原文链接: https://www.remnote.io/p/help/document/5Yc6LABs4yJEN6RG5
翻译人:[email protected]
- Your Edit Later Document
- 你的“稍后再编辑”文档
- Note:: Your Edit Later Document is different from your Queue! See the tutorial on Spaced Repetition to learn about your Queue。
- 注意:您的“稍后再编辑”文档,不同于您的复习卡片队列!请参阅教程“间隔重复”来了解你的复习卡片队列。
- Learning is an iterative process. When practicing in your Queue, you' ll find you frequently want to make edits to your Rem . However, doing so on your phone is pretty cumbersome, and you may not want to break your Flow State. Instead, you can quickly add the Rem to a queue of things you want to edit later on.
- 学习是一个卡片反复迭代排队的过程,您会发现经常想要编辑您的RemNote,尤其是当您在您的手机上这么做的时候,是非常繁琐的,这可能会破坏你的工作、学习状态。然而,您可以快速添加Rem到一个队列中(标记起来),以便您以后编辑。
- This queue is called the Edit Later Document . Adding a Rem to this queue makes it show up on the left sidebar above your documents (note that this sidebar isn't visible on the tutorials page)
- 这个队列被称为“稍后再编辑文档”。像这个队列添加Rem会使它显示在文档的左侧边栏上(需要注意的是,在本教程页面上是看不到这个边栏)
- You can add a Rem to this queue in two ways::
- 您可以通过两种方式向此队列中添加Rem::
- When you press either of these buttons, you'll be given an option to make a brief note (to yourself) describing what you want to edit.
- 当您在按下这两个按钮中的任何一个时,您都会有一个选项(给自己)做一个简短的笔记,以便描述你想要编辑的内容。
- By the way when a Rem is in your Edit Later Document, it won't show up in your normal cards Queue by default. If you'd like, you can change this on the settings page.
- 顺便说一句,默认情况下,当一个Rem在你的稍后编辑文中时,它不会出现在你正常复习卡片的队列中。当然了,如果您愿意,您可以在设置页面上更改此设置