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feat: migrate bv_decide to a configuration elaborator
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hargoniX committed Nov 8, 2024
1 parent 9b167e2 commit 2a0d787
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Showing 14 changed files with 86 additions and 106 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/External.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ def satQuery (solverPath : System.FilePath) (problemPath : System.FilePath) (pro
match out? with
| .timeout =>
let mut err := "The SAT solver timed out while solving the problem.\n"
err := err ++ "Consider increasing the timeout with `set_option sat.timeout <sec>`.\n"
err := err ++ "If solving your problem relies inherently on using associativity or commutativity, consider enabling the `bv.ac_nf` option."
err := err ++ "Consider increasing the timeout with the `timeout` config option.\n"
err := err ++ "If solving your problem relies inherently on using associativity or commutativity, consider enabling the `acNf` config option."
throwError err
| .success { exitCode := exitCode, stdout := stdout, stderr := stderr} =>
if exitCode == 255 then
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26 changes: 2 additions & 24 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/Frontend/Attr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Authors: Kim Morrison, Henrik Böving
import Lean.Util.Trace
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Simp
import Std.Tactic.BVDecide.Syntax

Provides environment extensions around the `bv_decide` tactic frontends.
Expand All @@ -32,30 +33,7 @@ register_builtin_option sat.solver : String := {
to use the one that ships with Lean."

register_builtin_option sat.timeout : Nat := {
defValue := 10
descr := "the number of seconds that the sat solver is run before aborting"

register_builtin_option sat.trimProofs : Bool := {
defValue := true
descr := "Whether to run the trimming algorithm on LRAT proofs"

register_builtin_option sat.binaryProofs : Bool := {
defValue := true
descr := "Whether to use the binary LRAT proof format. Currently set to false and ignored on Windows due to a bug in CaDiCal."

register_builtin_option : Bool := {
defValue := false
descr := "Output the AIG of bv_decide as graphviz into a file called aig.gv in the working directory of the Lean process."

register_builtin_option bv.ac_nf : Bool := {
defValue := false
descr := "Canonicalize with respect to associativity and commutativitiy."
declare_config_elab elabBVDecideConfig Lean.Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.Frontend.BVDecideConfig

builtin_initialize bvNormalizeExt : Meta.SimpExtension ←
Meta.registerSimpAttr `bv_normalize "simp theorems used by bv_normalize"
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25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/Frontend/BVCheck.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,22 +28,22 @@ def getSrcDir : TermElabM System.FilePath := do
| throwError "cannot compute parent directory of '{srcPath}'"
return srcDir

def mkContext (lratPath : System.FilePath) : TermElabM TacticContext := do
def mkContext (lratPath : System.FilePath) (cfg : BVDecideConfig) : TermElabM TacticContext := do
let lratPath := (← getSrcDir) / lratPath lratPath lratPath cfg

Prepare an `Expr` that proves `bvExpr.unsat` using `ofReduceBool`.
def lratChecker (cfg : TacticContext) (bvExpr : BVLogicalExpr) : MetaM Expr := do
let cert ← LratCert.ofFile cfg.lratPath cfg.trimProofs
cert.toReflectionProof cfg bvExpr ``verifyBVExpr ``unsat_of_verifyBVExpr_eq_true
def lratChecker (ctx : TacticContext) (bvExpr : BVLogicalExpr) : MetaM Expr := do
let cert ← LratCert.ofFile ctx.lratPath ctx.config.trimProofs
cert.toReflectionProof ctx bvExpr ``verifyBVExpr ``unsat_of_verifyBVExpr_eq_true

