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Keras VanillaNet



Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc Download
VanillaNet5 22.33M 8.46G 224 72.49 vanillanet_5_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 15.52M 5.17G 224 72.49 vanillanet_5_deploy_imagenet.h5
VanillaNet6 56.12M 10.11G 224 76.36 vanillanet_6_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 32.51M 6.00G 224 76.36 vanillanet_6_deploy_imagenet.h5
VanillaNet7 56.67M 11.84G 224 77.98 vanillanet_7_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 32.80M 6.90G 224 77.98 vanillanet_7_deploy_imagenet.h5
VanillaNet8 65.18M 13.50G 224 79.13 vanillanet_8_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 37.10M 7.75G 224 79.13 vanillanet_8_deploy_imagenet.h5
VanillaNet9 73.68M 15.17G 224 79.87 vanillanet_9_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 41.40M 8.59G 224 79.87 vanillanet_9_deploy_imagenet.h5
VanillaNet10 82.19M 16.83G 224 80.57 vanillanet_10_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 45.69M 9.43G 224 80.57 vanillanet_10_deploy_imagenet.h5
VanillaNet11 90.69M 18.49G 224 81.08
- deploy=True 50.00M 10.27G 224 81.08
VanillaNet12 99.20M 20.16G 224 81.55
- deploy=True 54.29M 11.11G 224 81.55
VanillaNet13 107.7M 21.82G 224 82.05
- deploy=True 58.59M 11.96G 224 82.05


from keras_cv_attention_models import vanillanet, test_images

# Will download and load pretrained imagenet weights.
model = vanillanet.VanillaNet5(pretrained="imagenet")
# >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/vanillanet_5_imagenet.h5

# Run prediction
preds = model(model.preprocess_input(
# [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.9908214), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.008346258), ...]

Set deploy=True for a fused model, and keep output same. Evaluation only, not good for training.

from keras_cv_attention_models import vanillanet, test_images
model = vanillanet.VanillaNet5(deploy=True, pretrained="imagenet")
# >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/vanillanet_5_deploy_imagenet.h5

preds = model(model.preprocess_input(
# [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.9908214), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.008346282), ...]

Use dynamic input resolution by set input_shape=(None, None, 3).

from keras_cv_attention_models import vanillanet
model = vanillanet.VanillaNet6(input_shape=(None, None, 3), num_classes=0)
# >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/vanillanet_6_imagenet.h5
# (None, None, None, 4096)

print(model(np.ones([1, 223, 123, 3])).shape)
# (1, 6, 3, 4096)
print(model(np.ones([1, 32, 526, 3])).shape)
# (1, 1, 16, 4096)

Using PyTorch backend by set KECAM_BACKEND='torch' environment variable.

os.environ['KECAM_BACKEND'] = 'torch'

from keras_cv_attention_models import vanillanet, test_images
model = vanillanet.VanillaNet6(deploy=True)
# >>>> Using PyTorch backend
# >>>> Aligned input_shape: [3, 224, 224]
# >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/vanillanet_6_deploy_imagenet.h5

preds = model(model.preprocess_input(
# [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.9729379), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.008538764), ...]

Train and Deploy

  • Currently only works for Tensorflow
  • set_leaky_relu_alpha is introduced in the paper, used for changing activation alpha while training. Say epochs=300, decay_epochs=100, then alpha = (current_epoch / decay_epochs) if current_epoch < decay_epochs else 1.
  • switch_to_deploy is used for converting a custom pretrained model to deploy version. The process is fuse conv bn -> remove leaky_relu with alpha=1 -> fuse 2 sequential conv.
  • Training process could be:
    from keras_cv_attention_models import vanillanet
    """ Create a `deploy=False` model for custom training """
    model = vanillanet.VanillaNet5(deploy=False, pretrained="imagenet")
    print(f"{model.count_params() = }")
    # model.count_params() = 22369712
    # ...
    """ Run some training step with changing leaky_relu alpha """
    decay_epochs = 100
    current_epoch = 10
    model.set_leaky_relu_alpha(alpha=(current_epoch / decay_epochs) if current_epoch < decay_epochs else 1)
    # Or set in actual callbacks
    # on_epoch_end = lambda epoch, logs: model.set_leaky_relu_alpha(alpha=(epoch / decay_epochs) if epoch < decay_epochs else 1)
    # act_learn = keras.callbacks.LambdaCallback(on_epoch_end=on_epoch_end)
    #, callbacks=[..., act_learn])
    # ...
    """ Fuse to deploy model """
    model.set_leaky_relu_alpha(alpha=1)  # This should already set when training reach `decay_epochs`
    tt = model.switch_to_deploy()
    deploy_save_name = + "_deploy.h5"
    """ Further evaluation with deploy=True """
    bb = vanillanet.VanillaNet5(deploy=True, pretrained=deploy_save_name)
    print(f"{bb.count_params() = }")
    # bb.count_params() = 15523304
    print(f"{np.allclose(model(tf.ones([1, 224, 224, 3])), bb(tf.ones([1, 224, 224, 3])), atol=1e-5) = }")
    # np.allclose(model(tf.ones([1, 224, 224, 3])), bb(tf.ones([1, 224, 224, 3])), atol=1e-5) = True

Verification with PyTorch version

""" PyTorch vanillanet_6 """
sys.path.append('../pytorch-image-models/')  # Needs timm
import torch
from models import vanillanet as torch_vanillanet

torch_model = torch_vanillanet.vanillanet_6()
_ = torch_model.eval()
ss = torch.load('vanillanet_6.pth'.format(id), map_location='cpu')

""" Keras VanillaNet6 """
from keras_cv_attention_models import vanillanet
mm = vanillanet.VanillaNet6(pretrained="imagenet", classifier_activation=None)

""" Verification """
inputs = np.random.uniform(size=(1, *mm.input_shape[1:3], 3)).astype("float32")
torch_out = torch_model(torch.from_numpy(inputs).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).detach().numpy()
keras_out = mm(inputs).numpy()
print(f"{np.allclose(torch_out, keras_out, atol=1e-5) = }")
# np.allclose(torch_out, keras_out, atol=1e-5) = True