Packer templates for building base OpenVZ and Virtuozzo VM boxes.
Download the latest packer and unzip the appropriate directory.
If you're using Homebrew:
$ brew tap homebrew/binary
$ brew install packer
$ git clone
$ packer build virtuozzo-7.0.json
If you want to build only VirtualBox:
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso virtuozzo-7.0.json
The result box will be available in builds/
By default the box virtuozzo-7.0
will be built using the ISO from the latest
released milestone of Virtuozzo 7.0. At this moment it is 7.0-beta1
If you want to build the box virtuozzo-7.0
from the current factory ISO build, you
should override iso_url
and iso_checksum
variables, for example:
$ export VZ_FACTORY_URL= && \
export VZ_FACTORY_CHECKSUM=`curl --silent | grep DVD | awk '{print $1}'`
$ packer build -var "iso_url=${VZ_FACTORY_URL}" -var "iso_checksum=${VZ_FACTORY_CHECKSUM}" virtuozzo-7.0.json
$ vagrant init OpenVZ/Virtuozzo-7
$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox
$ vagrant ssh
This templates was tested using a packer 0.8.1.