- Individualized Indicator for All: Stock-wise Technical Indicator Optimization with Stock Embedding
- Investment Behaviors Can Tell What Inside: Exploring Stock Intrinsic Properties for Stock Trend Prediction
- Exploring Graph Neural Networks for Stock Market Predictions with Rolling Window Analysis
- Temporal Relational Ranking for Stock Prediction
- Incorporating Corporation Relationship via Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Stock Price Prediction
- Knowledge-Driven Event Embedding for Stock Prediction
- Hierarchical Complementary Attention Network for Predicting Stock Price Movements with News
- Stock Movement Prediction from Tweets and Historical Prices
- What You Say and How You Say It Matters: Predicting Financial Risk Using Verbal and Vocal Cues
- Enhancing Stock Movement Prediction with Adversarial Training
- Multi-task Recurrent Neural Networks and Higher-order Markov Random Fields for Stock Price Movement Prediction
- Stock Price Prediction via Discovering Multi-Frequency Trading Patterns
The following table is from Applications of deep learning in stock market prediction: recent progress(Table 14: List of articles with public code links.)
Method | Link |
Articial neural networks (ANN), decision trees(DT), and support vector machines (SVM) in R | https://github.com/binweng/ShinyStock |
State frequency memory (SFM) recurrent network | https://github.com/z331565360/State-Frequency-Memory-stock-prediction |
Hybrid attention network (HAN) | https://github.com/gkeng/Listening-to-Chaotic-Whishpers--Code |
A deep generative model named Stock-Net | https://github.com/yumoxu/stocknet-code |
Adversarial attentive LSTM | https://github.com/fulifeng/Adv-ALSTM |
Relational stock ranking (RSR) | https://github.com/fulifeng/Temporal_Relational_Stock_Ranking |
Hierarchical graph attention network (HATS) | https://github.com/dmis-lab/hats |
Deep Q-Network | https://github.com/lee-jinho/DQN-global-stock-market-prediction/ |
- The Econometrics of Financial Markets
- Advances in Financial Machine Learning
- Financial Decisions and Markets: A Course in Asset Pricing
- Tushare: 一个免费、开源的python财经数据接口包。
- stocknet-dataset: A comprehensive dataset for stock movement prediction from tweets and historical stock prices.
- EarningsCall_Dataset: The earnings conference call dataset of S&P 500 companies
- 新浪财经A股个股新闻数据: 新浪财经网全部A股的个股新闻数据;时间范围:2015-11-01 至2018-01-12;
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