@[inherit_doc Lean.Parser.Tactic.bvCheck]
def bvCheck (g : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) : MetaM Unit := do
def bvCheck (g : MVarId) (ctx : TacticContext) : MetaM Unit := do
let unsatProver : UnsatProver := fun _ reflectionResult _ => do
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Preparing LRAT reflection term") do
let proof ← lratChecker cfg reflectionResult.bvExpr
let proof ← lratChecker ctx reflectionResult.bvExpr
return .ok ⟨proof, ""
let _ ← closeWithBVReflection g unsatProver
return ()
Expand All @@ -52,14 +52,15 @@ def bvCheck (g : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) : MetaM Unit := do
open Lean.Meta.Tactic in
@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.bvCheck]
def evalBvCheck : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| bv_check%$tk $path:str) => do
let cfg ← BVDecide.Frontend.BVCheck.mkContext path.getString
| `(tactic| bv_check%$tk $cfgStx:optConfig $path:str) => do
let cfg ← elabBVDecideConfig cfgStx
let ctx ← BVDecide.Frontend.BVCheck.mkContext path.getString cfg
liftMetaFinishingTactic fun g => do
let g'? ← Normalize.bvNormalize g
let g'? ← Normalize.bvNormalize g cfg
match g'? with
| some g' => bvCheck g' cfg
| some g' => bvCheck g' ctx
| none =>
let bvNormalizeStx ← `(tactic| bv_normalize)
let bvNormalizeStx ← `(tactic| bv_normalize $cfgStx)
logWarning m!"This goal can be closed by only applying bv_normalize, no need to keep the LRAT proof around."
TryThis.addSuggestion tk bvNormalizeStx (origSpan? := ← getRef)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
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27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/Frontend/BVDecide.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ def explainCounterExampleQuality (counterExample : CounterExample) : MetaM Messa
err := err ++ m!"Consider the following assignment:\n"
return err

def lratBitblaster (goal : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) (reflectionResult : ReflectionResult)
def lratBitblaster (goal : MVarId) (ctx : TacticContext) (reflectionResult : ReflectionResult)
(atomsAssignment : Std.HashMap Nat (Nat × Expr × Bool)) :
MetaM (Except CounterExample UnsatProver.Result) := do
let bvExpr := reflectionResult.bvExpr
Expand All @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def lratBitblaster (goal : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) (reflectionResult : Ref
let aigSize :=
trace[] s!"AIG has {aigSize} nodes."

if cfg.graphviz then
if ctx.config.graphviz then
IO.FS.writeFile ("." / "aig.gv") <| AIG.toGraphviz entry

let (cnf, map) ←
Expand All @@ -211,12 +211,12 @@ def lratBitblaster (goal : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) (reflectionResult : Ref

let res ←
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Obtaining external proof certificate") do
runExternal cnf cfg.solver cfg.lratPath cfg.trimProofs cfg.timeout cfg.binaryProofs
runExternal cnf ctx.solver ctx.lratPath ctx.config.trimProofs ctx.config.timeout ctx.config.binaryProofs

match res with
| .ok cert =>
trace[Meta.Tactic.sat] "SAT solver found a proof."
let proof ← cert.toReflectionProof cfg bvExpr ``verifyBVExpr ``unsat_of_verifyBVExpr_eq_true
let proof ← cert.toReflectionProof ctx bvExpr ``verifyBVExpr ``unsat_of_verifyBVExpr_eq_true
return .ok ⟨proof, cert⟩
| .error assignment =>
trace[Meta.Tactic.sat] "SAT solver found a counter example."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,10 +267,10 @@ def closeWithBVReflection (g : MVarId) (unsatProver : UnsatProver) :
return .ok cert
| .error counterExample => return .error counterExample

def bvUnsat (g : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) : MetaM (Except CounterExample LratCert) := do
def bvUnsat (g : MVarId) (ctx : TacticContext) : MetaM (Except CounterExample LratCert) := do
let unsatProver : UnsatProver := fun g reflectionResult atomsAssignment => do
withTraceNode `bv (fun _ => return "Preparing LRAT reflection term") do
lratBitblaster g cfg reflectionResult atomsAssignment
lratBitblaster g ctx reflectionResult atomsAssignment
closeWithBVReflection g unsatProver

Expand All @@ -287,18 +287,18 @@ structure Result where
Try to close `g` using a bitblaster. Return either a `CounterExample` if one is found or a `Result`
if `g` is proven.
def bvDecide' (g : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) : MetaM (Except CounterExample Result) := do
let g? ← Normalize.bvNormalize g
def bvDecide' (g : MVarId) (ctx : TacticContext) : MetaM (Except CounterExample Result) := do
let g? ← Normalize.bvNormalize g ctx.config
let some g := g? | return .ok ⟨none⟩
match ← bvUnsat g cfg with
match ← bvUnsat g ctx with
| .ok lratCert => return .ok ⟨some lratCert⟩
| .error counterExample => return .error counterExample

