only

renderPrevNextButtons: Boolean (default true)
If you want the user not to be able to change the month or force him to use the monthpicker, set this to false

renderPrevNextYearButtons: Boolean (default false)
Display 2 small double-arrow buttons for changing next/previous year

nextYearText: String (default "Next Year (Control+Up)")
Will be displayed as tooltip on NextYear Button (updated locale!)

prevYearText: String (default "Previous Year (Control+Down)")
Will be displayed as tooltip on PrevYear Button (updated locale!)

showActiveDate: Boolean (default false)
Will display the active Date to use keynavigation

shiftSpaceSelect: Boolean (default true)
if set to true (default) and showactivedate is set to true you can select dates on keynavigation by using shift+Space (because the space-key alone will select the today-date) if this is set to false , this behaviour reverses (shift+space selects today, space alone select the date under the shown activedate from keynavigation) Remembery Keynavigation works only when the datepicker has got focus which isnt always the case in some browsers

disableMonthPicker: Boolean (default false)
Self explaining...

disabledLetter: String/Boolean (default false)
Display e.g. a "X" instead of the daynumber if a date is disabled.

strictRangeSelect: Boolean (default false)
Set this to true does only allow multiselection in a range without the possibility to create gaps. Selection by CTRL is still possible, but DatepickerPLus checked, if the selected Day(s) append the existing selection of would produce a gap

displayMask: Number (default 3)
As huge multimonth calendars can take some updating time this will display a mask when the noOfMonth property is higher than the given value in displayMask. Set to false to never display the mask

displayMaskText: String (default "Please wait...")
The Message to be displayed when a mask is shown

defaultEventDatesText: String (default '')
Used if no text-object is given in eventdates

defaultEventDatesCls: String (default 'x-datepickerplus-eventdates')
Used if no cls-object is given in eventdates

allowedDates: Array{Dateobjects}/false (default false)
If this is set with an Array of Dates, only these Dates are available for Selection in the DatepickerPlus, all other dates are automatically disabled

allowedDatesText: String (default '')
Text to display on the disabled Days as quicktip

minDate: Date
Alias for minValue

maxDate: Date
Alias for maxValue

disablePartialUnselect : Boolean/String (default true)
When multiselecting whole months or weeks, already selected days within this week/month will not get unselected anymore. Set this to false, if you want them to get unselected. Note: When the whole set of the month/week are already selected, they get all unselected anyway.

renderOkUndoButtons : Boolean (default true)
If set to false, the OK- and Undo-Buttons will not be rendered on Multiselection Calendars This way any selected Date will be immediatly available in the "selectedDates" Array. If used together with DateMenu or DateFieldPlus you need to click outside the Calendar to make it disappear or press Return (if calendar got focus...) Works only if multiSelection is set to true

renderTodayButton : Boolean (default true)
Whether the Today-Button should be rendered

noOfMonth : Number (default 1)
how many months should be displayed

noOfMonthPerRow: Number (default 3)

fillupRows: Boolean (default true)
to automatically increase month-amount to fit display-matrix of rows/columns

showWeekNumber : Boolean (default true)
to support display of weekNumbers

selectWeekText : String (default "Click to select all days of this week")
Will be displayed when hovering over Weeknumber

selectMonthText : String (default "Click to select all weeks of this month")
Will be displayed when hovering over WeeknumberHeader

weekName : String (default "Wk.")
Text, that appears on the Weeknumber Header

multiSelection : Boolean (default false to act like original datepicker)
Whether Multiselection should be possible or not

multiSelectByCTRL: Boolean (default true)
If set to false, its possible to multiselect the "easy" way (without CTRL) also

selectedDates : Array
Holds an array of dateobjects which have been selected (after clicking the OK-Button, or immediatly, if renderOkUndoButtons is set to false)

preSelectedDates : Array
Holds an array of date-times (getTime()) which have been selected at runtime (before clicking the OK-Button)

nationalHolidays : function(year) (default US Holidays)
Called every year-change to generate holidays with custom CSS

nationalHolidaysCls : String (default to 'x-datepickerplus-nationalholidays')
CSS Class to be applied to holidays

markNationalHolidays : Boolean (default true)
Whether national Holidays should be marked with different CSS

markWeekends : Boolean (default true)
Whether weekends should be marked with different CSS Custom CSS Days can also be used for cycling weekevents like "every friday"

