原文链接: https://www.remnote.io/p/help/document/YB55vxDNRMPoJ85ME
翻译人:[email protected]
- Hierarchical Search
- Hierarchical Search
- 分层搜索
- RemNote's search functionality allows you to quickly navigate through your document hierarchies all from within the search box. This can be used for Associative Memory-type queries, for exploring related ideas, and for quickly adding new Rem in nested hierarchies (making these hierarchies easier to build).
- RemNote的搜索功能将允许您从搜索框中快速浏览文档层次结构,这个可以用于联想记忆类型的查询,用于探索相关的想法,以及在嵌套的层次结构中(使得这些层次结构更容易构建)快速添加新的Rem。
- Searching Within a Context
- 在上下文中搜索
- Let's say that you know you want to search for a component of a . Here's how to quickly do so:
- 假设您知道要搜索 “Cell”,以下是如何快速做到这一点的步骤:
- Search for Cell
- 搜索 Cell
- Press Tab
- 按下 Tab
- Use the Arrow keys to navigate to your selection
- 使用上下左右箭头来定位导航您的选择
- https://remnote-user-data.s3.amazonaws.com/_8ib_dVEVCWXNXr8qSSlLLdvAgYA4lUl-IrumKLjaxeOE4ox_vNOPfQWDjyJpL_Vs2IkW09SEYZO3CsX_rp0Y2TRoonnPbjiJjHMCU1mfl4BL-C9_DouXQ-m9lSz9TqH
- You can also search multiple times to go into deeper and deeper hierarchies.
- 您还可以多次搜索,以进入更深层次的结构中。
- Here, I type 1) Algorithm , Tab 2) Big O, Tab 3) Log , Enter
- 在这里,我输入 1)Algorithm,按下Tab 2)Big O,按Tab 3) Log,按回车即可。
- https://remnote-user-data.s3.amazonaws.com/Wd4Tfzw8pRP921Q0WTE8ykHMhRKZ4fm6pjrcAMCgYL7R6zd829HKsut7ZZAaPSh9z269A4ob4SzmjtFyRWZxKMDc9_lMo2n9-33EIv2lQxLyErKO-J-qDNBntf0_NoIP
- If you press Shift + Tab , you'll go back up the hierarchy to the parent's context. By using the combination of Tab , the Arrow keys , and Shift + Tab you can quickly navigate your hierarchies within the search box itself.
- 如果您按下 Shift + Tab,您将会返回到父级中。通过使用Tab、上下左右键和Shift+Tab组合,您可以在搜索框本身中快速定位到您需要搜索的层级结构中。
- Making New Rem From Within the Search Box
- 从搜索框中创建新的Rem
- You can also create new Rem directly within the search box. At any point, you can type a search query and press Ctrl + Enter to create a new Rem. If you've pressed Tab to go into somewhere in the hierarchy, the Rem will be created under your current context.
- 您也可以直接在搜索框中创建新的Rem,在任何时候,您都可以输入一个搜索框查询是否存在某个Rem,并且按下Ctrl+Enter 来创建一个新的Rem。如果您已经按下Tab键进入了层次结构中的某个位置,这个Rem将在当前的上下中创建。