Call `bvDecide'` and throw a pretty error if a counter example ends up being produced.
def bvDecide (g : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) : MetaM Result := do
match ← bvDecide' g cfg with
def bvDecide (g : MVarId) (ctx : TacticContext) : MetaM Result := do
match ← bvDecide' g ctx with
| .ok result => return result
| .error counterExample =>
counterExample.goal.withContext do
Expand All @@ -309,9 +309,10 @@ def bvDecide (g : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) : MetaM Result := do

@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.bvDecide]
def evalBvTrace : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| bv_decide) => do
| `(tactic| bv_decide $cfg:optConfig) => do
let cfg ← elabBVDecideConfig cfg
IO.FS.withTempFile fun _ lratFile => do
let cfg ← lratFile
let cfg ← lratFile cfg
liftMetaFinishingTactic fun g => do
discard <| bvDecide g cfg
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/Frontend/BVTrace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,12 +34,13 @@ open Lean.Meta.Tactic in
open Lean.Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.LRAT in
@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.bvTrace]
def evalBvTrace : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| bv_decide?%$tk) => do
| `(tactic| bv_decide?%$tk $cfgStx:optConfig) => do
let cfg := { (← elabBVDecideConfig cfgStx) with trimProofs := false }
let lratFile : System.FilePath ← BVTrace.getLratFileName
let cfg := { (← BVCheck.mkContext lratFile) with trimProofs := false }
let ctx ← BVCheck.mkContext lratFile cfg
let g ← getMainGoal
let trace ← g.withContext do
bvDecide g cfg
bvDecide g ctx
Ideally trace.lratCert would be the `ByteArray` version of the proof already and we just write
it. This isn't yet possible so instead we do the following:
Expand All @@ -57,12 +58,12 @@ def evalBvTrace : Tactic := fun
let normalizeStx ← `(tactic| bv_normalize)
TryThis.addSuggestion tk normalizeStx (origSpan? := ← getRef)
| some .. =>
if sat.trimProofs.get (← getOptions) then
if ctx.config.trimProofs then
let lratPath := (← BVCheck.getSrcDir) / lratFile
let proof ← loadLRATProof lratPath
let trimmed ← IO.ofExcept <| trim proof
dumpLRATProof lratPath trimmed cfg.binaryProofs
let bvCheckStx ← `(tactic| bv_check $(quote lratFile.toString))
let bvCheckStx ← `(tactic| bv_check $cfgStx:optConfig $(quote lratFile.toString))
TryThis.addSuggestion tk bvCheckStx (origSpan? := ← getRef)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

Expand Down
23 changes: 4 additions & 19 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/Frontend/LRAT.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,37 +30,22 @@ structure TacticContext where
reflectionDef : Name
solver : System.FilePath
lratPath : System.FilePath
graphviz : Bool
timeout : Nat
trimProofs : Bool
binaryProofs : Bool
config : BVDecideConfig

def (lratPath : System.FilePath) : Lean.Elab.TermElabM TacticContext := do
def (lratPath : System.FilePath) (config : BVDecideConfig) :
Lean.Elab.TermElabM TacticContext := do
let exprDef ← Lean.Elab.Term.mkAuxName `_expr_def
let certDef ← Lean.Elab.Term.mkAuxName `_cert_def
let reflectionDef ← Lean.Elab.Term.mkAuxName `_reflection_def
let opts ← getOptions
let solver ← determineSolver
trace[Meta.Tactic.sat] m!"Using SAT solver at '{solver}'"
let timeout := sat.timeout.get opts
let graphviz := opts
let trimProofs := sat.trimProofs.get opts
let binaryProofs :=
-- Account for:
if System.Platform.isWindows then
sat.binaryProofs.get opts
return {
determineSolver : Lean.Elab.TermElabM System.FilePath := do
Expand Down
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/Frontend/Normalize.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,30 +224,29 @@ The normalization passes used by `bv_normalize` and thus `bv_decide`.
def defaultPipeline : List Pass := [rewriteRulesPass, embeddedConstraintPass]

