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lennylxx edited this page Dec 9, 2017 · 15 revisions

As Google described, Google Global Cache (GGC) is an important part of Google CDN, provided by ISP and Google.

Inquire the GGC servers assigned to you at

Pattern of GGC server domains

r?---sn-[isp name]-[loc][x]
  1. [isp name] is the encoded ISP name, conversion rules are same as SN domains, the length varies.
  2. [loc] is the encoded IATA airport code, same conversion rules, the length is 3.
  3. [x] is the encoded number of server group, length is 1 or 2.

See conversion code.

Common GGC server domains conversion result table

| IPv6 Prefix              | ISP NAME           | GGC Serial Number  |
| ------------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------ |
| 2001:660:302a:1::/64     | renater-cdg1       | gxo5uxg-jqbe       |
| 2001:7f8:49:1::/64       | ronix-otp1         | gvopm-vu2e         |
| 2001:f18:113:14::/64     | nctu-tpe2          | oju0-u2xl          |
| 2001:f40:0:5::/64        | timedotcom-kul2    | uphxqvujvh-30al    |
| 2001:1438:0:1006::/64    | versatel-dtm1      | 8xgn5uxa-quhe      |
| 2001:16d8:4:7::/64       | availo-bma1        | 585pav-ch5e        |
| 2001:1900:210a::/64      | lvlt-ewr1          | a8au-xfge          |
| 2001:1900:2200:f::/64    | lvlt-iad4          | a8au-p5qz          |
| 2001:1900:2200:10::/64   | lvlt-bos1          | a8au-cvne          |
| 2001:1900:2200:20::/64   | lvlt-slc1          | a8au-naje          |
| 2001:1900:2200:80::/64   | lvlt-bna1          | a8au-co5e          |
| 2001:1900:229e::/64      | lvlt-lax1          | a8au-a5me          |
| 2001:1a80:100:1c::/64    | qsc-fra1           | 9nj-4g5e           |
| 2001:1bc8:100:1b::/64    | nebula-hel1        | oxc0a5-ixae        |
| 2001:1bd0:1:12::/64      | retelit-mxp1       | gxuxapu-hm2e       |
| 2001:4350:0:12::/64      | ati-tun1           | 5up-u0oe           |
| 2001:4350:2048:12::/64   | ati-tun2           | 5up-u0ol           |
| 2001:4490:3ffc::/64      | bsnl-del2          | cnoa-qxal          |
| 2001:4490:3ffc:1::/64    | bsnl-del1          | cnoa-qxae          |
| 2001:4490:3ffc:4::/64    | bsnl-jai1          | cnoa-w5pe          |
| 2001:4490:3ffc:8003::/64 | bsnl-amd1          | cnoa-5hqe          |
| 2001:4490:3ffd:1::/64    | bsnl-pat1          | cnoa-25ue          |
| 2001:4490:3ffd:8001::/64 | bsnl-maa2          | cnoa-h55l          |
| 2001:4490:3ffe::/64      | bsnl-blr2          | cnoa-cagl          |
| 2001:4490:3ffe:1::/64    | bsnl-blr1          | cnoa-cage          |
| 2001:4490:3ffe:2::/64    | bsnl-blr3          | cnoa-cags          |
| 2001:4498:a:200::/64     | timedotcom-kul1    | uphxqvujvh-30ae    |
| 2001:b000:182:c100::/64  | phinet-tsa1        | 2ipoxu-un5e        |
| 2001:b000:182:c101::/64  | phinet-tsa2        | 2ipoxu-un5l        |
| 2001:b032:2101::/64      | hinet-tsa4         | ipoxu-un5z         |
| 2001:b032:5d00::/64      | hinet-tpe3         | ipoxu-u2xs         |
| 2400:9800:0:f021::/64    | excelcom-cgk1      | xmjxajvh-jb3e      |
| 2400:c700:2000:2::/64    | ideacellular-pnq2  | pqx5jxaa0a5g-2o9l  |
| 2402:9200:18:2::/64      | waia-mel1          | f5p5-hxae          |
| 2403:5000:171:24::/64    | hgc-hkg3           | ibj-i3bs           |
| 2404:8000:10:22::/64     | biznet-cgk1        | cp1oxu-jb3e        |
| 2406:e100:0:1::/64       | ixsforall-mnl1     | pmn4vg5aa-hoae     |
| 2407:0:0:10::/64         | indosat-cgk1       | poqvn5u-jb3e       |
| 2407:0:0:11::/64         | indosat-cgk2       | poqvn5u-jb3l       |
| 2620:4b::/64             | wpgix-ywg1         | f2bpm-tfbe         |
| 2620:11a:a00c::/64       | mice-msp1          | hpjx-hn2e          |
| 2620:11a:a00e::/64       | google-msp1        | bvvbax-hn2e        |
| 2620:11a:a00e:1::/64     | google-msp2        | bvvbax-hn2l        |
| 2806:10a0:cfff:3::/64    | uninet-pbc6        | 0opoxu-2cjd        |
| 2a00:800:1100::/64       | teletwo-vie1       | uxaxufv-8pxe       |
| 2a00:800:1100:1::/64     | teletwo-vie2       | uxaxufv-8pxl       |
| 2a00:ff0:1234:2::/64     | interlan-otp2      | pouxga5o-vu2l      |
| 2a00:1e48:1:b::/64       | transtelecom-ovb1  | ug5onuxaxjvh-v8ce  |

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