double bisection(){
double lo = 0, hi = 1;
while (lo + EPS < hi){
double x = (lo+hi)/2;
if (f(lo) * f(x) <= 0){
hi = x;
} else {
lo = x;
return (lo+hi)/2;
double secant(){
if (f(0)==0) return 0;
for (double x0=0, x1=1; ; ){ // initial guess for x0 and x1
double d = f(x1)*(x1-x0)/(f(x1)-f(x0)); // compute delta
if (Math.abs (d) < EPS) return x1; // the guess is accurate enough
x0 = x1;
x1 = x1 - d;
double fd(double x){ // the derivative of function f
return -p*exp(-x) + q*cos(x) - r*sin(x) + s/(cos(x)*cos(x)) + 2*t*x;
double newton(){
if (f(0)==0) return 0;
for (double x=0.5; ;){ // initial guess x = 0.5
double x1 = x - f(x)/fd(x); // x1 = next guess
if (Math.abs(x1-x) < EPS) return x; // the guess is accurate enough
x = x1;
import java.util.*;
public class P10341 {
public static int p,q,r,s,t,u;
public static double EPS = 1e-7;
public static double f(double x){
return p*Math.exp(-x)+q*Math.sin(x)+r*Math.cos(x)+s*Math.tan(x)+t*x*x+u;
public static double bisection(){
double lo = 0, hi = 1;
while (lo + EPS < hi){
double x = (lo+hi)/2;
if (f(lo) * f(x) <= 0)
hi = x;
lo = x;
return (lo+hi)/2;
public static void main (String args []) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
while (sc.hasNextInt()) {
p = sc.nextInt();q = sc.nextInt();r = sc.nextInt();
s = sc.nextInt();t = sc.nextInt();u = sc.nextInt();
if (f(0) * f(1) > 0)
System.out.println("No solution");
System.out.printf("%.4f\n", bisection());
public static BigInteger sqrt(BigInteger A) {
BigInteger Xo;
BigInteger bit = BigInteger.valueOf(A.bitLength());
Xo = A.shiftRight((bit).shiftRight(1).intValue());
BigInteger X1;
boolean PSN = false; // perfect square number
while(true) {
X1 = (Xo.add(A.divide(Xo))).shiftRight(1);
Xo = X1;
if((Xo.multiply(Xo)).compareTo(A) <= 0)
if (Xo.multiply(Xo).compareTo(A) == 0)
PSN = true;
return Xo;
We can see that at ∆^2y we have same values (the second differences are constant); hence, the tabulated function represents a polynomial of the second degree.
So in this individual case we can use the general formula of the polynomial other than Newton’s formula.
// find dependent variable for given independent variable
// find independent variable for given dependent variable
/* Lagrange */
public static double xToY (double x [], double y [], double xx) {
int i, j , size = x.length;
double sum = 0, term;
for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
term = y[i];
for(j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
if(i != j)
term *= (xx - x [j]) / (x[i] - x[j]);
sum += term;
return sum;
public static double yToX (double x1 [], double y1 [], double yy) {
int i, j, size = x1.length;
double term, sum = 0 ;
for(i = 0; i < size; ++i){
term = x1[i];
for(j = 0; j < size; ++j){
if(i != j)
term *= (yy - y1[j]) / (y1[i] - y1[j]);
sum += term ;
return sum;
/* digit count when n >= 13, not accurate for digit count */
double digits = Math.floor( ( Math.sqrt( ( Math.log10(2) + Math.log10(Math.PI) + Math.log10(n) ) ) ) + (n * Math.log10 (n) - n * Math.log10(Math.E))) + 1;
* gamma function for approximating factorials.
* z only works for 1 <= z <= 142 but also defined for non-integers.
* returns approximation to (z-1)!
* author Roedy Green
/* for answer of n! Ceil the return value */
/* Send it like gamma (double n+1) */
public static double gamma (double z) {
return Math.exp( -z ) * Math.pow( z, z - 0.5 ) * Math.sqrt( 2 * Math.PI ) * ( 1 + 1 / ( 12 * z ) + 1 / ( 288 * z * z ) - 139 / ( 51840 * z * z * z ) - 571 / ( 2488320 * z * z * z * z ));
• In a polynomial equation P(x)= 0, the terms being written in the order of power of x, the number of positive roots cannot exceed the number of changes of sign (+ to - & vice versa) in the coefficients of P(x), and the negative roots cannot exceed the number of changes of sign P(-x). The number of positive and negative roots of the polynomial is either equal to the number of sign differences between consecutive nonzero coefficients, or is less than it by a multiple of 2.
P (x) = x^5 - 3x^3 + 8x – 10 ------------> 3, 1 (+-, -+, +-)
P (-x) = -x^5 + 3x^3 - 8x – 10 ------------> 2, 0 (-+, +-, --)
• If P(x) is continuous in [a, b], then if P(a) & P(b) have opposite signs, there exists an odd number of real roots of the equation P(x) = 0 in (a, b). If P(a) & P(b) have same sign, then there exists no (zero) real root or an even number of real roots in (a, b).