def passPipeline : MetaM (List Pass) := do
let opts ← getOptions

def passPipeline (cfg : BVDecideConfig) : List Pass := do
let mut passPipeline := defaultPipeline

if bv.ac_nf.get opts then
if cfg.acNf then
passPipeline := passPipeline ++ [acNormalizePass]

return passPipeline

end Pass

def bvNormalize (g : MVarId) : MetaM (Option MVarId) := do
def bvNormalize (g : MVarId) (cfg : BVDecideConfig) : MetaM (Option MVarId) := do
withTraceNode `bv (fun _ => return "Normalizing goal") do
-- Contradiction proof
let some g ← g.falseOrByContra | return none
trace[] m!"Running preprocessing pipeline on:\n{g}"
Pass.fixpointPipeline (Pass.passPipeline) g
Pass.fixpointPipeline (Pass.passPipeline cfg) g

@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.bvNormalize]
def evalBVNormalize : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| bv_normalize) => do
| `(tactic| bv_normalize $cfg:optConfig) => do
let cfg ← elabBVDecideConfig cfg
let g ← getMainGoal
match ← bvNormalize g with
match ← bvNormalize g cfg with
| some newGoal => replaceMainGoal [newGoal]
| none => replaceMainGoal []
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
Expand Down
36 changes: 32 additions & 4 deletions src/Std/Tactic/BVDecide/Syntax.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,34 @@ import Init.Simproc

set_option linter.missingDocs true -- keep it documented

namespace Lean.Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.Frontend

The configuration options for `bv_decide`.
structure BVDecideConfig where
/-- The number of seconds that the SAT solver is run before aborting. -/
timeout : Nat := 10
/-- Whether to run the trimming algorithm on LRAT proofs. -/
trimProofs : Bool := true
Whether to use the binary LRAT proof format.
Currently set to false and ignored on Windows due to a bug in CaDiCal.
binaryProofs : Bool := true
Canonicalize with respect to associativity and commutativitiy.
acNf : Bool := false
Output the AIG of bv_decide as graphviz into a file called aig.gv in the working directory of the
Lean process.
graphviz : Bool := false

end Lean.Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.Frontend

namespace Lean.Parser

namespace Tactic
Expand All @@ -21,7 +49,7 @@ current Lean file:
bv_check "proof.lrat"
syntax (name := bvCheck) "bv_check " str : tactic
syntax (name := bvCheck) "bv_check " optConfig str : tactic

Close fixed-width `BitVec` and `Bool` goals by obtaining a proof from an external SAT solver and
Expand All @@ -48,19 +76,19 @@ the `bv.ac_nf` option.
Note: `bv_decide` uses `ofReduceBool` and thus trusts the correctness of the code generator.
syntax (name := bvDecide) "bv_decide" : tactic
syntax (name := bvDecide) "bv_decide" optConfig : tactic

Suggest a proof script for a `bv_decide` tactic call. Useful for caching LRAT proofs.
syntax (name := bvTrace) "bv_decide?" : tactic
syntax (name := bvTrace) "bv_decide?" optConfig : tactic

Run the normalization procedure of `bv_decide` only. Sometimes this is enough to solve basic
`BitVec` goals already.
syntax (name := bvNormalize) "bv_normalize" : tactic
syntax (name := bvNormalize) "bv_normalize" optConfig : tactic

end Tactic

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions tests/lean/run/bv_arith.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ import Std.Tactic.BVDecide

open BitVec

set_option bv.ac_nf false

theorem arith_unit_1 (x y : BitVec 64) : x + y = y + x := by

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions tests/lean/run/bv_axiom_check.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ import Std.Tactic.BVDecide

open BitVec

set_option bv.ac_nf false

theorem bv_axiomCheck (x y : BitVec 1) : x + y = y + x := by

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions tests/lean/run/bv_bitwise.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ import Std.Tactic.BVDecide

open BitVec

set_option bv.ac_nf false

theorem bitwise_unit_1 {x y : BitVec 64} : ~~~(x &&& y) = (~~~x ||| ~~~y) := by

Expand Down

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