weekendDays : Array (default [6,0] for Saturday and Sunday)
Array of weekdays which are supposed to be weekends

weekendText : String (default '')
Text to be display as Quicktips when hovering over weekends

useQuickTips : Boolean (default true)
To be able to show cellinfos in nice quicktips instead of cell-titles Occurs for disabled/eventdates/weekends/holidays days

pageKeyWarp : Number(default 1)
Extend pageup/pagedown keynav for custom amount of months forward/backward

maxSelectionDays : Boolean (default false for unlimited selection)
To limit the selection of single days to a specific amount

maxSelectionDaysTitle : String (default 'Datepicker')
Window-title of the alert-msg which is disdplayed when trying to select more than the allowed amount of days

maxSelectionDaysText : String (default 'You can only select a maximum amount of %0 days')
Window-Contentext of the alert-msg which is disdplayed when trying to select more than the allowed amount of days (When translating this use %0 as placeholder for the amount of days)

undoText : String (default 'Undo')
Buttontext for the Undo-option

eventdates : function(year)
Returns days which are marked by a specific css class and not as selected

eventDatesRE : RegExp (default null)
Regular Expression to select custom CSS Days (works just like disabledDaysRE)

eventDatesRECls : String (default '')
CSS Class to be used if days are found by eventDatesRE

eventDatesREText : String (default '')
Quicktip Text to be displayed if days are found by eventDatesRE

lastSelectedDate : Number
Contains the last selected Date.. (getTime() value)

tooltip : String/Object (for DateFieldPlus only)
Works exactly like in Buttons-Widget (works on Trigger Button, not field itself to keep invalidText tooltips intact!)

tooltipType : String (for DateFieldPlus only) Works exactly like in Buttons-Widget

usePickerPlus : Boolean (for datemenus only)


onPrevTriggerRelease (DateFieldPlus only not with multiselection)
Fires when the PrevTrigger MouseUp Event occurs (if omitted the usual select-handler will be triggered)

onNextTriggerRelease (DateFieldPlus only not with multiselection)
Fires when the PrevTrigger MouseUp Event occurs (if omitted the usual select-handler will be triggered)

Called with pickerobject, monthnumber (0=january,1=february...) and selectedState (if true, the whole month was selected, if false, it was unselected) Fires only when multiSelection=true and showWeekNumbers=true. Return false to cancel selection.

Called with pickerobject, date (firstdate of clicked week) and selectedState (if true, the whole week was selected, if false, it was unselected) Fires only when multiSelection=true and showWeekNumbers=true. Return false to cancel selection.

Called with pickerobject and current clicked date Fires before a date is clicked. Return false to cancel selection.

Fires before the month will change on mousewheel trigger

Fires before the default ext alertbox will appear when the amount of maxSelectionDays has been reached (return false to cancel the msgbox appearance)

Fires everytime before the year of the first month changes (by monthpicker or prev/next(year)-month buttons

Fires everytime after the year of the first month changes (by monthpicker or prev/next(year)-month buttons

Fires everytime before the first month changes (by monthpicker or prev/next-month buttons

Fires everytime after the first month changes (by monthpicker or prev/next-month buttons

Called with pickerobject, monthnumber (0=january,1=february...) and selectedState (if true, the whole month was selected, if false, it was unselected) Fires only when multiSelection=true and showWeekNumbers=true

Called with pickerobject, date (firstdate of clicked week) and selectedState (if true, the whole week was selected, if false, it was unselected) Fires only when multiSelection=true and showWeekNumbers=true

Called with pickerobject, current clicked date and selectedState (if true, the day was selected, if false, it was unselected) Fires everytime a date is clicked

Fires on undo-button-click on multiSelection


To automatically transform given arrays/or objects to working functions, if not already specified

setAllowedDates(Array{DateObject},update(default true)])
To set an Array of Dates to be available only at runtime and update the picker visually. If update is set to false, the visual update will not happen.

clearSelectedDates([update(default true)])
To delete all selected dates and update the picker visually. If update is set to false, the visual update will not happen.

setSelectedDates(Array/DateObject,update(default true)])
To set one or more Dates and update the picker visually. If update is set to false, the visual update will not happen.

To change both minDate and maxDate at one at runtime

To change the minDate at runtime and immediatly update the rendered DatepickerPlus. You need to specify a valid DateObject

Same with the maxDate
